发布时间:2020-09-03 14:56:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

在这颗星球上的某些地方,自然对人体并不友好。在这些地方建造建筑,就如同建造一件衣服,为人们提供温暖和舒适。这个问题与技术有关,但也必须与美学相结合。若想带给人良好的感受,不仅要提供安全舒适的环境,也与空间形态的尺度和象征意义有关。Comandante Ferraz南极站是巴西在南极洲的新家。它是一个避难所,也是一个安全港。在这里,人们聚集在一起,研究新的科学知识。

In certain places on the planet, nature sometimes creates adverse conditions for the human body. In these places, thinking about a building is almost like building a garment, an artifact that protects and comforts. This is a technological performance problem, but it must be combined with aesthetics. Making human beings feel good is more than working on the notions of comfort and safety, it is also working on spaces in their symbolic and perceptual dimensions. A shelter, a safe place. Brazil’s new home in Antarctica. A place of protection and gathering of people for the production of scientific knowledge. Thus, the task of designing the new Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz is faced.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project


The void left by the fire that occurred in 2012 bears symbolism on the importance of this new construction; it represents the Brazilian presence in Antarctica as a possibility for scientific contribution together with the international community. It also represents an opportunity for technological development for Brazilian architecture and for national industry.

▼远景,项目沿海,背对雪山,distanced view of the project located along the sea, with snow mountains on the back


On the other hand, the design process leads us to gradually understand the fragility of human life and how to act to solve constructive, functional and sensory problems. In this sense, decisions are made carefully, as it is necessary to respect nature and understand that there are challenges to be overcome before reaching the constructed building.

▼项目安装示意图,diagram of the implementation


The present proposal for Ferraz Station starts from the interpretation of the territory and the geographical conditions of the region. Therefore, the implementation of the proposed buildings takes into account the topography of the Keller Peninsula and the need to preserve the surrounding animal and plant life areas, among other factors. Several conditions provided for by the Environmental Use Zoning are respected in order to minimize impacts on nature.

▼项目外观,external view of the project

▼底层架空,减少对环境的影响,the ground floor was lifted, minimize the impact on the environment


The functional sectors are organized in blocks that distribute the uses. The upper block, on the +9.10 level, houses the cabins, service areas and the dining / living area. In the lower block, at level +5.95, the laboratories and the areas of operation and maintenance were incorporated. This same block houses the garages and the central storeroom, located on the +2.50 level.

▼建筑由不同标高的体块组成,分别设置不同功能,the station was composed of blocks on different levels with different fuctions

▼上层居住空间,living space on the upper block

▼连接地面与体块的室外楼梯,outdoor staircase connecting the blocks and the ground


A transversal block, also at the +5.95 level, brings together social and convivial uses. In this section are located the video / auditorium room, the lan house, the meeting / video conference room, the library, and the living room. The implementation is completed with photovoltaic panel plants in the north and VAWT wind turbines in the southwest.

▼建筑设置风力发电机,VAWT wind turbines on the southwest side

▼夜景,night view


▼总平面图,site plan

Total built area (main building and isolated units): 4,916.59 m²

Laboratories built area: 1,253.72 m²

Program:17 research labs, 8 wind turbine units, photovoltaic panels and solar collectors.

Systems: power generation, water treatment, sewage treatment and solid waste processing.

Authors: (ESTÚDIO 41 Arquitetura) Emerson Vidigal, Eron Costin, Fabio Henrique Faria, João Gabriel Rosa, Dario Corrêa Durce, Moacir Zancopé Jr.

Team: Martin Goic, Fernando Moleta, Felipe Santos, Alexandre Kenji, Rafael Fischer

Complementary Projects: AFA CONSULT Structures: Rui Furtado, Filipe Arteiro; Geotechnics: Rui Furtado, Filipe Arteiro, Filipe Afonso;

Hydrosanitary installations: Paulo Silva, Alexandra Vicente; Mechanical Systems: Marco

Carvalho, Isabel Sarmento, Tiago Teixeira; Electrical Installations: Raul Serafim, Luis Oliveira;

Telecommunications: Raul Serafim, Luis Oliveira; Fire Safety: Maria da Luz

Santiago; Solid Waste: João Oliveira; Acoustics: Octávio Inácio.

Envelope: Stephan Heinlein, Geotechnics: Pedro Huergo, Eng. Josiele Patias;

Comfort and Energy (PETINELLI): Architect Guido Petinelli, Mechanical Engineer Eduardo Brofman;

Facilities: Eng. Eduardo Ribeiro, Security and Fire Prevention: Architect Carlos Garmatter;

Structures: Eng. Ricardo Dias.

Photographs: Eron Costin, Studio 41


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