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Teeple Architects


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Teeple Architects

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特伦特大学学生中心建筑坐落于Symons校区主入口处,其清晰的结构规划阐释了以连接性为主旨的建筑设计。建筑不仅建立了其自身与奥托拿比河自然景观的密切联系,延续了其自身与加拿大当代建筑设计大师Ron Thom打造的园区环境之间的联系;最重要的是,它为学生在建筑内部建立了动感且激发灵感的活动空间。

Located at the main entrance to the Trent University’s iconic Symons Campus, the new Student Centre is a concise exploration of connections: connecting the building with the bucolic adjacent Otonabee River landscape; connecting new construction to the historical precedent of the surrounding original campus architecture—designed by Canadian modern architectural master Ron Thom; and, most importantly, connecting the students with one another in a dynamic and inspiring setting.

▼外貌,exterior view



Directly adjacent to the University’s iconic Bata Library on the campus’ waterfront, the building creates important new links from campus entry points to the riverside and surrounding landscape. Replacing a parking lot, the site is framed by the campus entry road to the west, the existing library to the north, the Otonabee River and pedestrian “Founders Walk” to the east, and a mature woodlot to the south, with the University’s existing Athletic Centre beyond. The main entrance of the building addresses the principal bus stop at the campus gateway, through which thousands of students arrive each week. Another entrance connects the pedestrian path along the campus entry road. Both of these circulation paths form an ‘X’, where a new indoor student “Forum” connects directly to the riverside—naturally connecting campus elements that had previously been isolated.

▼两条建筑入口道路交叉成“X”型,both of these circulation paths form an ‘X’




A unique feature of the facility is that it seamlessly integrates both student centre and formal learning spaces, which have been arranged to ensure all building areas are well used and animated over the course of each day. Program areas include a variety of informal student lounges, collaboration and study spaces, student club spaces, new offices for the Trent Student Association, a multi-purpose event space, and a range of classroom/lecture spaces. The new student spaces were intended to relieve pressure from overcrowding in the adjacent existing library, and work to create a larger student social and study precinct at the heart of the campus.

▼建筑包含各种各样的非正式学生休息处,协作及学习空间, program areas include a variety of informal student lounges, collaboration and study spaces


The three storey building is organized around the Forum, which rises through the full 3-storey height of the structure and from which one can view all of the activities of the building. The centrality and visibility of the forum is key to the design, acting as a hub for social activities as well as for intuitively navigating and accessing all of the facility’s programs. Students follow the larger urban flow of circulation into this space and up through the building via a circulation spine composed of stairs, benches, lounges, and a variety of adjoining study areas. The flexibility of the forum space will also allow it to host concerts, job fairs, and other events central to Trent student life.

▼建筑的核心区域为一个三层高大型社交空间,the three storey building is organized around the Forum, which rises through the full 3-storey height of the structure

▼多功能厅,a multi-purpose event space


建筑在朝向街道的一侧拥有封闭的立面, 在南侧临河拥有开放的全景视野,而上层空间则可以恣意享受广阔的学院环境与无尽的自然景观。此外,建筑室内公共活动空间于室外环境充分开放,让室内外环境获得良好的互通性。从河岸处观望,层次分明的建筑立面以其有机的形态,展现了与相邻Bata图书馆的趣味互动关系。建筑朝向街道一侧的立面采用光蚀刻预制混凝土打造,回应了对原校园建筑环境的连接性,并以独具特色的当代设计手法将建筑与周边自然美景相连。预制混凝土面板的外部包层采用与Bata图书馆和其他校园建筑环境相同的混凝土骨料,并以动感的折叠形式加强了混凝土板的表现力。裸露在外的木屋顶结构由200毫米冷杉木胶合板梁搭建而成,回应了周边的自然林地环境,在细节上与校园其他建筑形成统一。此外,建筑的材料运营,细节把控和清晰的层面规划,与由Ron Thom设计的校园环境展开了交流。

Featuring a solid ground-level façade on the road side, the building opens to panoramic views south to the river, and to the larger campus and surrounding landscape from the upper storeys. A true indoor-outdoor space, interior gathering spaces open to exterior and terraces. From the river side, the legibility of the building’s floor plates subtly references the geometry of the adjacent Bata library in a more elongated, organic language. Responding to a desire to connect with the original Trent campus design but also to arrive at a unique and contemporary approach to the natural beauty of the site, the road-facing side of the building is clad with a unique photo-etched precast concrete. The precast panels’ exterior finish was created from an image of the distinctive rough aggregate concrete used on the Bata Library and throughout the original campus, enhanced by dynamic folds in the panel forms. Visible exterior wood roof structure—comprised of 200mm deep douglas fir glulam beams—ties both to the surrounding wooded environment as well as detailing in the original university buildings. Together, the materiality, detailing and strong horizontal expression of floor levels serve to communicate with and offer a lighter, respectful contemporary counterpoint to the materiality and formal logic of the Ron Thom campus.

▼封闭的立面回应了对原校园建筑环境的连接性,a solid ground-level façade on the road side responds to a desire to connect with the original Trent campus design


A pragmatic sustainable strategy underpins the design of the building, centred on passive approaches. The building’s carefully considered orientation and solid-to-void relationships take advantage of heat gain in winter from the south and east but deep canopies ensure key areas are shaded from summer sun. Natural ventilation is provided through the Centre’s large 3-storey forum. The curtain wall glazing achieves high-performance through use of Low-E, tinted and fritted glazing units that are filled with argon. Other measures include energy reclamation on air handling units, LED lighting and low flow plumbing fixtures. Underpinning a desire for social sustainability and to continue Trent’s history as a socially progressive institution, the building meets University’s stringent accessibility guidelines, and incorporates important spaces such as gender free washrooms and a breastfeeding area.

▼利用遮阳棚遮挡夏季阳光,deep canopies ensure key areas are shaded from summer sun

▼一层平面图,the first floor plan

▼二层平面图,the second floor plan

▼三层平面图,the third floor plan



Project Team: Stephen Teeple, Chris Radigan, Darryl Biedron, Eric Boelling, Aiden Mitchelmore, Julie Jira, Polly Auyeung, Tanya Cazzin

Consultant Team

Architects: Teeple Architects Inc.

Engineers: LEA Consulting Ltd (Structural Engineer); Crossey Engineering Ltd (Mechanical Engineer); Crossey Engineering Ltd (Electrical Engineer); Crossey Engineering Ltd (IT/Telecom/Security); Zon Engineering Inc (Sustainability/LEED Consultant); Basterfield & Associates Inc (Landscape Architecture); D.M. Wills Associates Ltd (Civil Engineer); Novus Environmental Inc (Acoustic Design Consultant); Kaizen Foodservice Planning & Design Inc (Food Services); DesignABLE Environments Inc (Accessibility); David Hine Engineering (Building Code Consultant)

Project size: 34000 ft2

Completion date: 2017

Building levels: 3


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