发布时间:2023-09-21 19:56:05 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

山海与废墟 Mountain, Lake, and Ruins


The ancient villages in Dali, located on the west coast of Erhai Lake under Cangshan Mountain, offer a nurturing and pleasant living environment. Cangshan Mountain’s nineteen peaks align in a north-south direction, with eighteen streams running from west to east, nourishing the fertile plains on the west side of Erhai Lake.

▼从西北角荒废的石头房子看向北楼,View from a nearby abandoned stone house toward the north building © 陈颢

▼西南角立面,Elevation of southwest corner © 陈颢

▼废墟花园咖啡南立面,South elevation of ruins garden cafe © 陈颢

▼从废墟花园咖啡回望北楼 © 陈颢 Looking back at the north building from the ruins Garden Cafe

▼从廊桥望向废墟花园咖啡 © 陈颢 Looking at the ruins garden cafe from the Lounge Bridge


Traditional houses in this area typically face east, taking advantage of the morning sun and protection from the southwest winds in winter. The inner courtyards further shields residents from harsh weather, creating a traditional and natural lifestyle deeply connected to the surrounding landscape.

▼从苍山俯瞰整个海西坝子,Aerial view of the west coastal plain from Cang Shan © 武州

▼从西侧田边俯瞰场地,Aerial view of site © 陈颢



▼老房子改造前原状,View of extant building © 武州

▼老房子南侧石头废墟,Extant stone ruin © 武州


The studio, located in the southwest corner of a village at the base of Cangshan Mountain, was built to harmonize work and life with nature. Initially surrounded by modern concrete houses, the site featured an abandoned stone-wood courtyard with an intriguing sense of ruins, overgrown with tall weeds. Inside was a well-preserved traditional stone-wood house from the 1980s and a brick-concrete structure from the 1990s. The south building, once a traditional house, had collapsed into ruins, framing a view of the Cangshan Mountains. Thus, the originally entirely inward-looking house presents a coexisting feeling of an “inward-looking courtyard” and “outward-looking mountain landscape.” These feelings soon led to a core question of the site strategy: how to establish a new connection between the inward-looking courtyard and the large-scale mountains and fields landscape.

▼站在废墟之上远望苍山 Standing on top of the ruins, looking away from the Cang Shan ©  武州

在场身体回应式的改造策略 On-site Body-Response as a Renovation Strategy


With an eight-month deadline to move to a new studio before the old one’s lease ended, we abandoned usual workflow. We adopted an on-site approach, commuting daily to the construction site and combining design with demolition and renovation. During demolition, we constantly visit the site to feel and learn from the site and continue refining the design.

▼手工模型,Model photo © 之间建筑


虽然最初的设计草图是从整体场地和空间关系入手的,但迫于时间压力,前期设计的重心转而集中在两个主体建筑的改造上,即西侧土库房石屋及砖石混结构北楼。施工也因此被分为两期,第一期是原有主体建筑改造,改造完之后在2021年7月,在院子还是个大工地的情况下,我们就先搬了进来。搬进来后二期的废墟花园咖啡亭、连廊和庭院的设计也才真正慢慢敲定,二期施工就在眼皮子底下,盯工地真成了每天画图之余的日常,每一个细节、每一块石头、每一棵植物都可以在现场反复感受,可以称得上最奢侈的一次 “驻场”了!

The design process for the new studio was influenced by the site’s ruins and functional considerations. The challenge was the optimal use of the small-scale space, addressing lighting issues, creating an open office environment, and accommodating various architectural studio functions. The construction team began demolition while design ideas evolved during the process. Due to time constraints, the initial focus was renovating the main stone house and north building in two phases. The first phase was completed in July 2021, allowing the move to the unfinished courtyard. The second phase refined the garden, bridge, and courtyard design, emphasizing the immersive “on-site working” experience.

▼设计初期从整体关系切入的平面草图,Sketch to explore overall relationships © 武州

▼一期二期示意,Phase I & Phase II © 之间建筑

石屋——开洞与地景连接 Stone House – Opening to Connect with the Mountain Landscape


The stone house features immaculate walls and well-preserved wooden structures, creating a warm and timeless ambiance. The studio’s essential functions, including a public meeting room, library, kitchen, dining area, and private workspace, are strategically distributed across its two floors, maximizing its historical charm and functionality.

▼西侧石木结构主屋原状,Original status of stone-wood structure © 武州

▼石屋西南角,View of the southwest corner © 陈颢

▼西立面,West elevation © 陈颢

▼石屋墙身剖面,Section of stone house © 之间建筑

▼石屋西南角,View of the southwest corner © 陈颢


The design strategy for the stone house aimed to establish a strong connection with Cangshan Mountain through ‘opening’ as the primary approach. This involved creating a T-shaped opening on the west facade to enhance interior comfort and natural lighting. The vertical window, aligned with the high-level library, offers a majestic Northern Song dynasty-like view of Cangshan, harmonizing with the bookshelves and space dynamics. Meanwhile, the ribbon window on the second floor, following the old house’s eaves, frames the terraced fields when standing but reveals Cangshan’s nineteen peaks like a horizontal scroll when seated, evoking the essence of traditional Chinese landscape paintings – ‘high and distant’ and ‘horizontal and distant.’

▼从石屋一层图书区看苍山 Look out at Cang Shan from the reading area of the stone house © 王鹏飞

▼石屋二层与工作台相结合的水平长窗,Ribbon Window integrated with a workbench of stone house © 陈颢

▼石屋二层透过水平长窗望苍山,Look out at Cang Shan on the 2F stone house © 青山


In Dali, old masons took great pride in their stone craftsmanship, focusing on flat, square chiseled cornerstones, chamfering stones, and terrace stones. Mud masonry walls typically featured ‘straw mortar’ and Bai patterns. Wide openings were introduced to revamp a vernacular house, disrupting the original facade. Thus, all “cultural information” was removed, revealing the stones hidden behind the straw mortar. This transformation stripped the White Clan’s earthen storehouse of its age-specific details, creating a simpler and more ancient “stone house” that celebrated the intrinsic beauty of the stone material itself.

▼石屋立面细节,Detail of Façade of stone house © 武州


A concrete window frame was added around the new opening to reinforce the stone wall, and a coarse texture similar to the rough stone wall served as a base for steel window frames. The concrete frame was intentionally polished to match the rough stone wall. The steel window glass was seamlessly aligned with the stone wall’s outer surface, creating a tactile and visual contrast. This interplay between rough stone and smooth glass reduced the traditional wall’s perceived weight. These openings introduced a “cave space” inside, offering an interactive and immersive “cave experience” due to the 600mm thick stone walls and the unique depth of each window.

▼石屋图书区室内 Interior view of the reading area in the stone house © 王鹏飞


The stone house interior features a prominent double-height reading area created by removing the second-floor wooden floor. A skylight and mountain view enhance the ambiance. The corner staircase is topographical and furnished, echoing the exterior terraces and functional furniture, guiding visitors to the private meeting area on the second floor.

▼石屋图书区室内,Interior view of reading area and meeting area © 陈颢

▼石屋二楼会客区,Reception area on the 2nd floor of stone house © 蔡熿毅

北楼——从花园洞穴到阁楼的剖面体验转换 North Building – Sectional Experience Transition from Garden Cave to the Loft


▼北楼原状 & 北楼一层砖石混结构,Original north building & Stone wall of the original north building © 武州

▼从北楼原屋顶上看苍山,Looking at Cang Shan from the rooftop of the north building © 武州

The connection between the stone house and the expansive landscape relies on the facade, whereas the north building’s transformation from inward to outward is driven by its section. The first floor’s three exterior walls are solid 600mm-thick stone, with windows opening inward to the courtyard, creating a semi-underground, introverted atmosphere. The second floor, brick-concrete structure, offers better lighting and open space with long ribbon windows. The roof space on the third floor was added to provide access to views of the Cangshan Mountains and Erhai Sea, showcasing Dali’s geography.

▼从内院看向北楼,External view of north building © 陈颢

▼从北侧邻居院子看向北楼,External view of north building © 王鹏飞


There’s no making without breaking. Initial plans called for demolishing all brick walls to transform the North Building into an open office space. However, structural engineer Cai highlighted the seismic risk of a wall-less brick structure in Dali’s high seismic zone. The solution involved additional diagonal bracing columns for lateral support and horizontal reinforcing beams post-wall demolition.

▼北楼手工模型,MAodel photo of north building © 之间建筑

▼北楼拆墙后增加斜撑柱及三层钢结构示意图,Diagram of diagonal structure and steel structure of 3rd floor © 之间建筑


▼北楼墙身剖面,Section of north building  © 之间建筑

Extensive interior demolition and renovations were undertaken following structural recommendations and site considerations. Three outer stone walls were preserved on the first floor, while all interior brick walls were removed, creating a semi-underground cave ambiance with concrete beams and columns. Large concealed floor-to-ceiling glass panels introduced garden views, forming a workshop space. The second floor became the main office area, with most brick walls removed and reinforced by diagonal bracing columns. Steel glazing and polycarbonate panels provided ample interior light. A light steel attic on the third floor created a public meeting space, connecting to a panoramic terrace overlooking Cangshan Mountain and offering glimpses of the Erhai Sea through a semi-transparent facade.

▼北楼一层模型工坊,Interior view of 1st floor of north building © 陈颢

▼从模型工坊看向庭院,View of the courtyard from model workshop © 陈颢

▼北楼二层办公区,Interior view of office on 2nd floor of north building © 王鹏飞

▼北楼三层休闲会客区,Interior view of the reception area on the 3rd floor of the north building © 陈颢

▼北楼三层休闲会客区,Interior view of the reception area on the 3rd floor of the north building © 陈颢

▼从北楼三层露台望向苍山,Look out at Cang Shan on the terrace of the north building © 陈颢


Echoing the interior “demolition surgery,” The exterior second and third floors of the North Building together form a light and translucent steel double-slope volume, sitting on the stone wall on the first floor. It appears to be a newborn sloped roof volume, which is light, transparent, and contemporary in contrast to the surrounding old stone sloped roof context.

▼从石头坡屋顶肌理中新生出轻盈的当代双坡体量,Contemporary mass emerging from the context of stone walls © 陈颢


The third floor employs one-meter spaced steel beams, matching the second-floor steel window frame spacing on the facade, reducing structural cross-section dimensions. This reduction extends to the third-floor steel diagonal bracing columns, now resembling window frames, creating a unified, lightweight, and slender steel facade for the second and third floors. Given Dali’s strong winter winds, additional φ20 round steel tie rods were added outside the two and three-story facade, reinforcing the lateral wind resistance and enhancing the overall sense of lightness in the building’s design.

▼北楼外立面细节,Detail of façade of north building © 王鹏飞

▼从庭院看向北楼,View of the north building from the courtyard © 陈颢

化墟为园——从孤立的建筑走向编织的场所 Transforming Ruins to Gardens – From Isolated Buildings to Intertwining Locus


After renovating the stone house and north building, we moved into the new studio the following year. The natural environment excited us, but the incomplete area highlighted spatial issues. Initial ‘garden clues’ were delayed by renovation but reactivated due to daily inconveniences from the courtyard.

▼一期完工后的内庭院,View of the unfinished courtyard after the completion of Phase I © 魏通

▼一期完工后的内庭院,View of the unfinished courtyard after the completion of Phase I © 武州


The stone house and north building appear disjointed due to different construction systems, necessitating a reduction in the prominence of the single building and an enhancement of the courtyard’s overall experience. Secondly, there is an imbalance in the scale. The comfortable architectural scale corresponding to the traditional Bai courtyard is the gable height of one and a half stories of the old house, while the high facade of the north building and the neighbor houses on the east have formed a strong sense of oppression on the inner courtyard. The courtyard space feels abrupt and unfinished, lacking the envisioned natural life. To address these issues, the design’s second phase prioritizes a “garden strategy,” aiming to transform the site into a more cohesive and inviting environment.

▼整体完工后的内庭院,View of finished courtyard © 陈颢

▼整体完工后的内庭院,View of finished courtyard © 陈颢


▼“山”与“水”的空间体量草图,Sketch of courtyard © 刘桔


The site’s ruins were pivotal in the design, creating two distinct courtyard spaces: the “inward-looking courtyard” beneath the ruins and the “outward-looking platform” above them. Utilizing the height difference, the ruins were extended northward, forming a layered “rocky hill” with plants that relieved the pressure from the neighboring building and directed attention to the mountains and plants. The site’s half-collapsed stone wall, adorned with weeds and moss, represented the passage of time, while Cangshan stones were used in their original state to preserve the authentic Cangshan style.

▼用模型推敲“石山”废墟石墙起伏的体量,Study model of courtyard © 刘桔

▼二期以“园林策略”为主线的平面草图 &“叠山理水”砌石墙施工过程,Sketch of Phase II plan & Photo of construction of masonry wall © 武州


Capitalizing on the rich underground water at Cangshan Mountain’s base, a deep pool was integrated beneath the wall, complemented by a central courtyard well. Earth excavated was used to fill the ruins. With the garden’s topographical structure established, further elements could be introduced.

▼用现场苍山麻石砌筑而成的废墟微地形,View of‘micro-topography’ © 陈颢

▼景观剖面示意,Section © 之间建筑

连廊为桥——游园中的身体感知与尺度调和 Connecting Corridors as Bridges – Body Perception and Scale Reconciliation in Garden Touring


The “corridor bridge” serves as a connecting element between the courtyard gate and the stone house entrance. As a “corridor,” it strategically blocks the immediate view of surrounding tall buildings upon entering the gate. This diversion of attention towards plants and rocks near the gate reduces the sense of building oppression. Additionally, the corridor prevents a full view of the north building and the stone house, mitigating their isolation and encouraging people to engage with the garden. Steel columns guide one’s gaze towards the stone house’s entrance and the distant mountain vistas through vertical view windows.

▼从大门口看向廊桥,View of the elevated bridge from the entry © 陈颢

▼站在廊桥之上,Standing on the bridge © 陈颢


The bridge over the water emphasizes transparency and lightness with two 60mm-wide, 10mm-thick flat steel lattice columns, creating a thin and transparent appearance. Supported by cantilevered flat steel lattice beams from concrete column bases, metal tensile nets allow people on the bridge to see the water below, creating a “sense of danger” of floating on water.

▼从水上平台回望廊桥,View of elevated bridge © 陈颢

▼从廊桥望向水面,View of the courtyard through the bridge © 陈颢

▼从廊桥看向花园,View of courtyard © 陈颢


This journey begins with a vestibule amid dense vegetation and leads to the revelation of the central courtyard on the left and a reflective glass facade on the right, initiating a garden tour.

▼从水上平台回望廊桥,View of bridge and courtyard © 青山

▼廊桥细部,Detail of bridge © 刘昌瑞


▼廊桥墙身剖面,Section and detail of the bridge © 之间建筑

At the end of the corridor bridge, old stone slabs guide visitors in three directions: the west leads to the stone house, the north to the north building foyer, and the south enters the garden tour. A leaning, fragrant tree provides shade for a peaceful corner with flowing water, trees, and stone walls. On sunny days, the stone house’s first-floor folding doors open, integrating indoor and garden spaces. Climbing stone steps to the ruins transition the inward-looking garden tour to an outward-looking landscape experience.

▼从廊桥尽端南望水上平台,View of the platform above the water © 陈颢

▼清香木下的亲水平台,View of platform © 刘昌瑞

▼从水上平台回望石屋,View of stone house © 陈颢

▼从水上平台爬上废墟,View of steps to the ruins © 罗青山

废墟花园咖啡——内院与远山的尺度转换器 Ruins Garden Cafe – Scale converter between inner courtyard and distant mountains


▼一期完工后的废墟,View of ruins after the completion of Phase I © 武州

The high platform offers a unique perspective, allowing simultaneous views of the inner courtyard and mountains. The Ruin Garden Café was constructed here, connecting the courtyard and distant mountains. The café’s single-slope roof is 2 meters high, facing the courtyard, creating an intimate atmosphere, while the side facing the mountains features raised eaves, providing expansive views. The slope also considers Dali’s sunlight, rising in winter to welcome warmth and lowering in summer for shade.

▼废墟花园咖啡南立面,South elevation of café © 陈颢

▼废墟花园咖啡南立面,South elevation of café © 陈颢

▼整体完工后废墟花园咖啡面朝内院的坐塌,View of café seats after the completion of the whole studio © 陈颢

▼废墟花园咖啡面朝内院立面,View of Ruins Garden Café and courtyard © 陈颢


▼与家具相结合的混凝土基座,Concrete base of café © 之间建筑


The café pavilion was designed as a lightweight structure emerging from the site’s ruins. The lower section features concrete plinths, resembling oversized furniture, serving as a metaphor for the original ruins. These plinths offer various interactions with the body, including a 1950mm-high entrance, cozy seating areas under the north eaves, and a cafe bar extending to a mountain-view bar. All concrete elements, including walls, roofs, and countertops, are 80mm thick with 45-degree beveled chamfers at the corners, lending a furniture-like scale and ambiance to the structure.

▼从废墟花园咖啡室内西望苍山,View of Cang Shan from the interior of café © 陈颢

▼废墟花园咖啡室内,View of interior of café © 陈颢

▼从废墟花园咖啡室内南望苍山,View of Cang Shan from the interior of café © 陈颢

▼从废墟花园咖啡坐塌回望内院,View of courtyard from the interior of café © 陈颢

▼废墟花园咖啡墙身剖面,Section of café © 之间建筑


The café pavilion’s upper section features a thin, counter-ribbed steel roof made of fully welded 6mm-thick steel plates, supported by channel steel and short columns welded to the concrete plate. The delicate operation of these constructions ultimately leads to the body’s unfamiliarity, and every guest entering the cafe wonders how such a thin and light roof is supported.

▼在废墟花园咖啡屋顶下望向远山,View of Cang Shan under the roof of cafe © 陈颢

▼废墟花园咖啡屋顶种植屋面,View of planted roof of ruins garden cafe © 刘昌瑞

墟岫成园 Ruins Cave as a garden


The garden tour finally ends in the moment of gazing at the mountains or looking back at the courtyard in the Ruins Garden Café. The isolated architectural experience is finally rewoven into a holistic experience through the movements of the body, such as walking, stopping, gazing, climbing the steps, peering into the distance, looking back, etc., as well as the blurred boundaries between the interior and the gardens that are interpenetrating and intertwining.

▼从废墟高台回望内院,View of courtyard © 青山

▼从模型工坊透过廊桥南望水上平台,View of the courtyard through bridge from model workshop © 青山

▼从废墟花园咖啡坐塌回望内院,View of courtyard from cafe © 青山


Young architects often struggle to design spaces that personally resonate due to the challenge of integrating professional views with real-life experience. Achieving personal comfort in design fosters empathy, helping them create spaces that comfort others. In the Yunnan dialect, “comfortable” is “Haozai,” implying architecture should function and nurture its inhabitants.

▼模型工坊落地玻璃倒映着庭院与连廊,Glass reflects the bridge and courtyard © 青山

▼石头与水景,View of stone and water © 青山


The studio’s formal name, “Ruins Cave Garden,” encapsulates its essence. “Ruins” reflects the site’s stone ruins, the starting point. “Cave” signifies the cave-like interior experience with thick stone walls. It is also the primitive tactile sensation of the body interacting with the structure, hole, or wall in this ” Close to hand combat ” design. “Garden” symbolizes a spatial strategy merging interior and exterior experiences, mirroring the natural lifestyle inspired by years in Dali.

▼总平面图,Site Plan © 之间建筑

▼一层平面图,1F Plan © 之间建筑

▼二层平面图,2F Plan © 之间建筑

▼三层平面图,3F Plan © 之间建筑

▼剖面图1,Section 1 © 之间建筑

▼剖面图2,Section 2 © 之间建筑

▼剖面图3,Section 3 © 之间建筑

项目名称:墟岫园 地点:云南省大理市上阳和 设计单位:ArCONNECT 之间建筑事务所 主创建筑师:武州 景观设计:刘桔、武州 结构设计:蔡研明 设计团队:陈诺(项目建筑师)、叶鑫淼、蔡煌毅、刘昌瑞、白皓文、唐知亭、胡佳琪、陈云祥、孙艺琦、周春香、慕子琦、陈子瑶、张铧心、邓鋆睿、陈小勇、王慧妍 驻场建筑师:陈诺、叶鑫淼 施工单位:一期建筑改造及装修 — 大理思成装饰有限公司 二期钢结构 — 郭汉文团队 二期石匠 — 杨茂忠、杨茂泽、李希林、杨改良(本村白族) 二期木工 — 杨进、杨学友、杨社松、水安(白族) 二期土建及零工 — 凹国祥团队(彝族) 二期水磨石 — 杨志林团队 二期水电 — 陈胜团队 清水混凝土顾问单位:素造建筑事务所 建筑摄影:陈颢、王鹏飞、罗青山 建筑面积:518㎡ 占地面积:448㎡ 设计时间:2020.10 — 2022.8 建设时间:2020.11 — 2023.4

Project Name: Ruins Cave Garden Location: Shangyanghe, Dali, Yunnan Province, China Designed by: ArCONNECT Architects Architect: Wu Zhou Landscape Design: Liu Ju, Wu Zhou Structural Design: Cai Yanming Design Team: Chen Nuo (Project Architect), Ye Xinmiao, Cai Huangyi, Liu Changrui, Bai Haowen, Tang Zhiting, Hu Jiaqi, Chen Yunxiang, Sun Yiqi, Zhou Chunxiang, Mu Ziqi, Chen Ziyao, Zhang Huaxin, Deng Yunrui, Chen Xiaoyong, Wang Huiyan Resident Architect: Chen Nuo, Ye Xinmiao Constructor: Phase I Building Remodeling and Decoration — Dali Sicheng Decoration Co. Phase II Steel Structure — Guo Hanwen Team Phase II Stonemasons — Yang Maozhong, Yang Maoze, Li Xilin, Yang Gailiang (Bai ethnic group from this village) Phase II carpentry — Yang Jin, Yang Xueyou, Yang Shesong, Shui An (Bai) Phase II civil engineering and odd jobs — Ao Guoxiang team (Yi ethnic group) Phase II Terrazzo — Yang Zhilin Team Phase II Plumbing and Electrical — Chen Sheng Team Concrete Consultant: Suzao Architects Architectural Photography: Chen Hao, Wang Pengfei, Luo Qingshan Building area: 518 square meters Floor space: 448 square meters Design Time: 2020.10 — 2022.8 Construction time: 2020.11 — 2023.4


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宁静雅居 | 知名设计师打造的城市绿洲
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巴西利亚 | 建筑之城,现代性与历史交融的奇迹
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Gate Avenue at DIFC Dubai