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Charlie Mountain Ranch: The Renewal of a Rural Landscape | Design Workshop, Inc.




作为Capitol Creek山谷最早的迁居地之一,查理山牧场(Charlie Mountain Ranch)摆脱了其长期遭受忽视的困境,并被重新开发为一个家庭院落,体现了业主在保护多样化和生态化景观方面的愿景。考虑到牧场的景观、文化和生态价值与周围社区的乡村特征有着密切的联系,景观团队与当地社区的核心领导层进行了合作,以确保拟议的设计方案能够符合区域发展模式,同时为保护野生动物栖息地、溪流和水资源,防范火灾以及实施可靠的土地管理提供支持。通过针对场地进行的环境和视域分析,设计团队确定了六个独特的本地植物群落,并围绕这些群落组织了一系列外观低调的建筑结构,使其在不易察觉的情况下与乡村环境融为一体。

As more people retreat to unique regions across the Intermountain West, landscape architects are called upon to think critically about the impacts of development on water availability and use, open space conservation, wildlife habitat, viewsheds, and the preservation of an agrarian landscape ethic that continues to attract new residents.

One the earliest homesteads in the Capitol Creek Valley, Charlie Mountain Ranch was redeveloped from its prolonged state of neglect into a family compound that reflects the owners desire to preserve a diverse and ecologically-rich landscape. Because the scenic, cultural, and ecological values of the ranch are integral to the rural nature of the surrounding community, the landscape architect’s work with the neighborhood caucus was imperative to ensure that the proposed design responded to regional development patterns, wildlife habitat, wildfire prevention, creek and water conservation, and responsible land management and stewardship. Site-specific environmental and viewshed analysis identified six distinct native plant communities around which low-profile structures are clustered, their subtly-crafted vernacular blending imperceptibly with the agrarian setting.

传奇的历史:查理山牧场成立于1888年,随着时间的推移,其场地环境日渐衰退。基于合乎道德且稳妥的土地管理准则,一项全面的规划过程重新塑造了它的文化历史、生态功能和自然景致。A Storied History. Established as a working ranch in 1888, the site later fell into a state of despair. Guided by land stewardship ethics and responsible land management, a comprehensive planning process renewed its cultural history, ecological function, and natural beauty.
















▲环境:牧场位于南落基山脉的Lower Montane-Foothill Shrublands区域,横跨半英里的谷底和溪水流域。规划和设计过程探讨了如何通过恢复工作来提供超越地产边界的区域价值。Context. Located within the Lower Montane-Foothill Shrublands of the Southern Rockies Ecoregion, the ranch spans over one-half mile of the valley floor and watershed. Planning and design processes explored how future restoration efforts could offer regional value beyond property boundaries.

▲建立共同的愿景:设计的原则包括1)改善公共道路的视觉质量,为野生动物迁徙路径树立屏障;2)在既有的改善区域附近集中开发新的场地结构;3)提高野生动物栖息地的环境价值;4)保护溪流与滨水走廊;5)减少火灾风险。Establishing a Shared Vision. Design principles included: 1) Improve visual quality from public roads and screen from wildlife migratory routes; 2) Cluster improvements within vicinity of existing; 3) Enhance wildlife habitat value; 4) Protect creek and riparian corridor; and, 5) Reduce wildfire risk.

▲尊重历史模式:项目并未选择建造一座在空间和视觉上都具有主导性的大型单体建筑,而是引入了能够与景观相融的一系列低矮结构,强化了西部牧场的传统模式。Honoring Historic Patterns. In lieu of constructing a large singular structure that would physically and visually dominate the landscape, the Master Plan reinforces traditional patterns of western ranch compounds through clusters of low-slung structures that blend into the landscape.


Restoring a Modified Landscape. Analysis of existing vegetative communities, combined with site attributes – topography, aspect, slope, proximity to water and wildlife habitat – informed restoration strategies for over 100,000 square feet of disturbed landscape to indigenous habitat.


Protecting Critical Lands. In collaboration with ecologists and state wildlife officials, the landscape architect analyzed wildlife patterns, offering recommendations for vegetation protection, river and stream corridors and wetlands. As a result, the creek continues to offer a critical migration corridor.


Rural Site Development. As champions of open lands, the owners believed that improvements to the environment, no matter how significant, should remain invisible. At the ranch house, the arrival experience utilizes the ranch’s existing drive to avoid new disturbance.


Context Sensitive Planting. The landscape architect emphasized restraint in material selection, color, and massing of any built structures. Near structures, designers extracted and organized select species from on-site plant communities in simple gestures, grounding the home within its natural context.

▲合作:景观设计师与石匠和其他工匠共同在现场处理了一系列精致的细节,旨在传达一种真实质朴且经久不衰的独特品质。在垂直过渡区域,不同厚度的本地石材被小心地放置,留出宽度不一的空隙,呈现出一种“汇聚”的美感。Collaboration. To effectively communicate an authentic spirit of permanence, the landscape architect worked onsite with masons and other craftsmen on subtle details. At vertical transitions, varying thicknesses of naturally cleft, regional stone were thoughtfully assembled in a “collected” aesthetic.

▲工匠精神:产自当地的天然材料为建筑和景观元素提供了富有凝聚力的组合方式,能够帮助抵御山区的极端气候。在一个隐蔽的内嵌式空间中,松木的弯曲枝叶为下方的浴池提供了天然的遮挡。Craftsmanship. Regionally sourced materials of unaltered tones create a cohesive palette for architectural and landscape elements able to withstand the harsh mountain climate. Tucked in a sheltered cove, a sandstone soaking tub rests beneath the branches of a sculptural pine.


Native Vegetation. Intimate outdoor spaces extend from the architecture, merging the domestic and wild. To reinforce the agrarian ethos of the ranch, the landscape architect organized native, low-maintenance plants in zone-compatible arrangements, requiring only temporary irrigation.


Authenticity and Permanence. Hand-built stone walls — a familiar element of Western ranch compounds — blend material from two regional sources to achieve a graduated, organic appearance. The plan introduces wildlife-friendly fencing, removes deadfall, buries overhead utilities, and replaces flood irrigation with efficient, modern technology.

▲景观之旅:可渗透的步道在以景观为基础的体验中连接了不同的结构。大体块的砂岩在定义边界的同时,也为人们提供了沉思的空间。A Landscape Journey. Permeable pathways connect structures in a landscape-based experience. Throughout the landscape, monolithic sandstone outcroppings define thresholds or simply serve as moments for personal contemplation.


Value to Community. The Plan not only restores the ranch’s original milking barn and surrounding grounds, but voluntarily places it under Historical Designation. Recognizing the property’s historic role in the community, designers facilitated an open dialogue with citizens to ensure support.

低调的工艺:对整个项目的每个细节的关注,为科罗拉多州的文化与自然历史的叙述赋予了新的内容,在加深住宅与场地的联系的同时,也使其价值得以延续至新一代的使用者手中。Modest Craft. Collectively, attention to architecture and landscape interventions conveys a narrative of Colorado’s cultural and natural history, deepening a personal connection to the place and extending the legacy of a working ranch to a new generation of users.


Stewardship. The owner and landscape architect conduct periodic health assessments of the restored lands, and offer community tours that highlights ecological, scenic, and cultural contributions both within the ranch, and regionally – a further testament to their shared stewardship beliefs.



Resting in the shadow of adjacent peaks, Charlie Mountain Ranch is located at the end of a wide, glacially-carved valley in western Colorado. Since its settlement in the late 1800s, the property has long been valued for its fertile soils, rolling terrain, and access to the valley’s arterial creek. Early ranchers constructed a network of irrigation ditches, elevating the productive qualities of the land. For much of the twentieth century, the 73-acre ranch functioned as part of a larger successful agriculture and ranching operation but had recently slipped into a prolonged period of neglect. Dilapidated outbuildings and debris piles, combined with barren and hard-packed soils, overgrown ditches, impenetrable thickets, and noxious weeds demonstrated the need for a renewed commitment to proper land management.


Propelled by a desire to restore a unique piece of the rural landscape, new landowners stepped forward. The owners and design team embarked upon a comprehensive planning process that would guide the long-term development and enhancement of the land into a multi-generational ranch. Bound by a county road to the west, and a creek to the east, the property occupies over one-half mile of the valley’s floor. Recognizing the significance of its geographic setting and reach, the landscape architect urged the owner to develop a vision for how the long-range management of the property’s land, water rights and stream corridor, wildlife habitat, and open space could fit in with the vision of the surrounding rural community.

Initially, the team established principles that would guide future improvements, including: 1) Improve the visual quality from the public rights-of-way (designated as a scenic corridor) and screen property from wildlife migratory routes along the creek; 2) Cluster development of new site structures, circulation, and construction access within the vicinity of existing improvements; 3) Enhance wildlife habitat value; 4) Protect the existing creek and riparian corridor; and, 5) Promote vegetation management best practices to reduce wildfire risk and restore previously disturbed habitat. Since project completion, the landscape architect has continued to implement various improvements and processes that reinforce the original stewardship principles on an annual basis.


Restoration began with an analysis of regional and site-specific environmental conditions, including a detailed study of predominant plant communities, species composition, and density. At 7,700’ in elevation, the ranch is characterized by oak-mountain shrublands, a transitional ecosystem of the Southern Rockies Ecoregion defined by native upland vegetation consisting primarily of a mosaic of Gambel oak, serviceberry and sagebrush that provides critical wildlife habitat. Gambel oak is a slow-growing, drought-tolerant hardwood which offers critical nutritional value and shelter to indigenous wildlife, but absent of proper maintenance, turns into highly flammable fuel for wildfires. Interspersed within this zone are patches of sagebrush shrublands. Along the creek, mixed-conifer forests and riparian areas denote the presence of water. The remaining land consists of mountain meadows and pastureland. An ecological assessment identified disturbance to upland plant communities as a result of decades of agricultural activity and livestock grazing. Understanding these distinct ecologies – their conditions and relationships to each other – not only guided species recommendations and their spatial organization but ensured long-term performance to support biodiversity.


As champions of open lands, the owners felt strongly that any improvements should not impose upon the surrounding environment, but rather emerge from it in an organic and responsible manner. As such, the property’s master plan represents a pattern unique to traditional historic western ranch development and seeks to celebrate the natural beauty of the setting. In lieu of constructing a large singular structure that would have physically and visually dominated the landscape, the plan introduces clusters of low-slung structures that blend into the landscape, the scale and relationship of each directly relating to site-specific conditions, with most sited within previously disturbed areas. Of significance, the property’s original 1888 milking barn was restored and voluntarily placed under Historical Designation.

The plan calls for on-going management of agricultural meadows, introduction of wildlife-friendly fencing, removal of dead vegetation, burying overhead utilities, integrating hiking trails and destination nodes, and replacing the existing flood irrigation with a less water consumptive system of underground pipes.


During the planning process, an independent wildlife ecologist and representatives of Colorado Parks and Wildlife were called in to evaluate wildlife patterns and identify river and stream


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