ENG- In this eccentric hotel in Krakow, two Marca Corona collections, StoneOne and Terra, have been chosen to embellish the bathrooms of the numerous suites. On the floors, we find the sophisticated Terra cementine tiles, in the original Mix Decoro in shades of grey, while on the walls we can admire the striking, modern stone-effect surfaces of StoneOne, with their natural veining effects.
ITA- In questo eccentrico Hotel di Cracovia si ritrovano due collezioni Marca Corona, StoneOne e Terra, scelte per impreziosire le stanze da bagno delle numerose Suites. Se a pavimento compaiono le raffinate cementine Terra, nell’originale Mix Decoro dalle tonalità grigie, a rivestimento si possono invece apprezzare le superfici effetto pietra StoneOne, moderne e decise con le loro venature naturali.
Year 2016
Work finished in 2016
Status Completed works
Type Social Housing / Swimming Pools / Hotel/Resorts / Wellness Facilities/Spas / Tourist Facilities / Bars/Cafés / Restaurants / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Leisure Centres / Building Recovery and Renewal