发布时间:2021-12-15 21:34:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Mert Uslu Architecture:经由人类之手演替的自然环境如今正反过来改变人类的生活条件。因此,有必要开发与维持生命活动(例如营养和住所)相关的新策略和技术以适应这些转变。毫无疑问,这种技术发展产生的全球性影响——无论是正面的还是负面的——是相当大的。在这一点上,将这种技术发展比作硬币的正反两面也许并没有错。

Mert Uslu Architecture: Shaped by the hands of humans, the deformations experienced in the natural environment are transforming today’s living conditions. Therefore it has become a necessity to develop new strategies and techniques related to life sustaining activities (such as nutrition and shelter) that can adapt to these transformations. Undoubtedly, the negative and positive effects of such technological developments on a necessity that appears on a global scale are quite high. At this point, perhaps it would not be wrong to compare these technological developments to a negative and positive-faced medallion.

尽管 2000 年代后技术的高速发展对自然环境产生了明显的负面影响,但显而易见的是,人们仍然通过发掘新技术以寻求解决方案。出于这个原因,全球范围内日新月异的环境变化将如何、以及在多大程度上影响世界各地的生存能力成为了当今许多研究的主题。这些研究有望为全球变暖、气候变化和干旱以及土质退化等环境问题提供替代解决方案。

Although it is clear that the rapid technological developments experienced after the 2000s has had a negative effect on the natural environment, it is obvious that solutions to these problems are still being sought out through technology. For this reason, how and to what extent the daily increase of the global dimensions of these environmental deformations will affect viability (life) around the world is the subject of many studies today. These investigations are expected to produce alternative solutions to such environmental problems as global warming, climate change and drought, and the degradation of soil quality.

该项目计划选址在伊兹密尔的 Sasalı,其设计重心位于教育和生产两方面,创建了常规的和应用智能土壤的农田、高阶种植农田、温室、生态市场、多功能厅、培训教室、行政设施、实验室、图书馆、技术服务设施和水处理系统。

The project, which is planned to be located in Sasalı within the Çiğli District of İzmir, is designed with education and production as its major focus. Within the context of this project, normal and smart soil applied agricultural fields, high order planting agricultural fields, greenhouses, an eco-market, a multi-purpose hall, training classes, administrative facilities, laboratories, a library, technical services, and wet volume areas were created.

▽总平面图,农田研究与景观结合,教育和生产结合 Master Plan,Combine farmland research with landscape, education with production

courtesy of Mert Uslu Architecture

▽农业发展中心俯瞰 Overall view

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽通道在考虑美观的同时具有生态意义 The passage has ecological significance as well as aesthetic consideration

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽设计巧妙融入教育 Integrate design into education

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽人工授粉装置 Artificial pollination apparatus

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽花粉授粉器 Pollinator evi

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽温室研究所 Greenhouse

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽温室立体花园 Garden in the greenhouse

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography


By holding together the spatial volumes in a linear fashion, the bioswale (bio-boulevard) and the circulation axis attached to it, stand out as the backbone of the design.

▽建筑平面图,空间呈线性排列,通过生物大道连接各处 Ground floor plan

▽建筑空间鸟瞰 Linear arrangement of space

courtesy of Mert Uslu Architecture

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽生态洼地(生物大道)作为动线骨架帮助游客连通场地的每个角落 The bioswale (bio-boulevard)

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽生态的洼地设计减少对环境的影响 Ecological depressions are designed to reduce environmental impact

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography


This backbone design construct enables the users to learn and experience the operational mechanics of the institute during their visit to the area. The entrance to the area along the north-south axis is provided from the north axis. Starting from the main entrance, the circulation backbone brings the visitors/users initially to the education oriented spaces (such as laboratories and libraries).

▽鸟瞰南北朝向的场地(入口位于图中右侧)Aerial view

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽入口处 The entrance

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽动线的起点是具有教育导向的图书馆 Library

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography


The educational spaces and the spaces with agricultural activities (such as greenhouses and vertical gardens) diverge from each other with the creation of the Eco bazaar that is generated through the expansion of the circulation backbone.

▽生态集市将场地分隔出两条动线 The Eco bazaar

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽亲环境的建筑减小对环境的影响 Environmentally friendly buildings reduce their impact on the environment

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽电动式天棚调整采光 Electric ceiling to adjust lighting

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography


The fields of agricultural activities that are located beyond the Eco bazaar area invite users to observe and experience different farming techniques.

The backbone design construct ends with normal and smart soil applied agricultural fields located at the southern end of the site.

▽最南端的农田 Agricultural fields located at the southern end of the site

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽人流动线的终点 The southern end of the site

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽最北端入口处的夜景 Night view

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

©Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

▽建筑剖面图 Section

courtesy of Mert Uslu Architecture

▽场地分析 Site analysis

courtesy of Mert Uslu Architecture

▽各策略模型 Model of each strategy

▽植物配置 Arrangement of plants

courtesy of Mert Uslu Architecture

项目名称:İzmir Agriculture Development Center – Sasalı Biolab

courtesy of Mert Uslu Architecture

完成年份:2021 年

面积:2000 平方米


建筑公司:Mert Uslu Architecture


设计团队:Mert Uslu, Nilay Özcan Uslu, Melek Güneysu Öztürk, İmge Yurtseven Koç, Farida Rashidova, Gülcan Gürsoy, Merve Çelik


合作方:Deniz Alkan Engineering, Kentselizm, Project BTU, Ayc Engineering

图片来源:Zm Yasa Architectural Photography

Project name: İzmir Agriculture Development Center – Sasalı Biolab

Completion Year: 2021Size: 2000m2

Project location: Sasalı, Çiğli, İzmir – Turkey

Architecture Firm:Mert Uslu Architecture

Lead Architects: Mert Uslu

Design Team:Mert Uslu, Nilay Özcan Uslu, Melek Güneysu Öztürk, İmge Yurtseven Koç, Farida Rashidova, Gülcan Gürsoy, Merve Çelik

Clients: İzmir Metropolitan Municipality

Collaborators:Deniz Alkan Engineering, Kentselizm, Project BTU, Ayc Engineering

Photo credits: Zm Yasa Architectural Photography




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