发布时间:2022-02-16 16:48:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

山丘住宅(The Hill House)是查尔斯·雷尼·麦金托什(Charles Rennie Mackintosh)最重要的作品,同时也是其在苏格兰最受赞誉的建筑之一。项目位于格拉斯哥以西30公里的海伦斯堡,俯瞰着克莱德河河口以南的美丽全景,原建筑于1902年由建筑师为一位年轻的出版商沃尔特·布莱基以及他的家人建造,可谓是20世纪早期欧洲建筑的重要组成部分。

The Hill House is one of Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s most significant works, one of Scotland’s most acclaimed buildings, and a seminal part of early 20th century European architecture. Built in 1902 for the publisher Walter Blackie and his young family, it is situated in Helensburgh, 30km west of Glasgow, and commands panoramic views south over the River Clyde estuary.

▼项目概览,overall of the project

▼项目如同一座抽象的花园展馆,the project‘s architectural identity is an abstracted garden pavilion


▼轴测分析图,axonometric diagram

Mackintosh’s domestic masterpiece sits like a 20th-century Scottish tower house, with its roughcast walls, picturesque slate roofline, asymmetrical disposition of windows, and lack of historic ornament. The house proposed a radical layout and three-dimensional spatial progression, and although the architecture was embedded in the tradition of Scottish Baronial, Mackintosh was also clearly influenced by the contemporary technological advances of Modernism happening elsewhere in Europe. This unusual hybridisation of tradition and invention in the construction of the building has led to some fundamental long-term problems of prolonged water damage that require a major conservation project to help the house survive.

▼透明的外壳将历史住宅笼罩在其中,the transparent shell envelops the historic house

▼由街道看项目,viewing the


the contrast between the historic building section and the new structure


Rather than incarcerate the house away from view whilst the restoration is undertaken, a more radical approach to active conservation has been taken. As an integral part of this process of conservation, which it is thought will take up to 15 years, the project places a ‘big-box’ temporary museum on the site to contain and protect the Hill House as an ‘artefact’, whilst also maintaining access to the house for visitors.


▼由锁子甲网构成的立面,the facade is made of chain mail mesh


the chainmail mesh allows views and views to pass through

▼材料细部,details of the chainmail mesh


The new museum’s architectural identity is an abstracted garden pavilion whose walls are covered entirely with a stainless-steel chain-mail mesh. This semi-permanent enclosure provides a basic ‘drying-room’ shelter to the original house whilst its rain-soaked existing construction is slowly repaired. This delicate enclosure also allows uninterrupted views, night-and-day, to-and-from the landscape to Mackintosh’s architectural icon. The cross-braced steel frame is designed to be grounded with minimum impact on the existing terraced-garden landscape.

▼室内概览,overall of interior


the historic buildings protected within the project


the elevated walkways that surround and run through the entire property


Within this safe, sheltered construction working territory, the “museum” provides a remarkable visitor experience of the conservation in progress, achieved by an elevated walkway which loops around and over the Hill House at high level. The museum’s enclosure also contains visitor facilities in a timber standalone building.

▼建筑内部结构细部,details of the structure

▼总平面图,master plan

▼一层平面图,first floor plan

▼二层平面图,second floor plan

▼三层平面图,third floor plan

▼四层平面图,fourth floor plan



Project Team

Client:The National Trust for Scotland

Structural Engineering:Price and Myers

Building Services:Irons Foulner

Below Ground:Drainage / David Narro Associates

Project Management/ Cost Consultant/ Principal Designer:Gardiner & Theobald

Principal Contractor:Robertson Construction

Fire Engineer:Atelier Ten

Graphics/wayfinding design :Carter Studio

Cafe/Retail fit out:Drinkall Dean


The Hill House Box | 查尔斯·雷尼·麦金托什杰作的临时保护之盒
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