发布时间:2020-03-10 01:45:25 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Crossboundaries 最新装置由 12 个”箱式房打包箱“装配式单元(以下简称”箱式单元“)组成,被认为是未来学校的大胆探索,未来教育必将随着社会关系而变革。未来学校是在社会中广泛场所发生,而装配式运用正好提供了强有力的技术支持。该设施是 2019 届深圳-- 香港双年展主题展览的一部分,围绕未来学校的未来教育模式和在教育建筑领域中预制和模块化搭建的可能性。

Crossboundaries’ latest installation is made out of 12 shipping containers and is imagined as a fun inducing manifesto of future schools, where you can experience and imagine little glimpses of its principles. The installation is currently open for visitors as a part of the group exhibition for 2019 Shenzhen- Hong Kong biennale themed around potential models for future schools and the possibilities of prefabrication and modularization in the realm of educational buildings.

装置概览,overall view ©白羽

本次组展共设 5 个展台,均采用中建科技提供的标准箱式单元建成。Crossboundaries 这次作品被命名为“无限 6”,位于 18x18m 的场地上。”无限 6“平面上十字交叉的“X”形布局,自然地将 18×18 米的场地划分尾 4 个独立的小广场。

The group exhibition contains five installations in total, all utilizing the standard shipping container module provided by the organizers.

Dubbed “INFINITY 6”, Crossboundaries’ installation takes an interlocked “X” shape, positioned on a 18x18m site.

▼场地鸟瞰,aerial view ©白羽


The “X” shape creates plazas of different sizes and moods and the whole structure is open and welcoming no matter which side you approach it from. This idea ripples through our vision of future where school extends beyond its walls and becomes an open, interactive space. In the world in which education is becoming a lifelong journey, no longer limited to certain age, place or linear teaching programs, the notion of school should transform as well, to include more flexible, improvisational and collaborative mindset.

▼动图示意,Infitity 6 gif. ©Crossboundaries

主要预制构件于工厂制作完毕,现场直接组装,从而在短时间内保证施工的高效精准,同时也保证了建筑质量。支撑结构选用了梁柱结合的框架结构形式,楼板和非承重隔墙等这些可以易于改变的构造,使内部教室空间的划分和组合变得轻而易举。因为框架结构体系,维护构件,如墙、栏杆,可以灵活布置,使“无限 6”面向街道和庭院展现最大的开放性。这里预示着教育在未来的无限可能。无论从教育模式还是场地周遭,还是空间大小。

“无限 6”由 12 个”箱式房打包箱“装配式单元组成,thet installation is made out of 12 shipping containers ©白羽

无论你从东南西北,都是无限可能开放与闭合。这一理念来自于我们对未来的憧憬与想象,学校超越围墙这一概念,学校成为一个开放、互动的空间。“无限 6”是对未来学校愿景的美好展示:她从最基本的单位元素开始,她随时增加或递减,安放到任何地方。

"INFINITY 6" is a small demo of this future school vision; it’s an infrastructural beginning of a thought that can be further multiplied, added on and plugged into the existing cities. To summarize this vision, we tried to express it through six principles:


1. School should be a shared place of gathering, a hub and an incubator of social interaction that engages not only students and teachers but entire community.

户外聚集空间,outdoor gathering space ©白羽


2.The school should provide a richness in spatial experiences for children, blurring the separation between inside and outside, not only in context of space but also in terms of what kind of activities occur in these spaces. Classroom can spill out in the school yard or hallway or city and nature can be brought inside.

设计模糊了空间内部和外部的物理阻隔,the designblurred the separation between inside and outside ©白羽


3. Providing a private space as an antidote to gathering is essential in offering a recluse, a place of calm and isolation that allows for individuality and encourages deep thinking.

▼一个人的角落,the private space ©白羽


4. Even a small effort in adding texture and color to the sensory palette of school exterior and interior, combined with kids’ unrestrained imagination can significantly expand and enrich the daily learning experiences.

色彩绚烂的喷涂表面,the bright and colourful facade ©白羽


5. Generous openings on the building façade can integrate the school with its surroundings by providing the glimpses into the school’s inner world and framing the interesting views of the city. The windows can extend their role further by becoming small reading niches that participate in the new dynamic way the learning can occur outside the classroom.

宽敞开口提供开放的态度,generous openings on the building façade integrate the school with its surroundings ©白羽

▼开放互通的空间,the open, interconnected spaces ©白羽

楼梯间,stair well©白羽


6. Finally, the school should be conceived as a smart, evolving space that encourages interactivity, embraces unpredictability of skills that future will require and thrives on the notion of constant adaptation and change.

智能且不断变化发展的空间,a smart, evolving space that encourages interactivity ©白羽

以上六种理念被融入装置中作为实现:四个小空间广场由“X”形联结,每个广场的均为半开放、半围合空间的形态。当你伫足小广场中央,“无限 6”延伸的建筑两翼象打开的书页一般以欢迎的态度来展示聚会、私人空间、内外空间,篮球场,秋千区,并通过色块的,自然区分空间的转化。让每个功能都好玩,这是必要的元素。

All the principles are embedded in the installation as small demos or previews; the four little plazas generated by the juxtaposition of the “X” shape on the square site, flanked with pairs of facades that resemble the pages of an open book, serve to demonstrate gathering, private space, inside-outside spatial play and adding texture and color principle. This is achieved by differentiating the plazas in scale and materiality and by adding playful elements that support each function.

“无限 6”呈现出欢迎的姿态,a welcoming place for everyone ©白羽


“无限 6”的总图布局是合与分的统一。既完成了场地与单体建筑,功能与形式之间的有机结合,又为未来的有机生长预留了无限可能性。这就是对于未来教育深刻的理解。

Gathering plaza features the “hang out stairs”, private plaza is more enclosed, in-and-out principle is represented with a small porch that extends to a more open play and texture is added on the sport plaza.

The building itself demonstrates the generous openings and semi-open corridors and features an exhibition of some of our tested school projects that further elaborates all the ways in which the schools of the future can become ‘smart’. This school doesn’t imply conventional classroom as its measure word and a designated place of learning. Instead, it offers an entire learning landscape that spills out to the hallways, stairs, yards and ultimately the entire city.

▼“外楼梯”形成一个小小的舞台,the“hang out stairs”create a stage ©白羽

另一个需要 Crossboundaries 进一步学习思考的是:一所学校是否可以完全由模块组成,并形成独具魅力的建筑体和真正符合使用者需求的空间?

▼内部空间,internal space ©白羽

Another, seemingly opposing trend that this installation tries to tackle concerns modularization and prefabrication as a building method – a trend that has taken off in China last several years to keep up with the growing demand. Can a school be made out of modules and result in highly unique and inspiring spaces? This is the question that we grappled with in some of our recent school projects and that we aim to insist on moving forward, ensuring that the progressive teaching methods that encourage customized learning can go hand in hand with the time-saving, mass-produced modular building systems that are becoming increasingly attractive for investors.

▼设计示意图,design diagram ©Crossboundaries

作品“无限 6”提醒我们,作为教育空间缔造者,建筑师将不断拓展:空间应始终呼应未来教育学习方式,一切皆有可能,无限的未知都在不远的将来等待我们。

"INFINITY 6" is a reminder that our mission as educational spaces designers constantly broadens: it should always echo the ways of the future learning and imply the active participation in cross-disciplinary conversations and trends that influence the future of schools.

▼整体鸟瞰,aerial view ©白羽

"无限 6"于 2019 年 12 月 21 日至 2020 年 3 月 21 日在深圳展出。"INFINITY 6" is on display from 21st of December 2019 to 21st of March 2020.

项目名称:无限 6 未来学校 主办方:龙岗区人民政府 合作方/搭建方:中建科技有限公司 位置:中国,深圳 展区面积:324 平方米 展品尺度:200 平方米 设计周期:2019 年 11 月--2019 年 12 月 材质:钢结构、瓦楞钢板、玻璃丝绵夹芯板 设计方:Crossboundaries, 北京 项目负责人:Binke Lenhardt(蓝冰可),董灏 设计团队:Marijana Simic, 崔雨柔,侯京慧,郝洪漪,高旸 摄影/摄像:白羽

Project: Pop-up campus – Infitity 6

Organizer: Longgang District Government

Construction company: China Construction Science & Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: Shenzhen, China

Site Area: 324m2

Building area: about 200 m2

Design Period: Nov. 2019

Construction period: Nov- Dec. 2019

Completion Date: 22. Dec. 2019

Material: Steel structure, corrugated steel panel, insulation

Design Company: Crossboundaries, Beijing

Supervisors: Binke Lenhardt, DONG Hao

Design Team: Marijana Simic, Cynthia Cui, HOU Jinghui, HAO Hongyi, GAO Yang

Photographer: BAI Yu


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