We have designed the extension for a single family house, which is settled in an urban fabric that has been consolidated since long ago. The existing atmosphere of the neighbourhood -facades, colors, materials, trees- is legally protected by urban regulations. The design also faces the wishes of the client to take the maximum profit from the spare square meters, always within a low budget and some reasonable programmatic requirements. There are also some specific urban regulations on regard to the new volumes and its aesthetics that we have to deal with, along with the inherent technological restrictions of a small construction company from Southern Spain.
▼建筑入口,Entrance View
▼从入口走进建筑,Enter the Entrance
of new and old building
Our proposal respects the personality and context of the existing building by either changing nothing (we avoid modifying its original structure and external aesthetics) or changing everything (adopting a completely different language for the design of the extension). Through the reverberation of curves we also gain visual coherence, some coherence that works for us in the design process, but also for the client in the understanding of the project. To simply put it, the curves help to indicate the new elements and spaces added.
▼以曲线元素为主的新建筑体量,New volume is given priority to curves
▼立面细节,Facade Details
▼建筑内部,Interior View
▼建筑模型,Physical Model
▼总平面,Site Plan
▼一二层平面图,1st and 2nd Floor Plan
▼三层和顶层平面图,3rd Floor and Roof Plan
Architects:Studio Wet: Jose Gómez Mora, Daniel Montes.
Collaborators: Sharifa Haidari, Manvir Hansra, Anna Thomaidou, Julián Calvo, Simona Lupo. Pedro Lobato, Estructura – Statics. Víctor Silveira, Instalaciones – Elec&Mechanical. Daniel Yusty, Dirección de Ejecución – Quantity Surveyor.
Promoter: Familia Lissen
Buiding Company:Cruz y Maguillo S. L.
Year:Proyecto – Project 2014. Obra – Building 2015-2016