Studio Toggle Architects:Studio Toggle设计的UNIT+是一个提醒人们关注对建筑活动中产生的大量建筑垃圾的艺术装置。根据世界银行2012年的一份报告显示,全球每年约有13亿吨固体废物堆积,到2025年,这一数量预计将增加到每年22亿吨。全世界每年产生的固体废物中,建筑材料占了其中一半。世界各国对建设可持续发展的环境问题日益关注,也制定了各种各样的战略方针,以提高建筑废物的循环利用。
Studio Toggle Architects:UNIT+ by Studio Toggle is an installation that calls attention to the massive amount of construction waste that is generated during construction activities.According to a report by the World Bank in 2012, there is a global build-up of 1.3 billion tons of solid waste every year. This volume is expected to increase to 2.2 billion tons every year by 2025. Building material accounts for half of the solid waste generated every year worldwide. The rising concern of countries around the world to construct environmentally sustainable developments has led to the creation of various strategies to increase the recycling of construction waste.
After analyzing the waste generated by the construction of the Kuwait International Airport T2 Terminal, it emerged that timber and other wood formed a significant part of the construction waste. UNIT+, Studio Toggle’s contribution to Project Ucon (An initiative by the Ministry of Public Works to encourage responsible handling of construction waste), is constructed from 100% recycled timber obtained as donated construction waste from the upcoming Kuwait International Airport T2 development.
The timber, mostly used as form-work for concrete casting, was collected from the T2 construction site and cleaned to remove cement and other debris. It was then cut into uniform pieces to define modular units, developing a language that could eventually grow into multiple configurations and forms. The interlocking modules combine in various axes to create combinations of varying complexities. This facilitated a modular assembly and disassembly which was crucial for its installation in Al-Shaheed Park. The pavilion evolves into a rhythmic composition of the interlocking units generating a porous vaulted space.
▼建筑单元模块 The modular units
The choice of the colour gradient that forms part of the internal ambiance of the vaulted pavilion was deliberate and is a nod to Pantone’s Colour of the Year, ‘Living Coral’. This gradient represents the phenomenon of Coral bleaching, a result of global warming. When water temperatures are too warm, corals will expel the algae living in their tissues causing the corals to turn completely white. There is concern that widespread coral bleaching may cause some species to become extinct locally. The architectural form of the pavilion is a reminiscent of the Islamic architecture of the ‘Muqarnas’.
▼建设过程图示 Diagrams
设计:Studio Toggle Architects
合作:Hessa Althuwaikh
建造:Al Daleel
Project name: UNIT+
Location: Kuwait
Status: Built
Year: 2019
Design: Studio Toggle Architects
Collaboration: Hessa Althuwaikh
Construction: Al Daleel