发布时间:2020-12-13 16:57:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


University Campus Livade is set to operate as an open network, continuously growing spatial system that allows integrating consecutive needs of University of Primorska in the Mediterranean coastal town of Izola, Slovenia. An autonomous urban fabric with its own rules defines the specific identity of the new campus, which extends and complements the existing town centre.

▼项目概览,general view ©Miran Kambič

▼周边自然环境,the natural surroundings ©Miran Kambič


The organization of built mass on a hilly slope allows for maximum permeability in physical as well as visual terms in order to enhance the contextual quality of connecting the green outskirts with the dense historical town centre.

▼建筑立面,building facade ©Miran Kambič

Livade 1.0是五座相互连接的院系大楼网络中最先建成的一座。这五座建筑各自被组织为两个错开的窄形混凝土体量,中间留出一个带顶的中庭;同时配备直线型的双楼梯系统,在增强社交功能的同时为连廊带来采光。 内部空间以纵向方式分布,从演讲厅到研究实验室再到办公室,空间的私密性逐次提高。图书馆、食堂、画廊和办公行政空间等公共区域被设置在主入口所在的建筑中,后者在视觉和功能上均体现了校园在城市结构尺度中的“头部”地位。

▼Livade校区整体轴测 & Livade 1.0轴测,Axonometry – Livade Campus & Livade 1.0 ©dekleva gregoric architects

Livade 1.0 is the first in the network of five interconnected faculty buildings, each organised as a two shifted concrete narrow volumes around a central covered atrium with double system of linear stairs to enhance social interaction and illuminate connecting corridors. The programs are distributed vertically from more to less public: lecture halls – research labs – offices. Common programs, as the library, the canteen, gallery and the deanery with administration, of the campus are collected in the main entrance building that visually and programmatically represents the campus “head” on the scale of the town fabric.

▼建筑被组织为两个错开的窄形混凝土体量,the building is organised as a two shifted concrete narrow volumes ©Miran Kambič

▼Livade 1.0入口,Livade 1.0 entrance ©Miran Kambič


As the sea view presents a stimulating quality of the working spaces a system of protruded windows was developed to direct the view towards the sea.

▼凸窗外观,protruded windows ©Miran Kambič


▼草图,sketches ©dekleva gregoric architects

The Campus is planned as three main sections: the “head” building, the network of stretched H plan faculty buildings and student housing next to the tree lane. The campus master plan integrates the concept of progressive adapting to changing needs of the University with the adaptable or open network of faculty buildings where within the grid one can adapt the size of the main faculty buildings (A,B,C,D) as well as their lower connectors (B2, C2,D2). A special attention was given to the design of all open spaces which carefully correspond within the grid of the system.

▼院系大楼外观,faculty building exterior view ©Miran Kambič

▼室内中庭,the atrium ©Miran Kambič

▼教学空间和实验室布置在走廊周围,premises of departments and laboratories are organised around two longitudinal corridors ©Miran Kambič

▼玻璃细节,glazing detail ©Miran Kambič


The position of seminar rooms and kitchenettes for common use is set around the central part, along the communication core, where the direct view towards the sea and the city is possible from the upper floors. The glazed corridors along the northern facades of the lecture rooms enables views towards the city and at the same time point to the life of the campus in the opposite direction. Premises of departments and laboratories are organised around two longitudinal corridors, extending towards the north and south, and thus form a half closed atriums.

▼实验室,laboratory ©Miran Kambič

▼演讲厅,lecture hall ©Miran Kambič

▼室内细节,interior detailed view ©Miran Kambič

▼场地平面图(建设中),under construction site plan ©dekleva gregoric architects

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©dekleva gregoric architects

▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©dekleva gregoric architects

▼立面图,facade ©dekleva gregoric architects

▼剖面图AA,section AA ©dekleva gregoric architects

▼剖面图BB,section BB ©dekleva gregoric architects

project name: university campus Livade 1.0

location: Livade 6, Izola, Slovenia

architectural office: dekleva gregoric architects

project team: Aljoša Dekleva, u.d.i.a., M.Arch. (AA Dist), Tina Gregorič, u.d.i.a., M.Arch. (AA Dist), Lea Kovič, u.d.i.a., Martina Marčan, m.i.a., Ana Štebe Krapež, u.d.i.a., Daniel Schwartz, i.a., Katja Ševerkar, m.i.a.

client: University of Primorska

site area: 7.688 m2

build up area: 947 m2

net area: 3.545 m2

project date: 2007

completion date: 2015

photos: Miran Kambič

Dalmatinova 11

SI-1000 Ljubljana



Miran Kambič



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