发布时间:2022-07-07 23:24:13 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©SOM

Established in 1889, The Christ Hospital (TCH) ranks among the best medical facilities in the region. Given its growing needs, the institution engaged Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) to design a 1.4 million-square-foot master plan for its aging campus in the Mount Auburn neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. Supporting The Christ Hospital Strategic Plan, SOM prioritized areas for development based on site-wide impact and potential to improve patient, physician, and staff experience.

▼鸟瞰,建筑与周边环境,aerial view, building and its surroundings ©SOM


The Christ Hospital plays a vital role in the community, serving as a safe, welcoming space for residents to seek medical care, career counseling, and an array of important services. In order to increase connectivity on the campus, SOM worked closely with patients, staff, physicians, and community members, and conducted site studies to identify areas of opportunity for development across the campus.

▼园区概览,overall view of the campus ©SOM

▼从停车场看向医院原有建筑,view to the existing building from the parking lot ©Tom Rossiter

总体规划梳理了场地的动线,重新规划了访客停车场,并通过人行天桥将关节和脊柱中心建筑和院区内已有的建筑和新的停车场连接起来。七层的建筑总面积35400平方米,共有90间病房和12间手术室,将康复区、住院部、门诊手术部、医学造影区、疼痛管理区以及教育、家庭空间整合起来。该建筑提升了该医院在社区内的地理位置的重要性 – 北部的辛辛那提大学校园和南部的市中心都可以看到该建筑。

▼新建筑通过连桥和原有建筑相连,new building connected with the original one through bridge ©SOM

建筑的视觉中心是凸起的一个“矩形”主入口,向上延伸了建筑物的高度,这也是对园区历史中的“建筑圆顶”的重新解读,把基督医院的历史和其未来有机地联系起来。建筑设计及尊重了院区的历史,也赋予了医院在社区内新的身份。 视觉上,立面采用红砖与石灰岩的组合,是所在历史悠久的奥本山地区经常使用的建筑材料。

▼入口上方凸起的矩形体量 rectangular volume above the main entrance ©SOM

Guided by a series of principles set out by The Christ Hospital Steering Committee, SOM focused on improvements to access, efficiency, safety, flexibility, and user and patient experience, while incorporating spaces for future innovations in healthcare delivery. Beginning with the establishment of an intuitive organizational method for the campus, the design team created a central axis anchored by a new reception and arrival pavilion; a new campus-wide wayfinding scheme; new separate service and pedestrian corridors; reconfigured adjacent streets; replaced an aging parking structure; streamlined back-of-house operations; and relocated the central utility plant to best serve the campus.

▼医院入口,entrance ©SOM

▼入口标识,logo at the entrance ©SOM

▼室外道路与指路标识,walkway and wayfinding signs ©SOM

设计师尽可能让大堂等公共空间充满了自然光,也将外部景观最大化以支持患者的身心健康和康复。设计还改变了传统医院中处于中心位置的“护士台”设计。 我们将紧凑的护士台分散在病房周围,让医护人员在患者的康复过程中发挥更加积极的作用,也通过这样的设计,减少医护人员的走动,让整个空间保持安静。这个灵活设计还考虑到未来的医疗需求,可以在适当情况下将空间转变为重症监护室。

▼明亮的大堂,bright lobby ©SOM

▼等候区,waiting area ©SOM

▼通高中庭,atrium ©SOM

Beginning with a three-year plan to solve immediate spatial needs, SOM proposed a series of simple, effective changes to the campus to facilitate the construction of a musculoskeletal center connected to existing facilities. The first major development project as a part of The Christ Hospital master plan, the Joint & Spine Center was completed in 2015. The 381,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art center brings rehabilitation, inpatient and outpatient surgery, imaging, pain management, and spaces for families and education under one roof. The flagship project for the master plan, the Joint & Spine Center serves as a benchmark for the future development of the campus, and incorporates intuitive wayfinding, ample green space, and easily navigable, patient-focused spaces.

▼走廊与庭院,corridor and courtyard ©SOM

▼活动室,activity room ©SOM

病房注重病患和家属的舒适度、医护人员的效率,自然光延伸到患者楼层空间。我们的住院区设计宛如一个玻璃房间环绕的大堂。 没有传统医院的门、隔墙等,让跟多的光线可以穿透室内空间,也尽可能让病房有最好的景观。半公共空间毗邻窗户,可以看到充满植被的中央庭院和辛辛那提市中心。这些安静、温馨的空间配备了舒适的家具,可供患者、医护人员、家属交谈和休息。 在整个建筑中,我们也尽可能使用温暖、可持续性材料,包括木饰面的使用,打造宁静、疗愈的环境。

▼病房层接待区,reception area of the ward floor ©SOM

▼温馨的休息区,warm resting area ©SOM


▼磨砂和透明玻璃围合的病房,ward enclosed by frosted glass walls ©SOM

▼通透而整洁的空间,transparent and clean space ©SOM

Inside the Joint & Spine Center, all dedicated spaces are organized around dematerialized corridors, bringing light deep into the plan. Patients enjoy daylit spaces, while outside views are maximized to support well-being. Patient room corridor walls feature floor-to-ceiling frosted and clear glass, decentralized nurse stations, and include integrated digital medical record devices. The rooms utilize prefabricated, nested bathrooms and are furnished with warm, natural finishes, an easy-to-use entertainment system, personalized privacy controls, and comfortable, flexible seating for families. Storage for ancillary equipment, personal effects, supplies, and waste are contained in carefully crafted millwork. Quiet and welcoming family and staff breakout spaces are programmed with comfortable furnishings for conversation and rest.

▼病房外的交流区,communication area outside the ward ©SOM

▼病房,可以欣赏城市景观,ward with city view ©SOM


▼舒适的庭院,comfortable courtyard ©SOM

▼屋顶花园,roof garden ©Tom Rossiter

Anticipating future needs and placing patients and caregivers first, the Joint & Spine Center at The Christ Hospital demonstrates that design can foster recovery, and provide a healthy, calming environment for medical professionals, patients, and visitors alike.

▼不同色彩的标识系统,colorful wayfinding system ©SOM

▼夜景,night view ©SOM

项目地点:美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提市 项目建成时间:2015 项目用地面积: 13万平方米(整个规划院区);项目建筑面积: 35,400平方米 (7层) SOM服务范围:总体规划,建筑设计,室内设计

Location: Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A Construction Complete: May 2015 Area: 130,000 sqm2 (master planning); 35,400 sqm2 (building design) SOM Services: Master Planning, Architecture &Interior Design


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