发布时间:2022-12-12 07:11:54 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

AGORA项目是一系列翻新工程的基石,旨在为法国国立阿尔福兽医学校 (EnvA) 的校园提供最先进的教学和研究条件。这个标志性的位于Maisonnais地区的教学场地,占地近10公顷,被列入历史古迹附加名录,且就在不久前庆祝了250周年诞辰。新建筑翻开了学校享有盛誉的历史新篇章。

The AGORA project is the cornerstone of a series of renovations to provide the National Veterinary School of Alfort (École Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort – EnvA) campus with state-of-the-art teaching and research tools. This iconic training facility in the Maisonnais region, covering nearly 10 hectares, is listed in the supplementary register of historical monuments and has just celebrated its 250th anniversary. The new facility opens a new chapter in the prestigious history of the school.

▼北侧主入口,north entrance

AGORA项目(面积为4500平方米)取代了建于1920年代末的Brion大楼,其功能和位置双双占据了场地的中心位置。作为第一家以门诊方式治疗家畜的医院,Brion大楼在历史层面可追溯到1928年的装饰艺术建筑。经过仔细地分析和研究, 现有入口立面的许多细节都得到了保留,并完美地融入了周围建筑的序列和整体校园之中。

Built on the site of the Brion building dating from the late 1920s, the AGORA project (with a surface area of 4,500 m²) occupies a central location on the site, not only because of its programme but also because of its location. As the first hospital to treat domestic animals on an outpatient basis, the heritage aspects of the Brion building, a remarkable example of Art-Deco architecture dating from 1928, have been carefully analysed. Many details of the existing entrance façade have been preserved and fit perfectly into the architectural sequence of the building as well as the campus.

▼东立面,East facade

▼西入口,West entrance

Tristan Deschamps


Indeed, the main entrance with its three monumental wrought iron gates is the end of a landscaped axis, the first part of which will form the new entrance to the site, closer to public transport. Imagined by EnvA as a unitary and unifying building that brings together students, administrative staff and teachers, the Agora project proved to be an opportunity to convey current environmental values, such as the reduction of the carbon footprint, reuse and the use of biosourced materials.


The main entrance with its three monumental wrought iron gates

这个“标志性”项目为校园树立了榜样,因为它是第一个以环保材料构建的建筑。 事实上,除了中央核心桶之外,该项目均以木结构作为主要支撑,并使得空间变得更加亲近可触。生态问题还延伸到对已部分拆除的 Brion 大楼砖块的再利用,以及对大楼北立面及其所有碎石地基的保护。 随后新旧砖块之间的对话有助于让 Agora 建筑与邻近的建筑建立真正平和的和谐,并从中汲取灵感和尊重。

This “iconic” project sets an example for the campus, as it is the first building with a biosourced structure. Indeed, with the exception of the central core, the project gives pride of place to wood construction, which penetrates even the most domestic of spaces with sensory touches. The ecological concerns also extend to the reuse of the bricks of the Brion building, which has been partly dismantled, as well as to the conservation of the northern façades of the building and of the whole of its rubble stone foundations. The ensuing dialogue between old and new bricks helps to engage the Agora building in an authentic and calming harmony with the neighbouring buildings from which it draws its inspiration and deference.

▼立面结构分析,structural analysis


Built off-site with wood-frame walls clad in solid brick, this long, monolithic building engages in a dialogue with the materiality and chromatic trends of its centuries-old environment. In order to exist, without betraying the rich heritage of the campus, the AGORA project has coherently pursued its integration by adapting and preserving all of the existing trees.

▼装饰艺术铁门与砖材细部,Detail of renovated Art Deco doors and renovated bricks


Ennoblir le rustique


Imagined as an “iconic” place by its future users, the AGORA will provide accommodation on three levels: six teaching rooms that can be modularised by means of suspended mobile walls, two amphitheatres with wooden stands seating 250 people each, collaborative work spaces, an 80-seat amphitheatre for the continuing education of professionals, a multi-purpose room for training on mannequins (Vet’Sims), all of the school’s administrative services, as well as a logistical and storage area in the basement.


建筑师团队努力通过提供表达和欢乐的场所来升华Agora的(再生)潜力,这在校园的尺度上是相对罕见的。 构思的重点放在了凹处和角落的空间,视觉出口的存在使得空间之间产生了连续性并且激发了用户之间的互动。在Agora的中心,两个相互开放的剪刀楼梯在空间上具象化了行政人员和兽医学生之间重新发现的共生关系。 这台位于行政和教育部门之间的涡轮机在混合、会议和互动方面发挥着重要作用。 作为真正的催化剂,这些多条路径既分离又相互连接,为原本被封闭的两个不同领域建立了新的连接。

▼剖面图,structural analysis

The architectural team has endeavoured to sublimate the (re)generative potential of the Agora by proposing places of expression and conviviality, which are relatively rare on the scale of the campus. Emphasis was placed on the presence of recesses and nooks, continuity and visual outlets to informal usage spaces generating interactions between users. In the heart of the Agora, two opposing staircases open onto each other, spatially embodying this new-found symbiosis between administrative staff and veterinary students. This dynamic space between the administration and teaching sectors plays an essential role in mixing, meeting and interacting. Acting as a genuine catalyst, these multiple separate yet connected paths generate new connections between two spheres that were previously sealed off.


Gridded ceiling and colonnade in lobby

▼木天花板与天窗,Wood ceiling and skylight

▼天花板细部,Detail of the ceiling

一系列金属雨篷连接了从外部到内部的通道。 从大厅的木天花板伸入庭院,到办公室和会议室,穿过协作空间,到访者能够直观地阅读学生生活、教学和行政的体量和部门,因其连接的秩序.

A series of metal canopies articulate the passage from the outside to the inside. From the wooden ceiling of the hall plunging into the patio, to the offices and meeting rooms, along with the collaborative spaces, the user indulges in an intuitive reading of the volumes and areas of student life, teaching and administration, which are sequentially linked.

▼模型解刨教室,Salle Mim’Alfort



A four-handed design

项目利用木材的结构优势,将传统和现代领域的信念和严谨结合在一起。 它的设计需要建筑和工程之间强有力的联合交织,以摆脱场地的许多监管和施工限制,同时又不忽视阿尔福国立兽医学校所期望的质量、环境和美学雄心。 建筑功能和所需保留地基的巧妙与合理的叠加,使得它可以不依赖于“已经存在”而是用当代线条的统一手法,同时对新建与保护问题做出积极回应。

The Agora project combines the spheres of heritage and modernity rigorously and with conviction by taking advantage of the structural assets of wood. Its design required a strong and collaborative interweaving of architecture and engineering in order to break free from the numerous regulatory and construction constraints of the site, without losing sight of the qualitative, environmental and aesthetic expectations of the National Veterinary School of Alfort. A skilful and carefully thought-out superimposition of the programme and the existing foundations to be preserved made it possible not to be dependent on the existing structure and to adopt a singular style with contemporary lines, while at the same time satisfying the functional challenges.

▼大型多功能阶梯教室,Amphi 250 places

▼250座阶梯教室,Amphi 250 places

▼90座阶梯教室,Amphi 90 places

木材建筑系统在很大程度上促成了这项工作的成功,因其有低于五倍钢筋混凝土的密度,并且使用了成熟的技术解决方案:大跨度胶合层压木材、实木、CLT面板,等材料皆发挥所长并用于其中。 为了防止上层建筑因地基尺寸和几何形状的不同而受到经济损失,设计团队实施了基于1.20m框架的严格结构。 该排布可以均匀地分配施加在地基上的载荷,同时也可以避免在预制过程中产生废料。

Timber construction systems have played a major role in the success of this exercise, thanks to a density five times lower than reinforced concrete and the use of a wide range of technical solutions: long-span glulam, solid wood, CLT panels. To prevent impairment of the superstructure in economic terms by the heterogeneous dimensions and geometries of the foundations, the design teams implemented a rigorous structure based on a 1.20 m grid. This design ensures that the loads applied to the foundations are evenly distributed and that no material is lost during the prefabrication process.

▼核心楼梯,The core staircase


ATEX Construction technology verification

如果不通过创新拓宽建筑中木材的使用领域,就不可能鼓励使用木结构来应对钢铁和混凝土行业中普遍接受的技术问题。事实上,2019年5月更新的法国建筑标准技术统一文件不再涵盖甲方在本项目竞赛阶段重视的建设方案——在木结构建筑中使用实砖作为外墙。因此,获得了 ATEX建筑技术B 程序的验证(其有效性仅限于 AGORA 项目),该程序涉及在木框架墙上安装砖砌体双层墙。

Restricting and encouraging the use of structural timber, generally in favour of concrete and steel, to meet technical challenges was not possible without expanding the current application of timber in the construction industry through innovation. Indeed, the construction solution suggested to the client during the competition phase – combining the mineral qualities of the solid brick cladding and the load-bearing timber structure – was no longer covered by the May 2019 update of the NF DTU 31.2 P 21-204-1-1 standard and the NF DTU 20.1 standard. As a result, the group obtained validation of a case B ATEX procedure (the validity of which is limited to the AGORA project) concerning the installation of a double brick masonry wall on a timber frame wall.

▼施工过程,Construction process

“既存”是对环境友好建筑的灵感来源。从竞赛阶段开始,方案团体的愿望是最大化利用数据、利害关系、项目资源,以提高建筑质量和对环境的尊重。 这涉及利用现有的物质资源并将其转移到有利于遗产传承和延续的地方。

– 保留并整合三部分的承重砖外墙。

– 保护和翻新三扇装饰艺术风格的锻铁双门。 原有玻璃被单层隔热玻璃取代。 中央双门由于法规要求集成了自动开启功能。

– 从 Brion 大楼回收、剥离和再利用大约10,000块陶土砖。 这些砖块在立面上被重复使用,组成了阶梯教室的闸室。

– 保护和修复现有的碎石地基以支撑木质上层建筑。

– 就地平衡挖掘的土/路堤,以填埋不合理的地下室走廊。

The “existing” structure as a source of inspiration for a more environmentally friendly building. From the competition phase, the group’s desire was to highlight the data, challenges and resources of the project to highlight the quality of the building and respect for its environment. This involves taking advantage of the existing material resources and repurposing them for the benefit of handing down and continuing the heritage:

– Conservation and incorporation of the three load-bearing brick façades into the Agora project.

– Conservation and renovation of three wrought-iron double gates in the Art Deco style. The glazed parts have been replaced by single-pane thermal glass. The central double door was the subject of a regulatory exemption by incorporating an automatic opening system

– Recovery, deconstruction and reuse of approximately 10,000 clay bricks from the Brion building. The bricks were reused in the façade to form the amphitheatre airlocks.

– Conservation and rehabilitation of the existing rubble foundation as a support for the timber superstructure.

– Balancing of cut/fill soil in situ for the obstruction of dead-end basement galleries.

▼回收的砖墙与透明玻璃砖,Reclaimed brick wall + interior glass brick


– 主要由木材制成的承重结构和使用生物来源的绝缘材料(木框架墙框架之间的木纤维板)。

– 安装由回收的渔网和纤维制成的地毯。

– 在天花板/墙壁上安装木纤维板作为声学校正。

– 该建筑与 Alfortville 城市群的区域供热网络相连。

– 为在屋顶安装光伏板的预防措施。

Although the programme does not include any particularly restrictive requirements, the design team advocated the use of bio-based and recycled materials to drastically reduce the project’s carbon footprint:

– The load-bearing structure is mainly made of wood and biosourced insulation (wood fibre panels between frames in wood-frame walls).

– Fitting of carpets made of recycled fishing nets and fibres.

– Fitting of wood fibre panels as acoustic correction in the ceiling/wall.

– The building is connected to the urban heating network of the Alfortville urban area.

– Conservative measure for the future installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof.

▼在浇筑底层楼板之前将保留的碎石地基链接起来, Chain-linking of the preserved rubble walls before pouring the ground floor slab


– 可移动墙悬挂在教室之间,使得教室可以扩展到超过 160 平方米(开放式配置)。

– BLC 横梁使得工作场所之中没有柱子。

– 可对外开放的统一区域,即“论坛”区域,由大厅、两个阶梯教室、更衣室和教室组成的提供讲座活动的区域。

– 减少新砖之间的砂浆以预测其解构(活接缝)。

– 因对未来的扩招(与计划相比增加了90个席位)。

Being part of a heritage context means postponing the obsolescence of the project by anticipating future uses and relying on the flexibility and further development of spaces:

– Suspended mobile walls between classrooms to create classrooms of more than 160m² (in open configuration).

– Crossing of BLC beams for column-free workspaces.

– Possible coactivity of the “Forum” areas _hall, two amphitheatres, cloakrooms_ and teaching areas if the conference spaces are made available to an external provider.

– Reduction of mortar between the new bricks to anticipate their deconstruction (butt joint).

– Increasing the programme requirements in anticipation of the expansion of student classes (90 additional seats compared to the programme).

▼由天井庭院看阶梯教室,Viewing amphitheater from patio courtyard

Agora项目通过利用木材的结构优势将自身从场地的许多监管和施工限制中解放出来,将传统和现代领域与信念和严谨相结合,同时不忽视对项目的质量和审美期望。在毫无妥协的情况下,Agora为用户和他的环境服务,通过提供一个清醒的、功能性的和创新的建筑来应对场地的再生和环境挑战。 获得ATEX认证为建筑系统提供了新的前景,而此时我们正在目睹矿物立面的回归以及木结构的日益普及。在不影响其未来发展并继承既有的情况下,Agora项目迎接了本世纪的挑战,同时提供了一个慷慨、亲生物和欢迎的建筑。

The Agora project combines the spheres of heritage and modernity with conviction and rigour by making the most of the structural advantages of wood to free itself from the numerous regulatory and construction constraints of the site, without losing sight of the qualitative and aesthetic expectations of the National Veterinary School of Alfort. Agora is dedicated to its users and their environment without compromise, offering a sober, functional and innovative architecture to meet the regenerative and contextual challenges of the site Obtaining the ATEX offers new perspectives for construction systems, at a time when we are witnessing the return of mineral elements in façades and the growing popularity of wood in structures. Without compromising its future development and by taking advantage of its past, the Agora project takes up the challenges of this century, while proposing a generous, biophilic and welcoming architecture.


▼场地平面图,Master plan

▼底层平面图,Ground floor plan

▼二层平面图,First floor plan

▼地下一层平面图,Basement plan

▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan

▼结构详图,Structural details

Client: National Veterinary School of Alfort

Project Management: Egis Conseil

Project funded by the Ile-de-France Region and the EnvA’s supervisory ministries.


General Contractor: Spie-Batignolles Créatis (mandataire)

Carpenter Cruard: Charpente

Design team

Architecture: ArtBuild Architects

HVAC: CET ingénierie

Timber structure: BET Barthes bois

Acoustics: ITAC acoustique

Fire engineering: Accessi

Asbestos removal: CYB

Heritage architecture: B+M

Budget opération / Overall budget 14,7 M€ H.T

GFA: 4500 m² (SDP)

Team: Steven Ware / Kevin Guidoux / Alexandra Carpiuc /

Hanmo Zhang / Anne Verheyden / Paul-Martin Barbet

(B) David Roulin


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