摄影师自述 | Background
I have been photographing people all my life. Sometimes for my projects and sometimes professionally for magazines, CDs, etc. For a while, my work was about movement. Subjects were moving and I was moving too. Before the Time Lapse. Then, one day, I just paused and realized how much life happens in a single spot of a city. This was really interesting, especially in a city like New York, where each neighborhood is a world by itself and a different reality.Then I begun stretching and I started working in different cities and countries. It is amazing how people walk differently, dress differently have a different sense of purpose, rhythm, colors… Our cultural identity is defined by who we are and how do we fit in the world.
▼TIME-Lapse系列:奥克兰王子街,TIME-Lapse. Princes Street, Aukland New Zealand
关于TIME-Lapse系列 | About TIME-Lapse
I’m fascinated about how much life happens even at the most remote corner of a city. My itinerant life takes me around the world on a constant basis and I love walking around cities, finding a spot to sit for a couple of hours and, unnoticed, photograph random people passing by against a wall. I consider my works a kind of documentation of a city or a specific neighborhood. This series is not about the pictures I take but about the life that emanates from a moment of observation; a moment of pause. I think, somehow, my Time Lapses represent sociological portraits of corners of the world. It is like a capsule, a portrait of a city without showing actual buildings, parks, bridges… My interest has always been “capturing” the soul of a place through the people that happens to be there.
▼纽约西村,West Village NYC
▼伦敦Soho区,Soho, London
▼纽约切尔西码头,Chelsea Piers, NYC
▼巴塞罗那El Raval街区,Barcelona, El Raval
▼北京王府井大街,Beijing, Wangfujing Street
▼古巴特立尼达拉岛,Cuba, Trinidad
▼巴黎Recollets大街,Rue des Recollets, Paris
▼西雅图市区,Seattle, Downtown
▼古巴特立尼达拉岛,Cuba, Trinidad
▼纽约特里贝克,TriBeCa NYC
Xan Padrón是一位居住在纽约的西班牙摄影师兼音乐人。
Xan Padrón (Galicia, Spain 1969) is a Galician photographer, musician and composer.