发布时间:2023-10-01 12:16:04 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目背景 Background


The Jufeng Locomotive headquarter is located in an industrial park in Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, which gathers well-known mold manufacturers of automobile molds and electric motorcycles in China.

▼模具小镇街景,Mold town street view © 金伟琦


Opposite of the site is a village, which is separated from the village by a river, as a natural boundary of high density industrialization and original settlement. In order to further develop the rural economics, the government proposed the strategy of rural tourism and industrial tourism town for coordinated development.

▼厂区鸟瞰,Site aerial view © 金伟琦

▼厂区北侧村庄,The village to the north of the project © 金伟琦

家庭式作坊原型与发展 Clan Workshop Prototype


Before the new headquarter built, the original space system of the factory and the equipment of different lines was placed in the regular steel frame plant. Even though Jufeng Group is a leading brand enterprise in the local area, its different types of work are integrated into one factory space from the whole process of research and development, design, processing, production, packaging, warehousing and logistics. When visiting other factories, there is also a very similar space environment. The whole scene presents a chaotic state, which represents the whole region-wide spatial paradigm of manufacturing.

▼轴测图,Axon © hypersity

▼主楼夜景,Main building night view © 金伟琦


This comes from the informal contract of family business management mode based on the members of the “clan”, which has deeply influenced China’s modern farming culture and industrial civilization. Unlike the industrialization history of Western countries, most of clan enterprises have gradually formed an industrial model under the modern governance structure. The family enterprises have developed from a small workshop on a homestead in the typology of a front shop and back factory, and then expanded into a large factory space after economic reform. Despite the continuous expansion in the spatial scale, the spatial structure of the manufacturing workshop has not undergone fundamental changes and innovations.

▼厂区全景,General view of the project © 金伟琦

工业观光叙事性空间 Industrial Narrative Space


Since the new building is to create an industry benchmark and lighthouse in the region, and establish an exemplary effect, the flow line for tourists is different from the traditional enterprise exhibition hall. Narrative is divided into two layers, the first layer is the producer, the producer as the primary condition of narrative logic. The entire production process,the process of research and development, is part of the physical display.

▼生产与办公连桥,Linking bridge © 金伟琦

▼厂区主入口,Main entrance © 金伟琦


The second layer is the visitor. A sightseeing outdoor flow line is implanted throughout the building to allow external visitors to join the narrative flow, starting from the east side of the main building along the hall, to the north side of the main building to the sightseeing stairs to the second floor. The industrial assembly line inside the building can be seen as well as the natural scenery on the north side of the building, including the river, and the village and distant mountains on the north side. The whole trail becomes a link between production and tourism.

▼厂区主入口广场,Main entry square © 金伟琦

▼车间入口,Entrance to the factory © 金伟琦

▼空中观光流线,Sightseeing outdoor flow line © 金伟琦

▼观光连桥,Sightseeing bridge © 金伟琦

▼主楼观光流线,Sightseeing flow line of the main building © 金伟琦

▼空中挑台,The cantilevered terrace © 金伟琦


These two flow lines are interleaved at certain spatial nodes, such as in its lobby, the main hall, and the exhibition hall of the main building, the two story lines are overlapping. Most of the time the two lines are separated and impenetrable, there is vision but no actual accessibility to ensure the integrity of production, including some confidential links, showing a certain degree of transparency, sometimes overlapping and sometimes completely separated.

▼环形车道,Circular driveway © 金伟琦

▼环形车道中庭,Atrium © 金伟琦


第二个空间组团体现的是一种包容性,也展示了承上启下的超级整合性。在不断的打样和不断的把实体进行1 : 1测试后,当创新即将转化成落地的产品之际,便进入到第二个空间的环节,也就整个加工生产的空间。流水线车间流水线的空间与它的内容生产实的紧密度决定了效率的高低,当在生产测试以及出品获得了确认,和接受来自海内外的订单后的批量生产等环节之后,产品需要进行分类与仓储,以便为下一步物流作准备。同时也进入到第三个空间组团,兼备仓储和物流的空间需要一种特别精准和高效的使用场景。在里面有货车快递这种运输工具穿梭于仓储物流板块呈现忙碌的一种场景。

▼生产车间,Factory internal space © 金伟琦

三个形体:形式,大屋顶 村庄的建筑 Three Massing: Form, Big Roof, Vernacular Architecture


The three building massing of research and development, production and logistics are covered by a large folded roof to form a complete architectural space image. It somehow responds to the vernacular village architectural form opposite to the river. The three wrapped roof shapes the balcony, which provides outdoor spaces for the internal office and workshop workers. The roof space is utilized as a parking lot, solar panel placement, restaurant canteen and outdoor activity space for employees, providing more possibilities for production, living and communication.

▼办公楼挑台,Office building © 金伟琦

▼办公楼入口,Entrance to the office building © 金伟琦

▼连续折板屋顶,Continuous folded sheet roofing © 金伟琦


主楼顶层的品牌创始人几个兄弟的生活和接待空间。 除了办公室,餐饮,接待朋友,会客厅,包括一些私人的活动空间,投入使用后出现传统的园林与水塘、假山造景,一些空间。在旋转坡道的中心,露天的一个中庭的改造成饲养鱼类和乌龟的鱼池,这些充满个人化色彩的空间内容,是家族兄弟在现代机械化的巨构建筑中找到了血缘地理的本体。

When the company evolves into a modern enterprise oriented towards the global market, the new building is not only a production and tourism function, but also a spatial carrier for part of the family life. For example, in the center of the rotating ramp, an open-air atrium is transformed into a fish pond for raising fish and turtles. These spatial contents full of personalized colors are the body of blood geography that clan brothers find in the modern mechanized giant architecture.

▼厂区夜景,Night view © 金伟琦

▼黄岩模具小镇夜景,Night view of the town © 金伟琦

▼首层平面,Plan 1F © hypersity

▼二层平面,Plan 2F © hypersity

▼顶层平面,Roof plan © hypersity

▼北立面图,North elevation © hypersity

▼南立面图,South elevation © hypersity

▼东立面图,East elevation © hypersity

▼西立面图,West elevation © hypersity

▼剖面图,Section © hypersity


台州聚丰机车总部,浙江 / hyperSity建筑事务所
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