发布时间:2019-09-10 11:01:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Project Brief


▼东南向鸟瞰,aerial view from southeast

Yangzhong Foreign Language School Branch Campus is located in the western suburb of Yangzhong City, Jiangsu Province. It covers an area of about 10 acres and is a newly established public junior high school with 30 classes. The site boundary is an irregular polygon defined by the surrounding existing conditions. The scheme is to arrange the required large sports field along the east side of the site. The main building, located on the middle and west part of the site, utilizes a compact learning complex mode, integrating all diverse programs that a modern school needs into one singular building, to minimize the building footprint and meanwhile improve the accessibility of each space. Through such overall space organization, we hope to emphasize the integrity of essential-quality-oriented education.

▼总平面图,site plan


Anchoring the new building on its site

在确定了校园总图布局关系后,面对这片新征收的平整的农田用地,和当时还处于图纸上的周边道路,新校园的设计应具体从何处着手? 如果场地的记忆在城市化的过程中被抹平,我们又该如何营建有场所精神的校园空间?我们将建筑置身于更大的周边文脉下来考量校园与城市的关系。设计的起始和场所张力的形成,最初来自于建筑三个主朝向上的内凹弧线空间,它们分别对应南侧的主入口广场、隔路相望的老校区遗址,西北侧的现有河道,和东侧的运动场以及再往东的联丰港河道和主城区。通过与城市地景和场地记忆的对话,新校园开始建立起自己独有的场所感。

▼校园与城市的关系分析,campus and urban context

西侧鸟瞰,aerial view from west

▼建筑立面形成三个内凹的弧线空间,the facades of the building create three main concave arc spaces


Space Organization


▼校园开放空间分析,open spaces

The learning complex building consists of three courtyard-style blocks and a central connection block. According to the different functional needs, three courtyard blocks are respectively for the general learning zone, the laboratory zone and the art education zone. The central connection block, which we call the campus center, has an open exhibition space on the ground piloti floor, the administration offices and reception area on the second floor, a library on the third floor, and a roof garden on the fourth floor. This is the campus center both physically and spiritually. The atrium patio in the middle of the campus center is a place of serenity and peacefulness. The sunlight through the top opening of the patio moves slowly across the atrium. A spiraling stair takes people from the ground floor to the roof garden.

黄昏下的教学综合楼,exterior view of the learning complex building

▼从运动场看教学综合楼,view to thelearning complex building from the playground

主入口广场,entrance plaza

▼综合楼立面,统一体系下的灵活构成,the learning complex building facade

▼二层平台联系教学区与运动场,the learning building is linked to the playground by the platform on the2nd level

▼从底层仰视中庭,looking up to the atrium from the ground floor

▼亦动亦静的中庭天井,the atrium area with adynamic but quiet atmosphere

▼沿着天井楼梯可攀升至屋顶花园,a spiraling stair takes people from the ground floor to the roof garden

▼中庭天井与二层公共平台便捷联系,the atrium is conveniently connected with the platform on the 2nd floor

▼图书馆围合下的内中庭,the internal atrium enclosed by the library

图书馆内景,透过U型玻璃的柔和光线,the U-shaped glazing brings soft light to the library

图书馆空间本身成为不同教学区之间的连接体,thelibrary becomes a connector for different learning zones


Large volume programs such as the lecture hall, gymnasium and cafeteria are hidden on the bottoms of two enclosed courtyards, and their roofs serve as platforms for group events, providing space for students to have breaks or outdoor activities.

报告厅内景,the lecture hall

▼从二层内廊俯瞰体育馆,view to the gymnasium from the internal corridor on the 2nd floor

▼下部为餐厅的二层活动平台,activity platform on the 2nd floor

▼以城市为远景的三层活动平台,the platform on the 3rd floor, with an urban view as the background

▼教学区合院外廊,休息平台成为观察城市的窗口,the external corridors create terraces to frame the city scenery


The compact mode of the building has earned the campus a larger outdoor landscape and sports venue area. The school’s plantation is located on the west edge of the campus, and it is a buffer and interaction zone between the school and the neighboring community. Carefully created plantations and water features extend into the courtyard through the ground piloti floor. We initially proposed to take the unique directional texture of the farmland of the site as the landscape planning design basis, in order for students to learn the history of this piece of vanishing farmland, however this proposal was not able to be realized.

西侧种植园从底层架空空间延伸进合院内部,theplantationextends into the courtyard through the ground piloti floor



Perform Design Studio did not participate in the interior design and landscape design of the project, and there were some regrets over the selection and detailing of the final materials, for example the roof garden, which was far from the lush feeling we originally envisioned. However, the final completion of the project still makes us feel gratified. We hope that this campus building which is unlike those typical ones in the local area could bring some new inspirations to people. The school’s third level viewing platform is one of our favorite spaces. Looking east from the platform through its gigantic horizontal opening, in the distance, numerous tower cranes seem to suggest the process of urbanization has not yet slowed down, while in the foreground, the communication scenes of students and their laughters are perhaps the most appealing landscape on campus.

▼与运动场相匹配的综合楼空间尺度,the learning complex building fits in the scale of the playground

夜景下的运动场及综合楼,night view of the learning complex building and playground

▼功能分析图,programme diagram

整体东向轴测图,axon – east

▼分层轴测图,axon – floor plan

▼二层平面图,2nd floor plan

三层平面图,3rd floor plan






设计团队:孙涛 邱佳豪 孙朝良 徐淑洁 王骞 谭志勇 陈舒凯



摄影版权:直译建筑摄影 何炼

合作设计院:江苏昊都建设工程有限公司(建筑、结构、机电施工图,及室内设计)客户:扬中市教育局建筑材料及品牌:U型玻璃 – 云华

铝合金外窗 – 广田

外墙涂料 – 东瀛

Project name: Yangzhong Foreign Language School Branch Campus

Design Firm: Perform Design Studio

Design year: 2015-2016Completion year: 2018

Leader designer: Qian Li

Team: Tao Sun, Jiahao Qiu, Chaoliang Sun, Shujie Xu, Qian Wang, Zhiyong Tan, Shukai Chen

Project location: Gongxing River Road, Yangzhong, Jiangsu, China

Gross Built Area: 27000 sm

Photo credits: Lian He

Executive Architect: Jiangsu Haodu Construction & Engineering Co. Ltd.

Interior Design: Jiangsu Haodu Construction & Engineering Co. Ltd.

Client: Yangzhong Education Bureau

Material and Brands:Channel Glass – Yunhua

Aluminum Window – Guangtian

Exterior Painting – Dongying


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