发布时间:2013-01-07 12:00:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}




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在澳大利亚墨尔本市历史悠久的Flinders大街火车站再开发项目中,HASSELL + Herzog & de Meuron联合提交的方案获得评委们的一致青睐,在此次国际设计竞赛中赢得大奖并赢取了100万澳元的奖金。


HASSELL + Herzog & de Meuron have won the $1 million international design competition for the redevelopment of the historic Flinders Street Station in the city of Melbourne, Australia. The decision by the competition jury was unanimous.

The project will turn the station into a modern 21st century transport hub while retaining its best known heritage features and buildings. It transforms the site into a new civic precinct with a major public art gallery, a public plaza, an amphitheatre, marketplace, and a permanent home for arts and cultural festival organisations.

Flinders大街火车站是墨尔本铁路网络的枢纽,并与其他交通方式相连接。火车站占地面积4.68公顷,位于墨尔本雅拉河岸,毗邻该市联邦广场和重要的艺术与文化机构。HASSELL + Herzog and de Meuron的方案将所有这些地方衔接起来。

维多利亚州政府最早于2011年11月宣布举办这个竞赛。最终结果于8月8日由维多利亚州州长丹尼斯•纳凡(Denis Napthine)宣布。本次竞赛共吸引117件作品参与。由维多利亚州政府建筑师Geoffrey London教授担任主席的评委小组在六件入围的作品中挑选出获胜方案。

Flinders Street Station is the hub of Melbourne’s fixed rail network with connections to other transport modes. It sits on a 4.68 hectare site on the banks of Melbourne’s Yarra River, adjacent to the city’s Federation Square and important arts and cultural institutions. The HASSELL + Herzog & de Meuron proposal pulls all these elements together.

The Government of the Australian State of Victoria first announced the competition in November 2011. The final result was announced today by the Premier of Victoria, Denis Napthine. The competition attracted 117 entries. The winning proposal was selected from six short-listed entries by a jury chaired by the Victorian Government Architect, Professor Geoffrey London.

本次竞赛获胜方案是跨国团队协作的结晶——团队由瑞士著名建筑事务所Herzog and de Meuron、HASSELL(墨尔本)和担任历史遗产顾问的Purcell(伦敦)组成。

The winning entry is the work of a global team comprising the renowned Swiss based architectural practice Herzog & de Meuron, HASSELL (Melbourne) and Purcell (London) as heritage consultants.

Herzog & de Meuron的Jacques Herzog表示:“这一火车站拥有悠久的历史和令人激动的环境,对于我们在澳大利亚的第一个项目将真正建造为一座公共建筑,我们感到十分兴奋。”Herzog & de Meuron的Ascan Mergenthaler表示:“我们为Flinders大街火车站设计的方案强调火车站的公共属性,为其补充文化与公共功能,而非单纯的商业功能”。“精致的穹顶造型屋顶可抵御气候侵袭,并通过固定装置连为整体,屋顶设计对墨尔本中心这一特别场所的历史、功能和地点进行了诠释,既体现对基地的尊敬,又不失动感,并与其环境相呼应”。

Jacques Herzog, Herzog & de Meuron said: “We are excited that our first project in Australia will be a truly public building with such a rich history and inspiring context.”Ascan Mergenthaler, Herzog & de Meuron:“Our proposal for the Flinders Street Station underscores the civic nature of a train station by complementing it with cultural and public functions rather than purely commercial activities.“The weatherproof, articulated filigree vaulted roof-scape is a respectful yet dynamic interpretation and contextual response to the history, function and location of this very special place in the heart of Melbourne.”

HASSELL的Mark Loughnan表示:“获胜方案改进了火车站交通枢纽及毗邻交通节点的各个方面,本案的每一个衔接面都与该处的环境相呼应,可实现公共功能及穿过基地的连接通道。

“这些年来,Flinders大街火车站受到各种变迁的影响。如今到了这里,人们通常只是选择匆匆而过。我们的设计将这个车站打造为人们的目的地,崭新的建筑和特色将吸引人们来到这里。“该基地对于土著生活与文化来说都有着重要意义。新的艺术画廊将展示来自澳大利亚和太平洋地区的土著艺术,反映其历史重要性。画廊还将连接起St Kilda路的艺术机构和联邦广场,以及Flinders大街上的移民博物馆和旧的海关大楼。“人们从欧洲移居至澳大利亚之后,墨尔本最早的市场在基地附近建立起来。我们将重现这座市场,使其服务于近几年来迁移到墨尔本中心的数千新居民。公共广场和圆形剧场在城市中营造了聚会场所。”

Mark Loughnan, HASSELL:“The winning proposal improves all aspects of the station transport hub and adjacent transport nodes with each of the project boundaries responding specifically to its own distinct context, affording both public function and connection across the site.“Over the years, Flinders Street Station has been compromised by successive changes. Today it is a place that people generally choose to hurry through. Our design makes it a destination, with new buildings and features that will attract people to the precinct.“The site was an important place in indigenous life and culture. The new art gallery will house indigenous art from Australia and the Pacific, reflecting that historical importance. The gallery will also provide a link between the arts institutions of St Kilda Road and Federation Square and the Immigration Museum and old Customs House on Flinders Street.“After European settlement, Melbourne’s first official marketplace was near the site. We are bringing the marketplace back for the many thousands of new residents who moved into the centre of Melbourne in recent years. The public plaza and amphitheatre create new meeting places in the city.”

来自Purcell的Michael Morrison谈道:“该方案将Flinders大街车站保留为持续运作的火车站,而非一座交通博物馆。最为人熟悉的建筑结构——Flinders 大街车站建筑以及街角入口亭,都未作变化,但是得到精心修复,重新投入公共用途,”他表示,“这些建筑的涂料将采用老车站原来的色调。新建筑将遵循老车站原来的设计精神,以确保可以与修复过的旧建筑融为一体。”

Michael Morrison, Purcell:“It was critical that the proposal preserved Flinders Street as a working station, not a transport museum. The most familiar built fabric, the Flinders Street building and the corner entrance pavilion, will be unaltered, but carefully restored and brought back into public use,” he said. “They will be painted in the original colours. The new building integrates with them by reflecting the spirit of the original design.”

HASSELL + Herzog and de Meuron联合体方案:保留了墨尔本最为著名的历史建筑,历史上一度繁华喧闹的建筑,如一座历史舞厅,将重新开放用于公共用途。将火车站转变为一座现代化交通枢纽,大大改善了乘客体验,实现各个方向的便捷通道,并与其他交通方式相连,以及开辟新的公共区域,其中包括大型公共艺术画廊、公共广场、圆形剧场、市场,以及为艺术与文化节庆组织建造的永久场所。




我们设计的大洋洲与现代艺术(OCA)画廊就坐落在历史建筑Banana Alley穹顶之上,火车站西端。这一设计尊重了河岸该地点的重要地位——该地点曾被称为“Falls”(瀑布),即欧洲移民时代之前的土著居住区。该地区曾经是将河流的淡水与海中的咸水分隔开的瀑布所在地。这些瀑布很早以前就被移除。OCA画廊还与海关大楼和移民博物馆并列并形成强烈联系。画廊巩固了墨尔本的“艺术三角区”,加强与河流两岸相连的人行区域。








For more information:

关于Herzog and de Meuron:Herzog and de Meuron由Jacques Herzog和Pierre de Meuron创建于1978年。如今Herzog and de Meuron已是由五位高级合伙人领导的合伙企业:Jacques Herzog、Pierre de Meuron、Christine Binswanger、Ascan Mergenthaler和Stefan Marbach。该公司设计过各种类型的项目,涵盖小型私人住宅和大型城市设计。有些项目已成为十分著名的公共设施,例如伦敦的泰特现代美术馆(2000年)及其扩建部分(2016年),还有2008年北京奥运会的国家体育场,但该公司也完成过多个著名的私人项目,包括公寓楼、办公楼和工厂。该公司已获得多项殊荣,包括2001年的普利策建筑奖,以及2007年的”英国皇家建筑师学会金质奖章”(英国)和”高松宮殿下纪念世界文化奖”(日本)。Herzog and de Meuron目前正在从事的项目分布于欧洲、北美、南美和亚洲。该公司的总部位于巴塞尔,在汉堡、伦敦、马德里、纽约和香港也设有分公司。



关于HASSELL + Herzog and de Meuron设计联合体:HASSELL与Herzog and de Meuron为Flinders街火车站竞赛组建了一支跨国团队,并由伦敦公司Purcell担任历史遗产顾问。这一协作团队综合了广阔的国际视野和经验,不仅对墨尔本当地有着深入了解,还在历史建筑的开发与复兴方面拥有丰富经验。团队成员都有着同样的创新与积极精神,但也各自具备独特的专业技能。Herzog and de Meuron是一家著名的城市文化振兴、公共空间与历史建筑复兴的领导企业,其作品可见于伦敦泰特现代美术馆和汉堡Elbphilharmonie音乐厅等地标性项目。HASSELL则将其在澳大利亚、中国和东南亚积累的丰富的综合基础设施与交通项目经验带入团队。自1948年HASSELL就在墨尔本运营事务所至今,对于这座城市的历史、文化与公共环境有着详尽的理解。Purcell更是为项目带来了全面而深厚的历史遗产建筑学专业技能。该公司曾参与过多个交通项目,包括维多利亚时代的水塔的搬迁与修复,该项目是伦敦St Pancras火车站再开发计划的一部分。

About Herzog & de Meuron: Herzog & de Meuron was established in 1978 by Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron. Today Herzog & de Meuron is a partnership led by five Senior Partners: Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Christine Binswanger, Ascan Mergenthaler and Stefan Marbach. The practice has designed a wide range of projects from the small scale of a private home to the large scale of urban design. While many of their projects are highly recognised public facilities such as the Tate Modern in London (2000), and the development of its extension (2016), as well as the National Stadium in Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games, they have also completed several distinguished private projects including apartment buildings, offices and factories. The practice has been awarded numerous prizes including The Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2001, the “RIBA Royal Gold Medal“ (UK) and the “Praemium Imperiale“ (Japan), both in 2007. Herzog & de Meuron is currently working on projects across Europe, North and South America and Asia. The firm’s main office is in Basel with additional offices in Hamburg, London, Madrid, New York and Hong Kong.

About HASSELL: HASSELL is an international design practice with its origins in Australia. It operates five studios in Australia, five in China, two in South East Asia and two in the United Kingdom. The collaborative practice model at HASSELL sees architects, interior designers, landscape architects, planners and urban designers working together to deliver major city changing projects.

About Purcell: Purcell brings together architects, heritage consultants and surveyors who share a passion for the thoughtfully designed evolution of buildings, places and communities. It operates 13 studios in the United Kingdom and one in Hong Kong.

About the HASSELL + Herzog & de Meuron design collaboration:HASSELL + Herzog & de Meuron formed a global team for the Flinders Street Station competition together with Purcell, London as heritage consultant.

The collaboration combines wide international perspective and experience with deep local knowledge of Melbourne and comprehensive experience in the development and revitalisation of historic buildings. While sharing a common spirit of innovation and responsiveness, each team member also contributes specific expertise. Herzog & de Meuron is a recognised leader in urban cultural vitalisation, public spaces and the revitalisation of historic buildings. Its work can be seen in landmark projects such as the Tate Modern in London and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. HASSELL brings extensive experience on complex infrastructure and transport projects in Australia, China and South East Asia. It has been in practice in Melbourne since 1948 and has a detailed understanding of the city’s history, culture and civic context. Purcell provides thoughtful and profound expertise as heritage architects. It has worked on many transport projects, including the relocation and restoration of a Victorian era water-tower as part of London’s St Pancras station redevelopment.







合作方:Herzog & de Meuron / Purcell UK / Arup




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