发布时间:2020-11-15 21:04:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Nancy and Rich Kinder新馆呈现多孔性特征,底层各个方向均对外开放。建筑四周由七个花园分割,形成入口空间,打断立面的连续性。最大的花园位于Bissonnet大街与主路的交角处,将人们引向通往休斯顿校园当代艺术博物馆的中央入口。站在Kinder大楼的新入口大厅中,人们可以看到四面都是花园,种有葱郁的休斯顿本地植物,充满魅力,带来面向社区开放的新感觉。

The new Nancy and Rich Kinder Museum Building is characterized by porosity, opening the ground floor at all elevations. Seven gardens slice the perimeter, marking points of entry and punctuating the elevations. The largest garden court, at the corner of Bissonnet and Main Street, marks a central entry point on the new Museum of Fine Arts, Houston campus. When standing in the new entrance lobby of the Kinder Building, one can see gardens and lush Houston vegetation in four directions and feel the inviting energy of a new sense of openness to the community.

▼博物馆鸟瞰,aerial view of the museum ©Richard Barnes


▼草图,七个花园打断建筑立面,design sketch, seven gardens punctuating the flow of the galleries

The open flow through galleries is punctuated by views into the seven gardens with green trellises offering shade from glare. The galleries are centered around an open forum. The central gallery atrium provides generous spaces for the exhibition of art and vertical circulation to the upper floors.

▼建筑外观,被花园打断,external view of the building punctuated by the gardens ©Peter Molick

▼花园空间,garden space ©Richard Barnes

▼主入口,main entrance ©Richard Barnes

▼建筑立面采用上下打通的玻璃管,building facade using glass tubes opening at the top and bottom ©Richard Barnes

▼建筑的其他入口,other entrance of the building ©Peter Molick

▼在室内可以看到室外景观,outdoor gardens could be seen from inside the galleries ©中/下:Peter Molick


▼屋顶设计草图,design sketch of the roof plates

The Texas sky opens 180° overhead above a luminous canopy covering the new building. Concave curves, imagined from cloud circles, push down on the roof geometry, allowing natural light to slip in with precise measure and quality, perfect for top-lit galleries. Organized horizontally on two levels, all galleries have natural light and are flexible with open flow. The undersides of the curved ceiling become light reflectors, catching and sliding the light across each distinct gallery experience. These curved slices of light shape the gallery spaces in a unique way related to the organic qualities of the lush vegetation and water that characterize the new campus. Rather than mechanical and repetitive, the light is flowing, echoing the movement through the galleries.

▼中央中庭,设有垂直流线,central atrium with vertical circulations ©上: Richard Barnes,中/下:Peter Molick

▼楼梯与天光形成流动的空间,staircase and light from the roof creating a flowing space ©Peter Molick

▼围绕中庭的走廊,内凹的天花将光线反射入空间,corridor around the central atrium, concave ceiling plates reflecting the light into the space ©Richard Barnes

▼建筑中部的弧形天花,curved ceiling plates at the enter of the building ©Peter Molick

▼仰望天花,光线在空间中流动,look up to the ceiling plates, light flowing in the space ©Peter Molick

▼从展厅看向中庭,view to the atrium from the galleries ©Richard Barnes

▼不同的展厅,天窗提供照明,different galleries illuminated by skylights ©Peter Molick

▼天窗和天花细部,closer view to the skylights and the ceiling plates ©Peter Molick

▼流动的画廊空间,flowing gallery space ©Richard Barnes

▼Lynn Wyatt剧场,Lynn Wyatt Theater ©Richard Barnes

▼美术馆中的艺术作品和展览,art installations and exhibitions in the museum ©Richard Barnes upper left: Ai Weiwei’s Dragon Reflection, upper right: Trenton Doyle Hancock’s Color Flash for Chat and Chew, Paris Texas in Seventy-Two lower left: Jason Salavon’s Little Infinity, lower right: Carlos Cruz-Diez’s Cromosaturación MFAH


The Kinder Building adds a horizontal architecture in translucent glass to the museum’s collection of stone (1924), steel and glass (1958, 1974), and stone (2000) buildings. Its innovative glass-tube facade has a soft, alabaster-like texture. The 30-inch tubes of glass open at the top and bottom, providing a “cold jacket” which reduces solar gain by 70% on the facades via the chimney effect of air circulation. At night, the glowing translucent facade is reflected in the water gardens and provides an open invitation to enter the museum.

▼夜景,灯光透出立面,night view, light shining through the facade ©Richard Barnes


Steven Holl Architects led a multidisciplinary team for the Museum of Fine Arts Houston campus expansion, shaping an integral experience with new landscapes and public plazas. The campus redevelopment is the largest new North American cultural project. In the center of Houston, the new master plan knits together adjacent historic elements, including a 1924 historic church, a Mies van der Rohe building, and an Isamu Noguchi sculpture garden.

▼总平面草图,项目与周边历史建筑的关系,sketch of the master plan showing the relationship between the project and adjacent historic buildings ©Steven Holl Architects

作为总体规划的一部分,史蒂文·霍尔建筑事务所于2018年完成了新的Glassell艺术学校,面积约为8640平方米。建筑与Kinder大楼相邻,呈L型,创造了整体的校园体验,并且界定出Brown Foundation广场,作为野口的Cullen雕塑花园的延伸空间。建筑的外观采用富有雕塑感的预制混凝土,从倾斜的屋顶开始,赋予室内空间独特特征。屋面随着巨大的半透明板材变化,为建筑内的艺术工作室提供柔和的漫射光。

▼模型,艺术学校与博物馆,model, art school and the museum ©Steven Holl Architects

As part of the master plan, Steven Holl Architects completed the new 93,000-square-foot Glassell School of Art in 2018. Set adjacent to the Kinder Building, the L-shaped School creates an integral campus experience, defining the Brown Foundation Plaza which extends the space of the Cullen Sculpture Garden by Noguchi. The precast planar structural concrete exterior begins with the angle of the inclined roof plane and gives character to the inner spaces of the building. The planes alternate with large translucent panels to provide diffuse light to the art studios within the building

▼艺术学校和博物馆一层平面图,ground floor plan of the art school and the musuem ©Steven Holl Architects

▼博物馆二层平面图,second floor plan of the museum ©Steven Holl Architects

▼博物馆三层平面图,third floor plan of the museum ©Steven Holl Architects

▼博物馆屋顶平面图,roof plan of the museum ©Steven Holl Architects

▼博物馆立面图,elevations of the museum ©Steven Holl Architects

▼博物馆剖面图,sections of the museum ©Steven Holl Architects

Texts: Steven Holl Architects Drawings: Steven Holl Architects Watercolors: Steven Holl Models: Steven Holl Architects Photographs: Richard Barnes, Peter Molick


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