发布时间:2019-10-22 17:43:59 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Star Camp service center is located at Zhang Jia Jie National Forest Park. The terrain is tortuous, covered with sweeps of lawn, surrounded by thick forest and steep mountains. As the unique landscape is the core of the site, the essential factor of the design is the relationship between the building and landscape.

▼崇山峻岭中的服务中心,the service center in the scenery



▼服务中心空间轴测图,axon of the service center

Three strategies could be used in designing buildings in landscape: the first is to imitate the form of the landscape; the second is hiding, to highlight the landscape; the third is to stand by, watching the scenery as an onlooker. In this project, the three strategies is fused and improved based on the integration of all the elements.

The function of star campus is a base of camping, field training and outdoor activities, the service center is to offer the necessary service and supporting facilities, such as bathing, quick meal, training and the store.

▼服务中心外观,建筑形体成为自然延伸的一部分,exterior view of the service center, the building and landscape area embedded into each other

▼沐浴在阳光中的服务中心,the building in the sunshine


▼水平延展于场地中的服务中心建筑,形体和布局依据地形的起伏和高差变化而自由展开,the horizontal extension of the building, the building unfolds with the site topography and height changes

▼夕阳下的红砖营地,the service center made of red bricks at dusk

The start point of the design is to highlight the landscape topography changes with building form, while finding the balance between the building and scenery. The building unfolds with the site topography and height changes, the boxes are set on different platforms, and connected by function, just like the giant rocks in the mountains.

服务中心近景,close exterior view of the service center

▼随地形变化的体量构成,如同山间的几块巨石,“随意”地搁置在场地上,the volumes with topographic change,the boxes are set on different platforms and connected by function, just like the giant rocks in the mountains


▼建筑通过片墙在场地中形成如大地艺术般的几何构成,geometric composition formed by the building and walls are like earth art on the site

The total area of the building is just 650㎡, formed by three parts on different levels. Visitors can walk into the square in front of the building from the lawn, and enter the lobby and function hall. Moving along the one walking line can get to café and tea room, 1m higher, with a big outdoor platform connected with entrance square with stairs. The platform offers space of relaxing and viewing, as well as the transition space from the entrance square to the roof garden. Visitors can walk onto the roof along steps, and grasses are planted on the roof to offer camping space. 1m higher from the café is dressing room and other service space, also with outdoor platform connected to the entrance lawn, so that the bathing area can be using separately. The building itself can be climbed and connected to the outdoor, which is also a kind of hiding from natural.

▼建筑外观局部,设有三个室外平台,不同的室外平台与高差紧密结合,partial exterior view of the building with three outdoor platforms on different levels

▼从入口前广场看风景,enjoying the scenery on the entrance square


These design strategies solve the function problem of the service center, and response to the topography, elevation difference and landscape. But in this specific site, how the building influence the landscape? Before the building, people’s perception of landscape is single. Without the manual intervene, landscape is divergent in different directions. While in this project, we hope people can watch landscape by design factors and gain more communication and experience.

▼建筑为观看风景提供场所,the building provides a place for sightseeing


The service center of star camp try to integrated more site and landscape factors into the geometry construction system. The square, platforms, lawn steps and trees, enclose with brick walls, constructed new sequence relation, which enriched the landscape dimensions. The volume at the main entrance, low walls separating platforms and landscape pond borders area geometry lines and surfaces planted into natural, which are integrated as an interface to the landscape, bring in the directivity and location sense. By the building, the specific view angle is settled, and interaction between men and natural is formed into more abstract landscape.

▼从建筑的室外平台远眺,overlooking on the platform


▼从屋顶看远山,overlooking distant mountains on the roof

Furthermore, as the outside walk line of the building is guiding to the roof, the sight line of visitors is keep lifting, the scenery picture is changing with different levels. When standing on the grass roof, the lawn, platforms, red brick walls, keeping trees, as well as the distant mountain composed a land art picture, building and scenery is integrated on a higher dimension. “The most charming scenery is not the pure natural without any intervene, but the captured landscape, interacted appropriately with people”.

▼从植草屋顶看风景,see the sight on the grass planted roof


▼服务中心外观夜景,night view of the service center

Heidegger once said when discussing the relationship between bridge and shore, “bridge is not only the connection between shore sides, but also the foundation of the existing of the shores. The two sides are connected and opposite because of bridge, and meaningful. Bridge and shores together bring the scenery to river, making the relationship between land, shore and river closer. Bridge makes land to be a part of the scenery”. In this sense, the intervene to the scenery of the star camp service center is just like the bridge that Heidegger discussed, which promotes the landscape value and the sense of place, and establishes closer ties between man and natural.

▼建筑与远山,the service center and the distant mountains

▼总平面图,site plan

▼平面图,floor plan

立面图和剖面图,elevations and sections

▼墙身详图,wall details



项目设计 & 完成年份:2014 & 2015






Project name: Star Camp Service Center

Design: Art+Zen Architects/SEU-ARCH

Design year & Completion Year: 2014 & 2015

Leader designer & Team: Yang Zhijiang,Yang Cheng, Zhang Shengya, Zhu Xingtong, Cao Jun

Project location: Zhang Jia Jie National Forest Park

Gross Built Area (square meters): 650㎡

Photo credits: Xia Qiang

Partners: Architects&Engineers Co.,Ltd. Of Southeast Unverstiy

Clients: Zhang Jia Jie National Forest Park Administration


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