Singapore Infocomm Investment Office
该办公室共包含5个不同的区域,每个区域的上方都用不同的亮丽色彩做标记,这样可以让来访者更轻易的找到要去的地方。一进门,人们首先看到的是Brewery,也就是接待区;接下来是The Hatchery,一个协作的工作区,里面最大的特色是嵌入式的可移动工位;然后是Chill区,这里有各种休闲娱乐设施;再然后是The Factory,另一个协作工作区,里面有订制的工位以及可移动的工作亭;最后这个区域Mission Control,就是标着Infocomm Investments标识的地方了。
SCA Design has developed the new offices of Infocomm Investments in Singapore to be reconfigurable for the various activities of the startups using the space.Centrally placed hubs are highly visible, encouraging gatherings and interactions, while specially designed workstations can be adapted to accommodate future growth and expansion. To inspire users and visitors, the overall design is vibrant, lively and fun with an industrial edge, featuring colourful signage and themed areas throughout the space.
BASH contains five different zones, each with its own brightly colour-coded overhead cable-trunking to help visitors to find their way around the space. Visitors first encounter The Brewery, which is a reception area. Following that is The Hatchery, a co-working environment featuring custom-built movable workstations; Chill, a shared breakout space with recreation elements; and The Factory, another co-working environment that features customisable workstations and ‘mobile booths’. The fifth zone is Mission Control, where Infocomm Investments sits.