Architects:Terra e Tuma Arquitetos Associados
Area :657 ft²
Year :2018
Photographs :Pedro Kok
Lead Architects :Danilo Terra, Fernanda Sakano, Juliana Terra e Pedro Tuma
Landscaping : Gabriella Ornaghi e Bianca Vasone Arquitetura da Paisagem
Mud Walls : Terra Compacta
City : Guararema
Country : Brazil
The house is located in the rural area of Guararema. The lot, on the banks of the Paraíba do Sul River, has 20,845 m², of which 15,000 m² are destined for the permanent preservation area.
The building has 60 m² and is located on the highest part of the land. The main openings face east and west and allow viewing the native forest and riparian forest, the dawn, and dusk, respectively. The central span accommodates the living room and kitchen and integrates with the external area, becoming a single space, a large balcony. The closedblocks, with more moderate openings, has the bedrooms, bathroom, service area, and storage.
The building reproduces a typology of rural housing called culata yovai [1], which consists of “[...] a construction with two opposed closed blocks, with a space between them covered and hollow. Enclosed areas can house both bedrooms, a living room, a storage room, or, in the most recent configurations, the kitchen. The central space has a varied and flexible use, both for work and for living, being a meeting place and a place of passage, constituting a transition either between a “room” and another or between one side and the other of the external areas” (BAROSSI, 2005, v. 2, p. 4)
Writing adopted by Antonio Carlos Barossi in his doctoral thesis. This typology is used “in particular in Paraguay, where it isconsidered a typical solution for the country, and where reminiscences can be found even in the urban area, it is also reportedin Bolivia, northern Argentina and southwestern Brazil” (BAROSSI, 2005, v. 2, p. 3)