发布时间:2024-03-04 13:10:56 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▼零距离家园第五立面,Fifth facade of the Neighborly Homestead ©章鱼见筑

▼总平面图,Master plan ©同济原作设计工作室

▼夜色中的“苏河绿斗”,”Green funnel by the Suzhou River” in the night ©章鱼见筑

▼共享的社区活动露台,Shared community activity terrace ©章鱼见筑

It serves as a miniature three-dimensional park with unobstructed pathways, presenting an all-encompassing open demeanor. It’s an internalized shared community where people of all ages can experience the warmth and care of the city. It’s a lightly intervened complex, constructing a new composite usage system while retaining the original structural framework. It stands as the most beautiful urban terrace, offering one of the best viewpoints along the Suzhou River and one of its most stunning landscapes.


▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan ©同济原作设计工作室

The rooftop’s gorgeous terrace is a rare public space along the Huangpu Section of Suzhou Creek , offering panoramic views of the entire river. The undulating roofscape integrates various facilities of the building and provides diverse spaces for lingering. The green vertical pathways, combined with vertical greening from the ground floor to the rooftop, connect with the scenery along the southern bank of the Suzhou River, forming a public three-dimensional roaming system. The roof features fitness areas, open-air theaters, leisurely walking paths, flower beds, and viewing pavilions, enhancing the public value and vitality of the rooftop space.


最美的露台 Popular Terrace

▼公共开放的“苏河绿斗”,Publicly accessible “green funnel by the Suzhou River” ©章鱼见筑

By increasing the shared, open, and visible nature of public spaces, we alleviate the previous enclosed and cramped conditions, creating an internalized shared community within the building.


▼“绿斗”中的城市露台,Urban terrace in the “green funnel” ©章鱼见筑

▼北立面图,North elevation ©同济原作设计工作室

Architectural Office: Original Design Studio/TJAD Lead Architects: Zhang Ming,Zhang Zi,Ding Chun Project Architects:Wang Xunan,Zhang Linqi Design Team:Wu Yanyang,Lin Jiayi,Zhang Xianglin,Yan Yifei,Zhu Daxuan(Intern),Bi Xinyi(Intern) Structural Team: Wang Jinhua,Wang Rui, Zhang Zhun Mechanical Team: Zhao Shiguang,Kang Xingyu,Hou Jipeng,Li Menglai (Water Supply and Drainage), Sun Fan,Guan Minqi,Gu Chunfeng,Shi You(Electrical),Zhai Yaofang,Li Weijiang,Shao Zhe,Chu Shiqin(HVAC) Lighting Team: Yang Xiu,Bian Chen,Wang Yan,Gu Xinghua Location: 1015 South Suzhou Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai Construction Company: Shanghai Huangpu District East Nanjing Road Subdistrict Office Completion Year: 2023 Total construction area: 3339㎡ Building height: 24m Photography: ZY Architectural Photography, Original Design Studio

项目信息: 项目名称:南京东路街道社区综合生活服务中心(零距离家园) 主创设计单位:同济设计集团·原作设计工作室 主创建筑师:章明、张姿、丁纯 项目建筑师:张林琦、王绪男 建筑设计团队:吴炎阳、林佳一、张祥麟、闫一飞、朱达轩(实习)、毕心怡(实习生) 结构设计团队:桑海钢、王瑞、张准 设备设计团队:赵时光、匡星煜、侯冀鹏、李孟涞(给排水);翟耀芳、李伟江、邵喆、储士钦(暖通);孙凡、管敏琦、顾春峰、石优(电气) 照明设计团队:杨秀、卞晨、王艳、顾兴花 项目地址:上海市黄浦区南苏州路1015号 建设单位:上海市黄浦区南京东路街道办事处 建成时间:2023年 总建筑面积:3339平方米 建筑高度:24米 摄影:章鱼见筑

▼垂直绿化与墙身节点,Vertical greening and wall joints ©同济原作设计工作室

▼剖面图,Section view ©同济原作设计工作室

▼西立面图,West elevation ©同济原作设计工作室

▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan ©同济原作设计工作室

▼五层平面图,Fifth floor plan ©同济原作设计工作室

▼三层平面图,Third floor plan ©同济原作设计工作室

▼二层平面图,Second floor plan ©同济原作设计工作室

During our initial survey, the first impression this building left us with was its stark, gray-white, square form, which starkly contrasted with the open character of the Suzhou River waterfront public space. At the same time, the ivy freely growing on the walls tightly enveloped this square box, and in a corner of the crowded and chaotic interior, one would often unexpectedly encounter a burst of greenery. When we ascended to the rooftop, the unobstructed view of the Suzhou River landscape also left us in awe. These fragmented bursts of vitality allowed us to feel the vitality of the city, becoming both clues and breakthrough points for our creativity.

▼成为苏州河对岸的风景,Becoming the scenery across the Suzhou River ©章鱼见筑

By opening up the northwest corner of the building and breaking down walls to invite greenery inside, we projected the external greenery into the interior. Utilizing the existing structure, we designed protruding steel platforms, forming a gradually widening and spacious funnel-shaped landscape staircase from bottom to top. It serves not only as a vertical passage within the building but also as a vertical extension of the urban greenery. The greenery along the Suzhou River extends from the shore to the rooftop terrace via the landscape staircase, which is also open to the public. This allows people to freely wander, relax, and enjoy the warm and comfortable embrace of urban care.


▼苏州河畔的新景观,New landscape along the Suzhou River ©章鱼见筑

We aimed to preserve these moments in memory through the lens of the landscape, extending the ecological characteristics of the building. So we conducted a process of“deepening”the original surface vegetation, embedding greenery into the building to evoke a deeper connection with nature.


▼零距离家园第五立面,Fifth facade of the Neighborly Homestead ©章鱼见筑

▼改造前建筑情况,Diagram of the building before renovation ©同济原作设计工作室


嵌入的风景 Inward-growing Landscape

▼沿河远景,Distant view from the riverside ©章鱼见筑

The project is located in the Huangpu District of Shanghai, adjacent to the Suzhou River. It is the primary facade on the south bank of the Suzhou River, facing the Sihang Warehouse across the river. It is also one of the key projects in the urban renewal and transformation of “One River, One Creek”in Shanghai. The original building of the transformation was the Shanghai Radio Instrument Factory built in 1989, expanded in 1999 as a commercial hotel, and requisitioned by the district government in 2020. After transformation, it became the East Nanjing Road Sub-district Community Service Center (Zero Distance Homeland). In the year 2023, this project was awarded the ‘Excellent Case of Shanghai’s 15-Minute Community Life Circle – Neighborly Station Creation Award.’

▼沿河城市鸟瞰, Aerial view of the city from the riverside ©章鱼见筑

▼长者照护之家的休憩盒子,Rest booth for the Elderly Care Home ©章鱼见筑

▼共享的社区活动露台,Shared community activity terrace ©章鱼见筑

The ground floor corners of the building along the river are completely open to the public, with a gallery space and river-facing doors and windows on the north side of the first floor. The community canteen, senior day care center, and urban library on the second floor are connected to semi-outdoor platforms and multiple entrances, enhancing the connection between indoor and outdoor spaces. On the third to fifth floors, different themed floor public activity areas are arranged around the atrium space, allowing for the circulation of sight, light, and air.


▼面向苏河的街边咖啡店,Street-side café facing the Suzhou River ©章鱼见筑

The functional layout covers all age groups in the community. Elderly people, children, and young adults can all find suitable activities and spaces here. At the same time, it facilitates residents in sharing their daily lives, seeking help, and resolving doubts at any time, enhancing neighborhood relationships, creating a harmonious community atmosphere, and becoming a true “Neighborly Homestead”.


共享的社区 Shared Community

项目地处上海市黄浦区,紧临苏州河,是苏州河南岸第一立面,与四行仓库隔河相望,也是上海市“一江一河”城市更新改造中的重点工程之一。改造对象原为建于1989年的上海无线电仪器厂,1999年扩建作为商用宾馆,2020年为区政府收储,改造后成为现在的南京东路街道社区服务中心(零距离家园)。2023年度获评上海市“15分钟社区生活圈”优秀案例 ——“睦邻驿站”美好创作奖。

While integrating these functions, we emphasize interconnection and openness. Portions of the ground, second, and fifth floors are open to the public, featuring exhibition, communication, and relaxation spaces. We achieve a balance between security and public openness through intelligent control systems that manage time and zones, resulting in a functional complex that is both convenient to manage and operates smoothly.


▼通高中庭—内化的立面,Full-height atrium—internalized facade ©章鱼见筑

Due to constraints imposed by the scale of the renovated building, we vertically overlaid various functions of the comprehensive service center. On the first floor, along the north side facing the Suzhou River, we have the Party and Mass Service Center and a café, providing postal and service functions. On the south side, there’s the entrance hall for the Elderly Care Home and Community Health Service Station, convenient for entry from the direction of Xinzha Road. The second floor houses the community canteen, senior day care center, and urban library. The third and fourth floors are dedicated to the Elderly Care Home. The fifth floor accommodates sports and fitness facilities as well as multipurpose meeting rooms. The rooftop, after consolidation and refinement, is mostly open as a shared urban terrace.

▼中庭特写,Close-up of the atrium ©章鱼见筑


叠合的功能 Composite Functionality


南京东路街道社区综合生活服务中心改造 / 同济原作设计工作室
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