发布时间:2022-11-07 10:43:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目背景 |Project Background




"Building a bigger restroom in this area." —This is the initial request I received when I was brought to this site by the first party in 2017.

Nanjing Tangshan Ancient Ape Cave Scenic Area is famous for the discovery of ancient ape ruins and has always been a famous tourist attraction in the suburbs of Nanjing. There is a flood channel that runs east and west on the theorem slope of the mountain range because of the topography of the mountain range, which is the source section of the Tangshui River, the mother river of Tangshan.

▼项目概览,Overall view


The project is located at the bottom of the northern slope of the mountain, the only narrow area left between the floodway and the city road. Limited by the cramped land use, the scenic area has been plagued by outdated service facilities issue. This project aims to move the humble ticket office and management office next to the original Parking area of the scenic area to a larger site, and build a public restroom in the scenic area.

The relationship between mountains, canals, roads, villages, cities and sites

场所记忆 |The memory of the place


It seems that the simple assignment, namely, the relocated ticket office and the expanded toilet, is overwhelming. Is it possible to go beyond the immediate function and find a way with more regional characteristics and contemporary value, so that users can gain an impression of the venue during the experience? We intend to learn from the “indigenous people” on the site.

▼建筑位于入口广场和停车场之间,The building is located between the entrance square and the Parking lot


Bamboo forests and canals are the most significant and common features of the site, especially the canals. Due to the need for flood control, the walls on both sides are made of high rough stone retaining walls, moss and water stains on the rough stones, and the furrows seem to be a secret place under the shadow of plants. Since the drainage canal is converted into an underground bypass in the main entrance square, its presence is almost imperceptible.

▼建筑的外观仿佛只是山脚下一道长长的夯土墙,The building looks like a long rammed earth wall at the foot of the mountain

▼从入口广场看建筑,Looking at the building from the entrance square




The original state of the canal as if it were a secret place

But there are two impressive places on this humble site: one is the management office across the flood channel, which is a straightforward and vivid attempt to break through the limitations of the site and achieve the construction of crossing the canal; The other is the employee’s e-bike shed, which consists of steel columns, truss arches, and wooden purlins and rafters in a simple and clear structure, which complements the forest passing through the surrounding area. These two artificial traces reveal a revelation: nature is a landscape because it interacts with people in the venue.

Therefore, the design team decided to retell these spatial forms that condensed the memory of the place to new users, and the resulting space is the users’ experience of place memory through themselves.

▼游客驿站的总平面,General layout of tourist service station

秩序与方向 | Order and Direction


After on-site investigation, we judged that there are two pedestrian streamline on this site: one is across the canal, it was mainly the crowd from the Parking area that entered the site; The other is the crowd from the main entrance square of the scenic spot entering the venue. How can these two near-vertical streamlines be only 20 meters from end to end to create an interesting interweaving on this limited field?

▼建筑形体分析,Building shape analysis


In the design, we made full use of the cluster of bamboo bushes in the ditch and the canal, and uses the method of folding gallery in the garden that using twisting, masking to create three streamlines parallel to the canal. The three of them are the rest and waiting streamline in the north side of the canal, the streamline to the toilet along the south side of the canal, and the internal office streamline close to the bamboo forest respectively.

▼水渠成为设计元素之一,The canal becomes one of the design elements

▼由售票处、餐厅、游客驿站、停车场、隧道、博物馆、酒店共同组成环绕山体的游览线路,The tour route around the mountain is composed of ticket office, restaurant, tourist station, tunnel, museum and hotel


In response to the streamline from the entrance of the scenic spot, some of the volume of the building has been twisted at a small angle in the east-west direction, resulting in some space with a blurred sense of direction. The collision between the building volumes of different orders also interferes with visitors’ perception of spatial order to some extent, thus producing a different sense of experience.

▼缝隙和入口暗示着后面建筑的存在,Gaps and entrances imply the existence of buildings behind

▼建筑入口坡道,Building entrance ramp

▼建筑的办公入口,Office entrance of the building

▼建筑体量方向的扭转,Turning direction of building mass

▼建筑方向的改变形成了有趣的室内空间,The change of architectural direction forms an interesting interior space

渠 | Canal



The covered bridge is an imitation of the original office building.


The canal retains the scene before site construction

The element of canal was originally a neglected supporting role in the field. But the canal will become a landscape if people can interact with it. The design creates a variety of spaces around the canal that can be used: at the end that the canal turning into a culvert, the user can see the whole picture of the canal and the architectural space hidden in the plants. Under the steel corridor along the canal, a row of benches leans against the root of the long wall, and the canal becomes an object of appreciation. On the other side, under the bamboo groves reserved, there are two corner benches for people to have a rest. It’s very comfortable to lie down here in the afternoon. Crossing the canal, it relies on a lantern shaped corridor bridge, which echoes the management room that has crossed the canal. The corridor bridge composed of steel and U-shaped glass blurs people’s sense of direction and space. It seems that crossing the channel is like to enter a strange field. It’s like the secret place I saw when I first opened the bush. What I hope to bring to later users is not boring at a glance.

Looking from the lounge to the covered bridge


Use the interface of space to create internal and external


▼夯土墙、毛石墙和U玻璃墙,Rammed earth wall, rubble wall and U-glass wall

▼廊道里的天井,The patio in the corridor

▼从内看向入口,Looking from the inside to the entrance

▼座椅细部,Seat details

墙 | Wall


In order to enrich the visitor’s experience in the place, it is an effective way to divide the space into pieces, and the wall is an important object. Various forms of sheet walls are used throughout the site which connects the architectural space to bamboo forests and canals. The wall allows the space to be both separate and fluid.

夯土墙上的入口鸟瞰,Aerial view: entrance in the rammed earth wall

▼夯土墙上的入口,Entrance in the rammed earth wall


To the north of the canal is a long rammed earth wall that isolates the site from the hustle and bustle of the Parking area and city roads, leaving only a small entrance, which both hints at the horizontality of the site behind it and forms a strong identity. On the south side of the site, a long rubble wall separates the interior space from the dense bamboo forest, and the vertical windows on the wall and the gap between the building’s herringbone roof infiltrate the bamboo shadow into the interior space.

▼墙的运用使得空间变得丰富,The use of walls enriches the space

▼夯土墙上的入口空间,Entrance space in the rammed earth wall

▼具有空间引导性的毛石墙,Rubble wall with space guidance

▼毛石墙后的休息空间,Rest space behind rubble wall


The two long walls, north and south, seemed to outline a garden beside the bamboo canal at the foot of the mountain. The walls in the garden are various, long or short, or turning, or framing, or rough, or hazy. They become the backboard of plants or the canvas of light and shadow.

Folding corridor and inner courtyard

▼空间中的看与被看,Seeing and Being Seen in Space

▼折廊的光影与材质,Light, shadow and material of folding gallery

在地建造 | Local construction


The construction of a building records the local and contemporary information all the time in the aspect of structure, materials and construction, so construction according to the environment and local construction are not the same. In common sense, it can be called on-site construction that use easily available materials and controllable construction methods, also apply the construction components which are easy maintained and replaced. Through this construction process, people and places have certain intrinsic connections that beyond appearances.

▼建造中的廊桥钢架,Steel frame of gallery bridge under construction


Lifting and ramming are the keys of this construction on the narrow site of the canal. The pitched roof of the building adopts the form of a small size of triangular steel roof truss, the connection between the roof truss and the column is hinged connection, and the roof truss is prefabricated in the factory and hoisted on site, and then welded with tie rods on site to resist side thrust, which is for the consideration of precise construction under on-site construction conditions.


Precise industrial construction and random manual construction


Indoor light environment brought by high windows


The structural layers of steel purlins, glued bamboo rafters and glued bamboo panels on the triangular roof truss make the construction show a clear ‘construction’ trace, which is a response to the original carport on the site. The corridor connecting these modern sloping roof buildings is a cross-shaped steel column with a section of 112*112, supporting a steel beam glass roof with bamboo poles shading louvers.

▼屋架的下弦拉杆与柱子之间的关联,Association between bottom chord tie rod of roof truss and bamboo pole


In order to resist torsion, a small flange is welded at the web end of the cross shaped steel column, and the cavity formed thereby is filled with glued bamboo to make the column body appear thinner. These structures present a clear state of force, which complements the sense of force reflected by the bamboo poles in the bamboo forest around the site.

▼屋架与外墙脱离的方式让光线和竹林透进了室内,The way the roof is separated from the exterior wall allows light and bamboo forests to penetrate the interior


Ramming is a general term for ramming and masonry, which are used for the construction of rammed earth concrete wall and rubble stone wall respectively. The rammed earth mixed concrete wall is made by mixing soil, sand, gravel and cement in a certain proportion in the formwork, placing reinforcement, and finally tamping layer by layer with a hand-held pneumatic rammer. Compared with traditional rammed earth wall, rammed earth concrete wall has higher strength and better moisture resistance.

▼左:本地的石砌技艺右:传统的剁斧石工艺,Left: Local stone masonry skills; Right: Traditional the chop axstone Technique


However, the masonry of rubble wall focuses on the use of concrete components in the wall foundation, lintel, coping, corner protection and other parts. This process of chopping traces on stone mortar, which rose in the 1970s and 1980s, has been rarely used by construction teams. Like rammed earth walls and rubble masonry, it is full of uncertain handcraft. The workers on the construction site have creatively used more convenient electric grinding wheel to replace the traditional axe when dealing with the side and top surface of the chop axstone. In this project, we emphasize the coexistence of controlled construction and encourage random construction, both of which are regarded as the components of construction according to the environment.


The lintel, corner bead and other components in the rubble wall make the construction full of random handwork

从建成到使用 | From completion to use


The project was completed in 2019, and the original envisioned function was the ticket office and public restroom, for which a tidal toilet area was specially set up (normally closed), and can be flexibly integrated into the men’s or women’s toilet during peak hours, so as to solve the problem of difficulty in toileting during peak hours.

But that at the end of 2019, the outbreak of COVID 19 strands the plan of tourist stations for 3 years. The position of the scenic spot has also changed greatly in these three years. The entrance area at the foot of the mountain is all open to the surrounding community residents as an urban park, the building is changed to the tourist rest bar and property management room in addition to retaining the restroom, but the structure of the building gives it a very adaptable space to adapt to the new adjustment.

▼游客驿站的主入口空间,Main entrance space of tourist service station

▼外廊与廊桥,Outer corridor and covered bridge

▼卫生间区域,Toilet area

▼室内与室外之间的通透边界,Transparent boundary between indoor and outdoor


I am particularly impressed by my visit to it after its completion. As no one uses it, all kinds of plants begin to diffuse into the building, and the whole building presents a simple and wild state. During summer vacation, I sat quietly beside the canal, surrounded by blue sky, light and shadow, earth and stone, and plants, as if I were in Dali.

▼在无人使用期植物蔓延进了空间,Plants spread into the space during the period of no use

▼植物也是空间的使用者,Plants are also users of space

▼竹林下的小憩,A nap under the bamboo forest


I am very grateful that Hassell, the landscape design company of the city park, has made a very professional connection with the architect, given great respect to the architectural concept and responded very friendly to the architectural elements. As a result, a design that transcends the short-term functional requirements is passed down one by one. From the earliest site houses to new buildings and to new landscapes, we are all narrators of site memory.


The completed building was exposed to the wild environment

走向心中的“何陋轩” |Towards ‘Helou Xuan’“何陋轩”是著名建筑家冯纪忠先生在上海松江方塔园中的一个建筑作品,从功能上来说,它是一个供游客小息和茶客棋友娱乐的普通茶亭,但形式上却是一个现代建筑。至于它为何能在很多中国建筑师中引发共鸣,我想一千个人心中有一千个哈姆雷特,对于我的启示是,建筑师在创作时并没有陷入对中国建筑师、中国建筑的身份认同的纠结中,而是以一种轻松的、举重若轻、信手拈来的方式,创造出一种当代的、在地的建筑形式。把“何陋轩”理解为建筑设计时坚守的一种态度,是值得我们去努力尝试的。


The structure and appearanceof Helou Xuan

▼游客休息室外的廊道,Corridor outside the tourist lounge

‘Helou Xuan’ is an architectural production of Feng Jizhong, a famous architect, in Shanghai Songjiang Fangta Garden. In terms of function, it is an ordinary tea pavilion for tourists to have a rest and play chess. But in form, it is a modern building. As for why it can resonate with many Chinese architects, I think different people have different answers. The inspiration for me is that architects did not fall into the tangle of identity of Chinese architects and Chinese architecture when creating, but created a contemporary and local architectural form in a relaxed, light hearted and handy way. It is worth trying to understand ‘Helou Xuan’ as an attitude we stick to in architectural design.

▼游客服务站鸟瞰,Tourist service station aerial view

▼模型分解图,Model exploded view




▼细部大样1,Detail 1

▼细部大样2,Detail 2

▼细部大样3,Detail 3

项目名称: 汤山猿人洞游客驿站

建筑事务所: 东南大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 建筑技术与艺术(ATA)工作室




主创建筑师: 李竹 Li Zhu

设计团队: 李竹、王嘉峻

委托方: 南京汤山建设投资发展有限公司

结构及机电设计: 东南大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 羿构工作室 综合五院

景观设计: Hassell上海事务所

施工方: 南京西部路桥集团有限公司汤山分公司

摄影师: Timeraw Studio


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