发布时间:2020-01-23 03:42:16 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

霍隆设计博物馆展出了由UNStudio与制造商Monopol Colors采用The Coolest White(意为最凉爽的白色)油漆共同打造的定点装置。该油漆最近在由Aric Chen、霍隆设计博物馆首席策展人Maya Dvash和Azinta Plantenga共同策划的展览“极端状态”中首次亮相。

The Design Museum Holon has unveiled a special site-specific installation by UNStudio with manufacturer Monopol Colors showcasing “The Coolest White” Paint, recently revealed for the first time in the exhibition State of Extremes, curated by Aric Chen with Maya Dvash, Chief Curator of Design Museum Holon, and Azinta Plantenga.


该装置将The Coolest White这种超耐久的油漆通过特定装置形象化地呈现出来。它创下了TSR值(总太阳能反射率)的新标准,能有效减少繁华都市地区的变暖现象,即“城市热岛效应”。高两米、模拟了城市结构密度的城市模型,一半涂上了The Coolest White漆,以保护建筑物免受过量的太阳辐射。另一半则使用了普通的黑色涂料与之形成对比。

The installation visualizes the properties of The Coolest White: an ultra-durable paint with an industry leading Total Solar Reflectance Value that has been developed to reduce warming in metropolitan areas known as the Urban Heat Island Effect. 

Emulating the density of city structures, this installation divides a two-meter-tall model of a city, coating one half with The Coolest White which protects buildings from excessive solar radiation. The other half is coated with a black paint.

▼装置及周围环境,installation and surroundings

▼观众正在观看装置,the audience is looking at the installation

装置被固定在室外,其温度随着每天的气温而变化。工作人员为该装置安装了一个热敏热像仪,使参观者能够观察到不同颜色模型之间的温度差异。微型装置形象化地模拟了The Coolest White的效果,让游客更清楚地了解建筑物如何影响人们在城市中的温度体验,以及我们应该如何看待这一现象。


Situated outdoors, the installation warms and cools throughout the day. The installation implements a heat-sensing thermographic camera to allow visitors to see the difference in temperature between black building models, and ones coated in The Coolest White. 

In miniature, the installation both mimics and visualizes the effect of The Coolest White, allowing visitors to better understand how buildings impact our experience of temperature within a city, as well as how we see it.

▼装置被两种不同的油漆均分为两个部分,the device is divided into two parts by two different paints

▼观众通过特定的手机软件可以观察到不同颜色模型之间的温度差异,viewers can observe temperature differences between different color models using specific mobile phone software


The dark-coloured, heat-retaining materials used to construct the buildings in our cities are one of the main causes of The Urban Heat Island Effect, as well as the lack of green spaces and exhaust from air-conditioning which also contributes to the effect. Buildings absorb solar radiation and store heat from the sun, which means they not only require large amounts of energy to cool, but that the absorbed heat is also released back into the surrounding urban environment. As a result of this effect, greater energy is required to cool their interiors, while more heat is released and trapped in the urban environment. As global warming exacerbates this problem, there is a pressing need to manage extreme heat in our cities.

▼热量差异图,heat differential diagram

▼热量变化图,heat change diagram


By 2050, 68% of the world’s population are projected to live in cities – an increase of 2.5 billion people compared with today. Most of our cities are not prepared for these developments. For UNStudio, our agenda has never been clearer. As cities across the globe face urgent challenges linked to rising temperatures and growing populations, architects, urban planners and designers must act with urgency. Innovative urban initiatives must be saught out and cultivated in order to sustain liveable, future-proof cities across the globe.

▼没有使用The Coolest White的一半模型热量明显升高,half of The model without The Coolest White has a significant increase in heat

关于The Coolest White | About The Coolest White

由UNStudio与Monopol Colors共同开发的The Coolest White是一种基于氟聚合物技术的超耐久涂料。它可以保护建筑物和城市结构免遭过度的太阳辐射,从而减缓城市热岛效应。全球变暖带来了极端天气,剧烈的气候变化导致冰川融化,洪水和山火肆虐使得植被急剧消退。设计师、科学家和工程师选择使用可以拯救地球的新型创新产品来应对这些问题。

Developed by UNStudio with Monopol Colors, the Coolest White is an ultra-durable paint based on fluoropolymer technology, which protects buildings and urban structures from excessive solar radiation – thus slowing down the urban heat island effect. With global warming causing extreme weathers, drastic climate change cause dramatically receding glaciers, flooding and wildfires which severely affecting the planet. Designers, scientists and engineers responding to these issues with new innovative products that can potentially save the planet.

关于霍隆设计博物馆 | About Design Museum Holon


Designed by world-renowned architect Ron Arad, Design Museum Holon was inaugurated in March 2010 and has quickly established itself as one of the most exciting developments to emerge in the Middle East. The Museum is part of an urban regeneration initiative that aims to transform the City of Holon into a centre for design. Central to Design Museum Holon’s mission is to supply an enriching and thought-provoking environment for visitors to explore exciting and engaging design ideas, principles, processes and objects in a tactile and practical fashion.


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