本项目是位于上海静安区宁盛路靠近广中西路的园区新建项目,南侧毗邻上海中心城区最大公园——灵石公园。COLORFULL 昱景设计耗时3年为飞利浦量身定制,总园区建筑面积170,000㎡。源自世界500强的飞利浦大中华总部园区,在设计上融入了 “创新让生活更美好”的企业文化,其企业文化与COLORFULL昱景设计的企业文化“创新生活”不谋而合。
▼园区全景图,project panorama
This is a renewed project located on Ningsheng Rd, Jingan District, Shanghai. The office park is adjacent to Lingshi Park —- the biggest park in downtown Shanghai. With a GFA of 170,000㎡, the office park is elaborately customized for Philips by COLORFULL YUJING DESIGN. The whole project took three years. Philips’ enterprise culture (“innovation creates better life”), which coincides with COLORFULL design’s enterprise culture (“life innovation”), is applied to the design of its head office.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
The architectural style of the head office park is designed modern and simple. Clear and extended straight lines are applied to the façade facing the street. To a large extent, the clean floor window brightens the space. Standing here, the scenery outside the window is full of views.
▼临街立面,frontage facade
▼设计概念动图,design concept gif
The charm of design lies not only in the ornate outward appearance, but also in the concept of energy conservation and environment protection. Instead of high-tech, subtle design is applied to the facade to enable better efficiency as well as reduce energy consumption. Inside the building, modulization is applied to make the spatial arrangement flexible. Each office floor can be divided into different sizes to fit any future requirements. The staff can easily communicate and enjoy work here.
▼立面造型通过设计在提高使用效率的同时降低能耗,subtle design is applied to the facade to enable better efficiency and reduce energy consumption
▼节能分析图,design strategy illustration
The latticed north and south facades save energy by serving as a sunshade during daytime. The net rack is divided according to a module of 8.4m vertically and 4.2m horizontally. Balconies are built by the designers’ application of cantilever structure to the facade, which provides cozy and refreshing outdoor space for users. Moreover, the structure serves the office with the best sunlight and outdoor view, and also reduce heat absorption. The energy saving ratio is generally over 90%. Architecture in commercial area is built considering the balance with office area. Semi-open space and terrace garden are designed to created variable spatial experiences and users’ requirements of ourtdoor space in different levels. Square landscape formed by surrounding buildings reacts with terrace, which provides sharing open space in a special way.
▼网格采用间隔内退的方式形成小阳台,the cantilever structure forms balconies
▼丰富的半户外空间和露台花园,semi-open space and terrace gardens
▼建筑围合出的广场景观和露台景观相呼应,square landscape interacts with terrace gardens
In the new office park, there are banks, cafes, gyms, food courts, and more than 1,200 parking spaces, 90% of which are underground. Over 15,000㎡ of green area is set in the office park to create a natural and comfortable work environment.
▼新园区的绿地面积大于1.5万平方米,over 15,000㎡ of green area
▼园区内银行、咖啡厅、健身房、美食广场等设施一应俱全,there are banks, cafes, gyms, food courts in the new office park
▼园区夜景,night view of the new office park
▼总平面图,master plan
▼首层平面图,1F plan
▼墙身及立面图,wall section and elevation