发布时间:2020-03-08 01:53:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Jiménez Bazán Arquitectos:项目所在地是特内里费岛拉克鲁斯港“La Paz”的主要绿地之一,这个项目最引人注目的特点在于它是一个不只局限于消除物理障碍的可达性公园,在包容性原则的指导下,我们除了解决物质空间上的障碍,还解决了形而上的认知障碍。因此,下述内容阐释了项目最具创新性的方面,并从包容性的角度解释了空间是如何分解的:

Jiménez Bazán Arquitectos: The scope of action is characterized by being one of the main green areas of “La Paz” in Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands.

The most remarkable aspect of this project is that it goes beyond making an accessible park in which only architectural barriers are eliminated. We face an INCLUSIVE proposal and this implies solving not only the PHYSICAL barriers but also the COGNITIVE ones.

Therefore, the most innovative aspects of the project are listed below and explain how the space is resolved from an INCLUSIVE point of view:

©Roberto Bazán


整个区域建在一个坡度在 1%-4% 之间的斜坡上,没有阻碍轮椅的路肩或台阶。植被的自然特征占主导地位,依据城市景观环境规划在道路和公共空间两边种满了大树。

The whole area is resolved in slopes between 1%-4% without kerbs or levels which would impede accessibility in the most unfavourable case of people in a wheelchair. The natural character of the vegetation predominates and the urban design has been adapted to this landscaped environment in an accessible way through paths and spaces created between large trees.

©Roberto Bazán

©Roberto Bazán


儿童区域将 0-3 岁和 3 岁以上的年龄层划分开来,为幼龄儿童提供了一个适应且安全的空间。公园有两个大区域与公园入口相连,桌子为孩童们提供了游乐场所,也可供成年人停留休息,这使得家长能针对性地监护儿童,防止他们走失。

An area for children aged 0-3 years is separated from an area for children aged + 3 years, which offers an adapted and safe space for the youngest children.

There are two large areas linked to the entrances of the park, with tables that offer a play area as well as a place for adults to stay, so that they can be strategic points of control of the furtive exit of any child.

▼入口处的休息区 Lounge area at the entrance

©Roberto Bazán



A space of great fun has been designed and this implies taking the play space to the limit for a child in some items, because there is where the child enjoys. They find excitement in the improvement and the risk of the game. Although everything is within a framework of mandatory safety, we want to highlight this aspect of fun since there are many play spaces that lose all their charm when they are treated from an accessible point of view since levels, balance games, balancing, etc. are removed. In this project we want to show that it is possible to make an exciting park as well as accessible and inclusive.

▼游乐场全貌 View of playground

©Roberto Bazán

©Roberto Bazán

©Roberto Bazán


We have motivated the role of the ground itself as the main element of free play. To that end, topographical elevations of different heights have been provided according to the degree of physical difficulty that each child may have. A playground for all children implies children with full faculties and others with special needs that can be worked on and improved. In addition, free space is a major part for collective games such as hide-and-seek and many others that are becoming more and more difficult to play in most playgrounds due to lack of space.

©Roberto Bazán

©Roberto Bazán


All play equipment can be used at the same time by several children. This is very important because there are physical or cognitive difficulties in which a child needs help to use a play unit, and it is essential that he/she can do so together with other children. Therefore the slides are 1m wide for simultaneous use, the swing is ’NEST’ type for several children at the same time and so forth as a yardstick for all play equipment.

©Roberto Bazán

▼滑滑梯 The slides

©Roberto Bazán

▼秋千 The swing

©Roberto Bazán


There are shelters in small huts form in a forest with a mesh that allow children with muscle tone difficulties to lie down. In other words, like with other play equipment, the child can access with help and be accompanied to use the equipment because the playground equipment allows it.There is no element that encourages individuality of play.Similarly all equipment will have a sign with specific inclusive symbology to describe its use.

描述使用方法的标识 Sign with specific inclusive symbology to describe its use

©Roberto Bazán



The park has aromatic plants which will be identified with signs in cognitively recognisable symbology suitable for easy visual comprehension as well as written in Braille.

识别性强的标识牌 Signs in cognitively recognisable symbology

©Roberto Bazán

©Roberto Bazán



There are sensory stimulation devices. Some of them have a sound connected with movement. Others are for communication through steel tubes. The location of the park offers a safe environment without motor- vehicles. This involves less environmental noise and therefore it is a benefit for children for whom excessive noise may be a problem.

©Roberto Bazán


除了噪音污染,我们还意识到在操场上有一种过量的尖锐的颜色,这可能会混淆某些有认知困难的儿童对空间的理解。因此,在这方面已经采取了以下措施:1. 游乐设备由木材和不锈钢制成,因此不会与游乐场的自然和植物环境格格不入。

2. 地板采用泥土色,这样它们也可以融入自然环境。

3. 用不同颜色在地面上代表不同孩子们的信息。 样,一种颜色可以标记年龄较大的儿童游乐区,另一种颜色可以标记休息区。 的是让地面上的颜色具有特定的含义,可以帮助孩子们理解周围环境。

In addition to noise pollution, we are aware that there is an excess of strident colour in playgrounds which can confuse the interpretation of a space for certain children with cognitive difficulties. Therefore, the following measures have been taken in this regard.

The play equipment is made of wood and stainless steel so that it is not out of place in with the natural and vegetal environment of the playground.

The floor is defined in earthy colours so that they can also blend in with the natural environment.

A colour is proposed to represent on the floor INFORMATION for the children. In this way one colour can mark the play area for older children or another colour can mark the living area. The purpose is that a colour on the floor has a specific meaning that can help the children to interpret their surroundings.

©Roberto Bazán



A cognitive line is drawn on the ground as a texture to guide visually impaired users around the playground. Some games include texture and volumes as part of the entertainment.

©Roberto Bazán

该项目有以下几个可持续性标准:可持续的城市排水系统|Sustainable Urban Drainage该公园所在的城市中心没有雨水排放系统,所以我们采取了两种主要措施:1. 大部分表面覆盖了自然植被,不设防水铺面。

2. 在铺砌区和种植区之间建造一条耐用的排水渠,确保大量地下水慢慢流入地面。

回收材料|Recycled materials

1. 覆盖在游戏区域的树皮来自于周边环境中的树木,经过拆解和选择之后,大部分表面被回收的有机材料溶解。

2. 场地所使用的沥青大部分是经过回收利用得来。

3. 传统的照明已被低能耗的 LED 照明所取代。

The project has several sustainability criteria that are listed below:The park is located in an urban nucleus that does not have a storm drain network, so two main measures were chosen:First. Most of the surface is natural with vegetation without waterproof elements such as the pavement.

Second. Between the paved area and the plant area, a sustainable drainage canal is created that retains the water in large underground reservoirs to give it to the ground little by little.

The bark that covers the play areas comes from the pruning of trees in the environment, after crushing and selecting it. Therefore, a large part of the surfaces have been resolved with recycled organic material.

Asphalt has a proportional part in its manufacture that comes from recycling other asphalt.

Traditional lighting has been replaced by low consumption LED lighting.

项目名称:Parque Inclusivo El Laurel

项目规划:2017 年 12 月

施工开始时间:2018 年 4 月

施工完成时间:2019 年 6 月

面积:5870 平方米


景观/建筑公司:Jiménez Bazán Arquitectos

首席建筑师:Leticia Jiménez & Roberto Bazán

设计团队:Leticia Jiménez & Roberto Bazán

客户:Consorcio del Puerto de la Cruz

合作方:Efren López Ramos(技术工程师), Francisco Javier Avila Miranda(照明工程师)图片来源:RobertoBazán

Project name: Parque Inclusivo El Laurel

Redacción del proyecto: Diciembre 2017

Inicio de las obras: Abril de 2018

Finalización de las obras: Junio de 2019

Size: 5.870 m²

Project location: Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias

Landscape/Architecture Firm: Jiménez Bazán Arquitectos

Lead Architects: Leticia Jiménez & Roberto Bazán

Design Team: Leticia Jiménez & Roberto Bazán

Clients: Consorcio del Puerto de la Cruz

Collaborators: Efren López Ramos (Arquitecto técnico), Francisco Javier Avila Miranda (Ingeniero alumbrado)Photo credits: Roberto Bazán




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