发布时间:2020-09-17 21:36:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

《船烟》是参与“滨江金融城全球公共艺术品甄选”得标的作品。评审委员由巴黎东京宫博物馆馆长 Jean de Loisy,白立方画廊公共项目艺术总监 Andrea Schlieker,独立策展人方振宁、艺术总监北川富朗、政府推荐专家以及业主代表所组成。最终从500多件作品中,选出17位艺术家的作品,2020年正式落地于陆家嘴金融城的街头。


Ship Smoke is selected for Harbor City’s Worldwide Public Art design competition. The jury concludes Jean de Loisy, director of the Palais de Tokyo Museum, Andrea Schlieker, director of commissions and special projects at White Cube, independent curator Fang Zhenning, art director Fram Kitagawa, government recommended experts and client’s representatives. Ultimately, 17 out of 500 artworks were officially selected to be made and located on the Shanghai Lujiazui Harbor City street in 2020.

△船烟近景 Ship Smoke close view © Ingallery

「在全球化的当代,我们更希望每个地方的生活、文化特质都能个别展现出来。陆家嘴滨江金融城的新城市计划,将位于上海这个具有丰富历史与土地记忆的国际大都市之中。因此,希望能募集到能够反映当代地方文化与世界多样性的提案。这次公开甄选非常自由,也期待有趣并且实现性高的提案出现。」北川富朗作为主策展人,公开竞赛理念核心为 “探险船遨游时空” 的大主题下展开。

「Currently, under the globalization situation, we wish each place could be more localized to reflect their culture and specialization. The new masterplanning of the Harbor City will be localized in Shanghai, a city that is full of culture, memorization and internationalization. Thus, we wish to have proposals that can reflect the contemporary culture and diversity of the world. The application requirements are quite open, we are looking for some fun and high practicability artwork designs.」Fram Kitagawa, curator of the exhibition, he declared the competition theme is “Exploration Ship Travels through the Space and Time”.

△船烟日景 Ship Smoke day view © Ingallery


Ship Smoke is located on the north entrance of Shanghai Gala Mall (near to the Yincheng Road) and in front of the main building. We wish to connect to the old ship yard history while keeping its functionality.

△船烟日景 Ship Smoke day view© Ingallery


The concept was inspired from the ship smoke’s dynamic air current. We retain the smoke on the basement of ship voyaging eastwards, keeping the ground and skyline horizontally, with a feeling of moving forward. The blank line, providing people with an upper and lower latitude imagination, symbolized a changing and developing city.

△船烟夜景 Ship Smoke night view © Ingallery


Mimicking the floating current artificially is an ideal natural romantic process. The stainless steel implies the immortal material world. Expressing the vivid air with a solid object and emphasized this magic city’s dramatic changes through time. In addition, it shows a reflection of Eastern culture’s reverence of nature and history. These provoking thoughts are derived from the way that people deal with the current living situations and corresponding responsibilities towards the future.

△船烟施工现场 Ship Smoke site view


As a result, Ship Smoke symbolizes the inheritance of Oriental culture. Through this new artistic expression in architecture, we provide people with an aesthetic feeling and emotional experience toward the space. The combination between architecture and installation has stimulated its vitality, highlighting humanism in city development, achieving a comprehensive functional and spiritual utility.

△船烟夜景 Ship Smoke night view © Ingallery


Public art is the prospects of the future city, as well as an expression in the city’s individuality. As the only non-artist view that was selected among all the submitted works, We wish people could be acknowledged with the avant-garde architecture views, in addition, opening up new conversations between public and society.

01. 波光 Glisten

02. 穿越 Through

03. 存在 Existing

04. 蜉蝣 Floating

回顾我们在竞赛时,针对八个不同的地点,除了「船烟」还, 递交了「波光」、「穿越」、「存在」、「蜉蝣」、「家的港湾」、「空气的温柔」、「浪迹」、「印记」,八个概念设计。

05. 家的港湾 Home Harbor


07. 浪迹 Wave Imprint

08. 印记 Impression

Tracing back, we’ve created eight design works in total, besides ”Ship Smoke”, including “Glisten”, ”Through”, ”Existing”, ”Floating”, “Home Harbor”, ”Soft Air”, ”Wave Imprint” and ”Impression”.



With a fun vision to echo Shanghai’s unique charm, we try to bring out different views toward life, expecting to create a lively environment for people to live and encourage them to participate into the city artwork creation, furthermore, crossing boundaries between architecture and art.

△总平 Site plan

△长向剖面 Long Section

△剖面细节图 Detail Section Drawing


装置地点:中国上海市,陆家嘴滨江金融城,尚悦湾广场北入口(近银城路)客户:中信股份 & 中船集团




材料: 不锈钢

作品尺寸: 1000mm x 800mm x 5170mm


Installation Name:Ship Smoke

Location:Gala Mall, near to the Yincheng Road, Lujiazui Harbor City, Shanghai, China

Client: CITIC Limited & China State Shipbuilding corporation

Leading Architect:C.R.Lin

Design Team: Sun Lidong, Wei Lu, Xin Chang hao, Ye Xiunan, Zhang Minzheng, Zhou Tian ye

Completion time:Aug, 2020

Materials: Stainless Steel

Size: 1000mm x 800mm x 5170mm


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