发布时间:2020-05-26 10:33:15 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The Cropland Loop Resort is a high end hotel in the county of Chongzhou in Chengdu, China. Its shape is defined by a large dominant roof that shelters a variety of functions, each of them housed in an individual volume.

▼项目概览,project preview ©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影



One of the main challenges of the design was to set a large scale building in the middle of a rural cropland. In search of an answer to this, our focus shifted to the direct surroundings of the project site, where several groups of small houses have defined the region’s character for generations. Farming crops has a long tradition in the area, and the local residents erected small clusters, each consisting of a pond, trees, crops and the people’s dwellings. This has been forming a pleasant microclimate, offering shade and a cool breeze in a particularly hot area.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影

▼项目基地航拍,site aerial view


据此我们从类型学分析的角度确定了方案中应该存在的“屋++ 院”、“屋++ 树”、“屋++ 屋”、“屋++ 田”、“屋++ 檐”、“屋++ 水”等几种原型组合方式,并在之后的设计中加以拓展和转译。

This cluster serves as the design prototype: A building with yard and trees, cropland around it, plentiful water to cool the air, and cantilevering roofs to provide shelter from the sun.

▼林盘空间类型拆解,prototype diagram©RSAA/庄子玉工作室


▼宋画长卷《清明上河图》及散点透视,Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, Song Dynasty


The above mentioned roof is the first image an observer sees from afar. Its distinct shape serves as an eyecatcher and transforms the Chinese traditional architecture of long horizontal buildings into a modern shape. Based on this starting-point we used our experience from a previous project, the Tongling Recluse, to create a building that is defined by intimate views, as opposed to a monolithic appearance. The result resembles a Chinese scroll painting. A unified image that wraps around the building, but when given a close up look it dissolves into individual scenes and moments.

▼铜陵山居立面中的散点透视,perspectives of Tongling Recluse, a previous project by RSAA/Büro Ziyu Zhuang ©RSAA/庄子玉工作室

▼铜陵山居散点透视图解与散点叙事空间呈现,theperspectives and the spatial narrative of Tongling Recluse project©RSAA/庄子玉工作室


Despite the complexity of the images created, the different functions of the compound follow a regular grid, allowing the construction cost to stay within a reasonable frame. It is the illusion of complexity, that defines the project.

▼铜陵山居的空间叙事立面 x5,narrative facade ofTongling Recluse project©RSAA/庄子玉工作室

▼林盘行馆的空间叙事立面长卷,the scrolling spaces of the Cropland Loop Resort©RSAA/庄子玉工作室

▼林盘行馆空间叙事立面长卷的立体卷曲,thethree-dimensional volume made of thescrolling spaces©RSAA/庄子玉工作室


▼空间叙事立面长卷卷曲后的空间图解及叙事方式的多样呈现,spatial diagram of the rolled volume and the diverse presentation of the spatial narrative©RSAA/庄子玉工作室

▼空间体验类比,spatial experience comparison©RSAA/庄子玉工作室


▼项目插画,project illustration©韩锐森吉


The dimension of the roof and the enclosed yards allows different functions to be in line of sight of each other, but spread out to allow a clear separation. The resulting loop allows for a sheltered walk along bars and restaurants, passing the lobby and ultimately leading to the hotel rooms. The position of each function creates a pattern of volumes and voids, that draw the surrounding croplands visually into the heart of the building. Emphasizing this connection of inside and outside are water features, which blur the boundaries even further.

▼体块生成图解,massing diagram©RSAA/庄子玉工作室



▼雾气中的林盘行馆,theCropland Loop Resort in the mist©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影

▼稻田景观及建筑远景视角,a distant view to the buildingfrom the rice field©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影


▼流动的建筑,a fluid building©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影


▼屋顶视角,roof top view©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影

▼屋面细节,roof detailed view©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影

▼西立面图,west elevation©RSAA/庄子玉工作室

▼北立面图,north elevation©RSAA/庄子玉工作室


▼夜间庭院视角,courtyard view by night©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影


At the heart of the building lies a multifunction room, which is elevated above the loop itself. It offers a special space, emphasized in its importance by its location and the stairs leading up to it. Beyond that it serves as a viewfinder, focussing on the snow mountain in Chengdu, reaching above 5000m height. Its top is covered by snow for large parts of the year, despite the regional climate.The result of this process is a building aware of its vernacular tradition. At the same time it does not hide its ambitions and the era it is built in.

▼流线状态带来完全不同的空间体验,thestreamline creates a completely different spatial experience©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影



▼无边界的流动体验,aborderlesscirculation©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影


▼面向内庭院的内檐游廊与活动大台阶,thecovered corridor and the grand staircase facing the internal courtyard©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影


▼游廊夜景,the corridor by night©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影

连续剖面及原型空间序列,thecontinuous sections and the spatial sequence of the prototypes©RSAA/庄子玉工作室

▼檐下空间,under theroof©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影

连续的屋面体系如游龙穿梭,the continuous roof system©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影


▼多层次景观空间,a multi-layered landscape©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影


▼鸟瞰,aerial view©存在建筑-- 建筑摄影

▼总平面图,site plan©RSAA/庄子玉工作室

庄子玉工作室项目关联及视线分析,sight analysis and comparison among the projects by RSAA/Büro Ziyu Zhuang © RSAA/庄子玉工作室

▼庄子玉工作室项目迭代图解,the iteration diagrams of the projects by RSAA/Büro Ziyu Zhuang © RSAA/庄子玉工作室

项目地点:成都崇州项目类型:酒店设计建筑面积:5134 平方米设计时间:2018 年业主单位:四川国弘崇展现代服务业投资有限责任公司业主代表:吴亚平业主项目管理:王昭希,李从波,黄锦江,涂成昱,丁世东建筑及室内设计主创团队:RSAA/庄子玉工作室项目主创:庄子玉建筑设计部分:任中琦,喻凡石,魏熙,陈俊刚,刘力源,叶子辰室内设计部分:李娜,赵欣,谢欣慧,靳若兮,范宏宇,星梦钊,郭振荣,汪宁 (实习生),张雪楠(实习生)EPC 建设单位:华西六建项目总负责:王立平技术负责人:王勇建筑施工图配合团队:四川省建筑设计研究院项目总负责:白今,王保磊;建筑专业:江玉林;结构专业:王保磊,钟睿,王兴华;给排水专业:袁希;强电专业:肖飞;暖通专业:姚盼室内施工图配合团队:亚厦西南设计研究院项目总负责:冷茂;施工图:张瑞,马祯骅,王朔华,黄文,王昌宇,魏莱希钢结构施工及配合团队:北新钢构负责人:段凌潇,苟泽彬,黄永超,聂渊摄影:存在建筑-- 建筑摄影

Project Information

Project Location: Chongzhou, Chengdu

Type: Hotel Design

Floor Area: 5134 ㎡Design Time: 2018

Owner: Sichuan Guohong Chongzhan Modern Service Industry & Investment Co., Ltd.

Owner Representative: Yaping Wu

Owner Project Management: Zhaoxi Wang, Congbo Li, Jinjiang Huang, Chengyu Tu, Shidong Ding

Architectural and Interior Design Team: RSAA/Büro Ziyu Zhuang

Lead Architect: Ziyu Zhuang

Architectural Design: Zhongqi Ren, Fanshi Yu, Xi Wei, Jungang Chen, Liyuan Liu, Zichen Ye

Interior Design: Na Li, Xin Zhao, Xinhui Xie, Ruoxi Jin, Hongyu Fan, Mengzhao Xing, Zhenrong Guo, Ning Wang (intern), Xuenan Zhuang (intern)EPC Construction Unit: Sichuan Huaxi No. 6 Constrution Group Co., Ltd.

Project Manager: Liping Wang

Technical Person in charge: Yong Wang

Architectural Drawings Cooperation Team: Sichuan Architectural Design & Research Institute

Project Manager: Jin Bai, Baolei Wang ; Architect: Yulin Jiang; Structure: Baolei Wang, Rui Zhong, Xinghua Wang; Water Supply and Drainage: Xi Yuan; Strong Power: Fei Xiao; HVAC: Pan Yao

Indoor Construction Drawing Team: Yasha Southwest Design & Research Institute

Project Manager: Mao Leng; Construction Drawings: Rui Zhang, Zhenhua Ma, Shuohua Wang, Wen Huang, Changyu Wang, Laixi Wei

Steel Structure Construction and Coordination Team: Beijing New Building Material (Group) Co., Ltd. (BNBM Group)Person in charge: Lingxiao Duan, Zebin Gou, Yongchao Huang, Yuan Nie

Photo credits: Arch-Exist Photography


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