发布时间:2020-11-11 22:54:18 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

*注:šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ广场的名称融合了加拿大第一民族(First Nations)的语言,意指和解之路。


In the heart of Vancouver’s former ceremonial boulevard, sat a large, dilapidated space. The usage evolution – from forecourt to Provincial Court Building to the formerly named Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza – had rendered the site a palimpsest of monuments, trees, and an assortment of paving and seating elements. Despite its run-down state, the plaza’s size and central downtown location meant it was nonetheless frequented for large planned events, commuting, and meeting. The muddled placemaking gave way to a lacklustre setting, one that was sorely misaligned with its vibrant occupants. To us, democratizing public space for various displays of civic expression is the embodiment of a successful public realm.

▼广场鸟瞰,square aerial view ©Hapa Collaborative

改造后的šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ广场(原温哥华美术馆北广场)成为了一个全新的、气氛热闹的城市中心地带,可以适应游行、暑期社交、旅游、文化市场和节庆等一系列市民喜闻乐见的活动。

We are proud of the way šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ Square has transformed into a bustling epicentre of political protests, summer socials, tours, cultural markets, festivals, and some of the best downtown people watching Vancouver has to offer.

▼改造后的广场成为气氛热闹的新城市中心,the square has been transformed into a new bustling epicentre in downtown Vancouver ©Hapa Collaborative


From the ancient acropolis to the 21st Century cosmopolis, the primary characteristic of great plazas has remained constant: vibrant public activity. The rigorous research concluded that to improve functionality for specific programmatic demands, the plaza needed to have a clear, open centre. Through meaningful and rigorous public consultation, we received overwhelming support to remove the large fountain and the melange of existing trees, making room for a unifying design strategy with key infrastructure at the peripheries. An important ceremony recently saw the plaza renamed šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ Square in honour of collaborative efforts between First Nations and the City.

▼在广场的边缘位置建造关键的基础设施,为广场赋予以一个清晰而开放的核心 ©Hapa Collaborative the plaza has been given a clear, open centre with key infrastructure arranged at its peripheries

▼广场全景 – 朝向温哥华美术馆,panorama of the square, facing Vancouver Art Gallery ©Hapa Collaborative


Our resulting design includes flexible functionality with local flair, built into each of the landscape elements to evoke a sense of place, intention, and simplicity. Trees, seating, lighting, and a feature pavilion inhabit the edges and frame the large openness. Power and water connections hide within these elements to allow for activation of food trucks, event support, and maintenance.

▼树木、座椅、照明和独特的凉亭被设置在场地边缘,为广场中央留出大面积的开放空间 trees, seating, lighting, and a feature pavilion inhabit the edges and frame the large openness ©Hapa Collaborative


▼广场铺地,paving details ©Hapa Collaborative

An uninterrupted plane of pink and grey trapezoidal pavers spills across the ground plane, providing a lively, jovial pattern while negotiating natural site slopes and engineering event loads. The pattern – locally quarried pink salt and pepper granite found on prominent Vancouver buildings – mixes with precast concrete evoking stories of salmon swimming upstream, or people dancing on a hot summer night. The furnishings are large yellow cedar benches made from recycled telephone poles and are completely moveable via pallet jack to accommodate event needs.

▼广场上的家具主要包括用回收的电线杆制成的大尺寸黄色松木座椅 the furnishings are large yellow cedar benches made from recycled telephone poles ©Kai Jacobson  ©Hapa Collaborative

咖啡馆风格的红色桌椅与灰色的地面形成鲜明对比,为人们提供了在阳光下用餐、休息和阅读的机会。与广场呼应的是环绕着对面画廊的Robson广场,由Arthur Erickson和Cornelia Oberlander设计,具有鲜明的世纪中期风格。其标志性的混凝土板铺地一直延伸至šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ广场,作为与空间接壤的边界。沿Hornby大街种植的两排枫树营造出一条风景优美的步行路径。这些空间共同构成了城市的客厅:一个全年活跃的开阔广场,为已经成功转型的城市中心注入了丰富的社会能量。

▼咖啡馆风格的红色桌椅与灰色的地面形成鲜明对比 bright red café style tables and chairs contrast the grey ©Hapa Collaborative

Bright red café style tables and chairs contrast the grey, and allow for long lunches, resting, or reading in the sunshine. šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ Square acts as an anchor for Robson Square – the iconic mid-century design by Arthur Erickson and Cornelia Oberlander – which hugs the gallery on the opposite side. Robson Square’s signature concrete slab pavers extend into the plaza, acting as a border to the space. A double row of maples along Hornby street creates a lovely pedestrian allée. In tandem, the spaces comprise the living room of the city: a generous plaza ripe with year-round activity, abuzz with social energy in the heart of successfully transformed downtown.

▼广场夜景,night view ©Hapa Collaborative

▼全年活跃的城市客厅,a generous plaza ripe with year-round activity ©Hapa Collaborative

šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ Square (Formerly the Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza) Vancouver BC Office name:  Hapa Collaborative Role of office in the project: Landscape Architect Other designers involved in the design of landscape (architects and landscape architects): Nick Milkovich Architects, Studio Parsons, Matthew Soules Architecture Project location (Street, City, Country): 850 West Georgia Street, Vancouver BC Canada Design year: 2013 Year Built: 2017


šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ广场,温哥华 / Hapa Collaborative
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