发布时间:2021-10-16 01:01:37 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

第三届首尔建筑与城市双年展(SBAU)于2021年9月16日至10月31日举行。继2017年和2019年的两届展览成功举办之后(主题分别为“紧迫的公共空间”和“集体城市”),本届(第三届)首尔建筑与城市双年展的主题为“交叉路口:建设弹性城市”(CROSSROADS Building the Resilient City),并由法国著名建筑师和城市规划师Dominique Perrault担任总策划。以往两届展览各自有50和85个城市参展,今年的参展城市则增加至100多个,涵盖了五大洲。

The Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism is held from September 16 to October 31, 2021. After two first editions, entitled “Imminent Commons” (2017) and “Collective City” (2019), the third edition of this Biennale, entitled “CROSSROADS Building the Resilient City”, continues its exploration of the world’s cities. While some 50 cities were represented in 2017, then 85 in 2019, Seoul hosts in 2021 contributions from more than a hundred cities from the five continents.

In October 2019, Dominique Perrault was appointed General Director of the 3rd Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism.

▼展览海报,poster © SBAU


——Dominique Perrault,首尔建筑与城市双年展总策划

The third edition of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism is one of the first architectural events produced in the context of a pandemic that profoundly challenges the functioning of our modern, technological civilization. These transformations will certainly have an impact on the way we organize our living spaces, perhaps in favor of more hybrid, even a-programmatic architectures. This crisis is probably the harbinger of the end of the much-criticized “form follows function” leitmotiv of modern architecture.

— Dominique Perrault, General Director of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism

▼展览现场一瞥 A glance to the venue © Jandee Kim – 516 Studio


The Biennale is divided into six sections, each corresponding to an exhibition, associated with events and meetings, via on-site or online conferences.

▼三个展场,包括东大门设计广场(DDP) 首尔城市与建筑大厅(Seoul HOUR)和Sewoon Plaza Three venues: Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul HOUR and Sewoon Plaza © Dominique Perrault Architecte

▼东大门设计广场展览现场 Exhibition in the Dongdaemun Design Plaza © Jandee Kim – 516 Studio


Entitled “Architecture X Infrastructure”, the thematic exhibition of the Seoul Biennale 2021 intends to express the potential synergies between architecture and engineering. This unprecedented partnership opens up perspectives and feeds the possible directions of 21st century urbanization. It considers the management of obsolescence and vulnerability as an exciting opportunity for the regeneration. In this process, architects can play a key role, through their know- how in programming and spatial design, to transform infrastructure that is functional and silent to its environment into architecture that offers a far wider range of uses, is lively and open to the city.

▼主题展现场,Thematic exhibition venue © Jandee Kim – 516 Studio

▼参展作品:芝加哥的降温和加热干预 设计者:GEOEG + Enerdrape GEOEG + Enerdrape – Cooling and Heating Interventions in Chicago © Jandee Kim – 516 Studio

▼参展作品:热那亚圣乔治大桥,2018-2020 设计者:Renzo Piano Building Workshop Renzo Piano Building Workshop – The Genova San Giorgio Bridge, 2018-2020 © Jandee Kim – 516 Studio

▼参展作品:工业革命纪念碑 设计者:CSk Architects and The Barlett UCL CSk Architects and The Barlett UCL – Memorial to the Industrial Revolution © Jandee Kim – 516 Studio

该展览通过五个主题意象(交叉路口)展示了以改善建筑环境为导向的城市生产的创新愿景。 交叉路口1:上/下 交叉路口2:传统/现代 交叉路口3:工艺/数字 交叉路口4:天然/人工 交叉路口5:安全/风险

The exhibition presents original and innovative visions of the city’s production, oriented towards the improvement of our built environments, through the lens of five thematic figures, or “Crossroads”: – CROSSROAD 1: ABOVE / BELOW – CROSSROAD 2: HERITAGE / MODERN – CROSSROAD 3: CRAFT / DIGITAL – CROSSROAD 4: NATURAL / ARTIFICIAL – CROSSROAD 5: SAFE / RISK

▼城市展现场,Cities exhibition venue © Jandee Kim – 516 Studio

▼参展作品:弹性纪念碑 设计者:THISS x ìssí THISS x ìssí – A resilient monument © Thiss x issi

▼参展作品:花园办公室 设计者:SANAA SANAA -Garden Office ©Jandee Kim – 516 Studio

▼参展作品:布鲁塞尔Rogier广场 设计者:XDGA – Xaveer De Geyter Architects XDGA – Xaveer De Geyter Architects – Rogier square, Brussels ©Jandee Kim – 516 Studio

▼参展作品:现成品。是改变的时候了! 设计者:uapS (Urbanism Architecture ProjectS) uapS (Urbanism Architecture ProjectS) – Ready-Made. It’s Now Time to Deviate! ©Jandee Kim – 516 Studio


The “Global studios” exhibition will offer a space to present projects resulting from university research, with the theme of “refuge”. The works will take the form of pavilions, selected through a call for proposals addressed to universities around the world. These pavilions will also be exhibited in the DDP.

▼“全球工作室”展览现场 The “Global studios” exhibition venue ©Jandee Kim – 516 Studio

该展览在首尔城市与建筑大厅(Seoul HOUR)举行,受到邀请的城市将在这里展示他们与本届双年展主题相关的项目和作品。

A selection of invited cities will present their projects related to the SBAU2021 theme in the Seoul Hall of Urbanism & Architecture (Seoul HOUR).

▼“客座城市”展览现场 The “Guest Cities” exhibition venue © Mihyn Son – MH Photography


The “Seoul” exhibition will present innovative architectural and urbanism projects developed in the South Korean metropolis and will be held in the “Seoul Hall of Urbanism & Architecture” (Seoul HOUR).

▼展出模型,Model on exhibition © Jandee Kim – 516 Studio

该展览的举办场地是Sewoon Plaza,介于DDP和Seoul HOUR两个主展场之间,汇聚了众多实验性的项目,并开展与之相关的公共活动、工作坊和讨论会。以“Suspicious footprint”为主题,现场展示的项目旨在通过探索性的体验将游客带入一场充满想象力的城市旅程。

The “Live Projects” exhibition will bring together experimental projects associated with public events, workshops and debates at the Sewoon Plaza, a building located halfway between the two main sites of the Biennale, the DDP and the SHUA. With the theme of “Suspicious footprint”, the proposals will aim to introduce the public to architecture through the backdoor of exploration and interactivity, a journey into the imaginary of the city.

▼“实验项目”展览现场 The “Live Projects” exhibition venue © Mihyn Son – MH Photography

Schedule: DONGDAEMUN DESIGN PLAZA(DDP) Exhibitions THEMATIC EXHIBITION / ARCHITECTURE × INFRASTRUCTURE》 CITIES EXHIBITION / FIVE CROSSROADS GLOBAL STUDIOS / REFUGES Hours 10:00 – 19:00 daily Closed every Monday Reservation The exhibitions require reservation by time slots. Slot 1: 10:00 – 12:00 Slot 2: 12:00 – 14:00 Slot 3: 14:00 – 16:00 Slot 4: 16:00 – 18:00 SEOUL HALL OF URBANISM AND ARCHITECTURE Exhibitions GUEST CITIES EXHIBITION / ATLAS OF THE FUTURE CITIES: GUEST CITIES SEOUL EXHIBITION / ATLAS OF THE FUTURE CITIES: SEOUL Hours 10:00 – 18:00 daily (Admission closes at 17:30) Closed every Monday Reservation The exhibitions require reservation by time slots. Slot 1: 10:00 – 12:00 Slot 2: 12:00 – 14:00 Slot 3: 14:00 – 16:00 Slot 4: 16:00 – 18:00 SEWOON PLAZA Exhibition Live Projects Suspicious Footprints Hours 10:00 – 18:00 daily (Admission closes at 17:00) Closed every Monday Reservation The main pavilion requires reservation by one-hour time slots. (Other installations do not require reservation and can be viewed at any time.)

了解更多SBAU2021展讯,请点击:https://seoulbiennale.org/ For more information about SBAU2021, Please click: https://seoulbiennale.org/



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