人类世,即人类时代是地球的一个历史时期,自这一时期开始,人类活动对地球的生态系统产生了重大的、且从整体上看基本是负面的影响。作为建筑师,我们有责任去减少自身活动对于环境的影响。Ada Lovelace中学的设计正是基于这样的观念而建:它是一栋可持续的、对环境友好的建筑。作为第一所获得NoWatt认证和Occitania BDM银级认证的清洁能源示范学校(BEPOS),Ada Lovelace中学为其未来的用户(学生和教师)提供了与周围环境完美相融的基础设施。
▼临街立面,view from the street
The Anthropocene, i.e. the Age of Man, is the period in the history of the Earth that began when human activities had a significant and largely negative overall impact on the Earth’s ecosystem. As architects, we have a responsibility to reduce the impact of our activities on the environment. Ada Lovelace secondary school was therefore designed with this in mind. It is a sustainable and environmentally friendly building. As the 1st exemplary clean energy school (BEPOS) with the NoWatt label and silver level BDM for Occitania, the building offers future users – students and teachers – an amenity that has been designed in total harmony with its environment.
▼立面细部,facade detailed view
▼室内的带状窗,the row of windows
覆盖在立面上的石材均采购自本地,隔热材料由大麻植物和和刨花制成,屋顶上安装了太阳能板,这对于当地阳光充足的环境而言是一个非常自然的选择。 除了这些与环保有关的元素,团队还为建筑赋予了现代、大胆、强健有力且充满动感的形象,旨在将社区中的人们吸引到的教育场所内部。立面上的石板以不同的形状相互碰撞,偶尔穿插的不锈钢板搭配不规则分布的带状窗户,使立面看上去仿佛处于一种中空的状态。
The stones covering the facade are locally sourced, the insulation is made of hemp and wood wool and solar panels were naturally installed on the roof, as the area receives a lot of sun. Beyond these environmental basics, we have produced a contemporary, bold, powerful and dynamic architectural structure. We wanted people to be drawn to this place of education in this difficult neighbourhood. Shapes collide, as stainless-steel panels make it seem as though the facades are empty, which are broken up by rows of windows.
▼覆盖在立面上的石材均采购自本地,the stones covering the facade are locally sourced
shapes collide, as stainless-steel panels make it seem as though the facades are empty, which are broken up by rows of windows
·为学校所在的Mas de Mingue城区更新做出贡献。
·An organic, environmentally friendly design and operation.
·Offers education that focuses on the digital arts and cultures.
·User Control Assistance to involve people attending the school, from its design to its operation. A game and a website, managed by Citae, were therefore built with the students based on the digital model of the building to allow them to visit it virtually, give their opinion and learn about energy saving.
·Contributing to the urban renewal of the Mas de Mingue district where the school is located.
▼教学空间,teaching space
▼食堂,dining area
▼标识细部,sign details
Architect: A+Architecture
2015 competition winner
LOCATION: Nîmes, Gard (FR)
CLIENTS: Le Gard Département SPL 30
PROGRAM: Reconstruction of a 400-pupil secondary school (can be extended to 600) on a new site + half-board (250 meals/day), sports facilities, racetrack and three staff houses
SURFACE AREA 5,898 m2 (floor area) / 14,562 m2 (land)
TASK: MOP law on public project contracting and its relationship to private project management
Lead architect: A+Architecture
Associate architect: Vielliard & Fasciani
Executive project manager / Scheduling, overseeing and coordination of the works: Arteba
Roads & Equipment Engineer: Epsilon
Structure Engineer: Calder Ingénierie
Fluids Engineer – SSI: Louis Choulet
Planning committee: C&G
Acoustic Design Office: Gui Jourdan
Acoustic Design Office: Alma Consulting
Construction economics: L’Echo
Environment design office / BDM Guide: Celsius Environnement
Inspection Body: BTP Consultants
Security Coordinator: DEKRA
Geotechnical Engineer: EGSA BTP
Assistance in controlling use: CITAE
Road system – Green spaces: COLAS Midi Méditerranée
Under roof and sealed: DEMATHIEU ET BARD
Techniques – Installations:
TEMPERIA (Plumbing)
Partitions, linings: SODAC Architectural
metalwork: TECHNICFER
Paintwork, cleaning, signage: SOPESUD
Interior joinery: BLACHERE
Suspended ceilings: MONLEAU
Flooring: CARRILLO