发布时间:2022-07-23 09:14:29 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Hayon Studio:通过设计师Hayon充满活力和富有创造性的设计,MOKA花园成为鼓励疲惫的城市居民欣赏自然之美并培养“自然素养”的地方。花园中包含了3个主要空间:MOKA图书馆、Jaime Hayon花园和MOKA乐园。MOKA图书馆内将收藏超过2000本由绘本专家精心挑选的自然主题书籍。参观者可以通过进入室内的Jaime Hayon花园,从书本学习无缝过渡到亲身体验;除了鼓舞人心的自然环境,MOKA乐园中俏皮的雕塑和充满活力的壁画也激发了儿童和成人的创造力和想象力。

Hayon Studio:Through Hayon’s spirited and creative designs, the space encourages and cultivates “Nature Literacy” in weary city-dwellers who rarely have a chance to appreciate the beauty of nature. The are 3 Spaces of MOKA Garden: MOKA Library 、Jaime Hayon Garden、MOKA Play. MOKA Library will house over 2000 nature-themed books, each hand picked by a picture book expert. Visitors can seamlessly transition from in-book learning to in-person experience by stepping foot in the indoor Jaime Hayon Garden. In addition to inspiring nature, the playful sculptures and vibrant mural of MOKA Play inspire creativity and imagination in both children and adults alike.

▼Jaime Hayon花园 Jaime Hayon Garden

courtesy of Hayon Studio

MOKA图书馆MOKA Library


设计师Jaime Hayon

The designer Jaime Hayon

courtesy of Hayon Studio

奇特的雕塑花园 A Fanciful Sculpture Garden

以设计师本人名字命名的Jaime Hayon花园是MOKA花园的核心。花园中倾斜的玻璃天花板让自然光线照射到各种各样的植物上,给人带来放松和启迪。这座花园将人们习以为常的自然景观带到了眼前,帮助参观者重新发现大自然的美丽和珍贵。这八个独特的动物造型雕塑(其中一个位于商场入口处)和一个巨型喷泉头都是来自源自Hayon的想象,并由艺术家本人命名,每个雕塑都在诉说着人们内心的童真。

Named after the designer himself, the Jaime Hayon Garden is the heart of MOKA Garden. The angled-glass ceilings allow in natural light on the numerous varieties of flora that instil rest and inspiration. The garden brings to the forefront a nature that’s often taken for granted and helps visitors rediscover nature’s beauty and preciousness. Born of Hayon’s imagination and each named by the artist himself, the eight unique animal-shaped sculptures (1 found at the mall entrance) and a large fountain head speak to the inner children in everyone.

courtesy of Hayon Studio

入口雕塑和巨型喷泉头 Animal-shaped sculptures at the entrance and the large fountain head


“This area is meant so that people can enjoy and have a peaceful moment in it. Thought the strength of the characters that populate the space, the garden proposes a path towards thought and emotion. Each figure has been thoughtfully designed and expressions studied so that they can make a powerful connection with the visitors. The sculptures have a granite finish and details in brass.

▼不同动物形状的雕塑和细节Animal-shaped sculptures with a granite finish and details in brass


It is one of the most important projects I’ve done so far because I could use the ability of creating designs, putting my art into sculptures and placing them with my own expressions and bringing them to life with the different proportions. It’s an amazing project.

courtesy of Hayon Studio

“过去建造花园是为了让人们能集中精力去感受,让人在一天中尽可能腾出时间回归自然。这就是为什么我们的城市里仍然有花园,因为它们脱离了令人疯狂的重复的工作事务,是让人休闲放松的地方。我认为我们正在以一种现代的方式,把传统花园中令人舒适的氛围带入到这个花园中。”设计师Jaime Hayon说。

Gardens were built in the past to be areas where people could concentrate and come back to nature even for a few minutes in the day. And this is why we have them in the city still because they become a break from the craziness of mechanical things. If I think about what I like about classical gardens, I think we’re bringing that in a modern way into this one.”– Jaime Hayon.

courtesy of Hayon Studio

courtesy of Hayon Studio

MOKA图书馆——书籍迷宫A Labyrinth of Books


MOKA Library – A Labyrinth of Books

While creating the identity of the library, Hayon envisioned children traversing a snake-like bookcase maze, the heart of the library, and naturally discovering books that are positioned precisely to reach the eye-levels of children. The numerous characters found in the library, found on the ceiling artwork and its supporting seating sculptures, breathe life into the space.

There are two additional spaces. The “Edu Lab,” furnished with tables and chairs designed by Hayon himself, is a space for education programs. The “Art Lab” will hold nature-themed exhibitions, but for the duration of the opening the artist’s design sketches and 3D modeling of the spaces along with the artist’s commentary will be exhibited.

The space is dedicated to families and kids, especially. The library is a very important place because aside from having a great collection of illustrated books, and a wide variety of artistic books for everyone. The selection is very high-end and nicely curated. This space is not only for kids but for the entire family to enjoy.

courtesy of Hayon Studio

courtesy of Hayon Studio

courtesy of Hayon Studio

courtesy of Hayon Studio

鼓舞人心的MOKA 乐园 An Inspirational Playground


At the center of MOKA Play is the floating mural that wraps around the space. The diverse array of animals, humans and objects lit by natural sun-light from the angled-glass ceiling and brought to life in vivid colors coveys the artist’s theme of “Evolution.” The artist put his art and soul into the mural in particular. Visitors who enter discover a playful, interactive and explorable space enclosed by amphitheater seating for rest and adult supervision. Hayon intended the playground to be a place where children could cross over into an imaginative world of play by designing four climbable animals that invite children to utilize their imagination. The rounded design elements were crafted to be both safe for children and soft on the eyes.

courtesy of Hayon Studio

courtesy of Hayon Studio

courtesy of Hayon Studio

Jaime Hayon花园手稿 Sketch of Jaime Hayon Garden

MOKA图书馆手稿 Sketch of MOKA Library

MOKA乐园手稿 Sketch of MOKA Play

项目名称:Hyundai Moka花园



Jaime Hayon花园:709㎡



设计公司:Hayon Studio

Project Name: Hyundai Moka Garden

Project location: Korea

Jaime Hayon Garden: 709㎡

MOKA Library: 462㎡MOKA Paradise: 351㎡

Landscape/Architecture Firm: Hayon Studio


审稿编辑: Simin


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