发布时间:2020-12-27 19:13:55 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

在中国北京市、市中心和郊外的分界线区域东五环附近,红砖仓库区周围的区域(支持1960年代的纺纱时代)正在作为新的商业区进行各种翻新。我们在街区的一角的一处旧仓库进行了Echo House的店铺设计。该客户在市中心已经有一家相对较小的商店,只能出售用有机植物制成的饮料。但从现在开始,业主方将不仅会考虑饮料,并且考虑食物都与身体健康之间的联系作为业务的拓展的方向;于是业主方购买了旧仓库区和砖瓦房的一部分,并要求我们进行设计。

The site is located in a special border area between the city center and the suburbs, around the 5th ring in Beijing, China. It’s also an industrial block which has plenty of red brick warehouses that supported the Spinning Era in the 1960s. It is undergoing various renovations to a new commercial area, and our project is to renovate one of them.The clients already own a relatively small shop in the city center, which sells beverages made only from organic plants. They are undergoing an extension of their business which not only sells beverages but every perspect of healthy food,so they have bought one of the red brick warehouses as the main studio+food bar, and have asked us to design it.

▼建筑与街道,the building and streets© Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)


A two storeys building was requested, including a food lab, dining space, sales space, workshop area, a gallery for the artists working in the team, office zone, and a greenhouse. Inspired by the clients’ strong interests in natural ecosystems, including lots of plants in the greenhouse, we have tried to actively introduce the outdoor space into the indoor space. As part of a retail area, it’s important to display a popular and busy atmosphere inside to be seen from the outside to attract more guests. Therefore we have designed our project according to the 8 rules below. All of these rules have a multiple perspective, so that the resulting space is as emotional as possible.

▼临街立面,facade to the street© Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

▼临街入口,entrance to the street© Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

▼入口细部,details of the entrance door© Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

概念 – 共存

Concept – Coexist









▼外观,external view© Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

▼从街道看向温室,street view to warmhouse © Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)




With the consideration of the layout for various functions, the optimized spatial quality is designed to coordinate with the exterior environment.The lab and retail space, which are expected to attract daily customers, are allocated in the north side of the 1st floor plan. They are visually recognized from either the street or the interior. The warmhouse, whose sunlight exposure and soil management need to be seriously thought of, is allocated in the south side in order to gain enough sunlight. The art pieces displayed in the gallery are placed with the glass next to the street on the northside of the 2nd floor, avoiding direct sunlight. And on the southwest side of the 2nd floor, a workshop space for private gathering is set.

温室,warmhouse © Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

零售贩卖空间,retail space © Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

▼巨大的环形灯悬挂于餐桌之上,large ringlamp hanging over the table © Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

▼实验室,lab© Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)



There is no door designed in the interior space, in the attempt of connecting the 3 floors space with smell and sound. No strict rules for the usage of the space, leaving the space flexible and vague. Customers can even sit in the middle of the traffic flow line. Meanwhile, the natural light can be felt from any direction inside the building, resulting in 3 dimension spiral-like space that grows upward like a living plant.

通向二层的楼梯© Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography) stairs leading to 1st floor

▼展览厅,gallery © Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

工作坊空间,workshop space © Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

▼通向屋顶的楼梯,stairs leading to the roof© Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

▼屋顶平台,roof terrace© Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)


A building in sub-urban area

ECHO HOUSE同时也作为KLC对建筑公共与私密性混合存在状态的一种思考。顾客从具有公共属性的街道空间进入店铺内部,流线作为一种异质的空间被溶解在室内,而随着流线的行进流线在室内和室外的感受之间不断切换,直到上升至屋顶平台时完全被打开,眺望远方是北京城市高密度的建筑群,这种单纯对建筑空间的认知在此时转变成为对城市影像的感受。通过一条与高密度城市分为不同的时间轴(自然)的介入,使每个空间感知主体的意识在近远及虚实之间切换,个体也能从城市的束缚中得到解放。

交通空间突显于立面,traffic space is highlighted on the facade © Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

在屋顶平台可以眺望城市,overlooking the city on roof terrace© Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)


Customer Traffic Flow Line


The main interior traffic flow line is designed like a continuous stroke in calligraphy that links all functional space as a whole. Often the traffic flow line is compact, and connects space with a minimal distance so that the maximum floor area is used as commercial space. While in this case, the customer flow line is extended between various types of space, assuring a most diverse experience of space in a limited shop floor area.

▼流线分析, circulation diagram© KLC

东京 – 北京

Tokyo – Beijing


The design and construction supervision is accomplished fully online. As a result of the corona pandemic, the regular site visits from Tokyo are all cancelled. No site confirmation can be made before and after the completion of the building. Even though there are multiple elements that postpone the construction, thanks to the clients’ efforts and all digital communication technology, the construction ends up smoothly and now is already open for business.

▼一层平面,1F plan© KLC

▼二层平面,2F plan© KLC

▼屋顶平面,roof plan© KLC

▼立面,elevations© KLC

▼剖面,sections© KLC

Project Name:Echo House

Completion Year:2020

Gross Built Area:257.1㎡

Project Location:Beijing,China


Lead Architects:Yoshihiro Kamiyama

Office’s Team Design Credits:Colin. L, Lauren.L

Photo Credits:Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)


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