发布时间:2023-08-30 12:54:46 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

建筑事务所Cardin Julien公布了全新的赛迪布朗夫曼公园附属建筑,该建筑是蒙特利尔Côte-des-Neiges区(又称三角区)主要振兴项目的一部分。附属建筑坐落在一个占地 8,600 平方米的新公园内,包括一个植物园、多个休闲区、一个自然广场和一个带有活力喷泉的公共广场。新公园以加拿大慈善家赛迪布朗夫曼(1897-1995 年)的名字命名。

Architectural firm, Cardin Julien, unveils the new Saidye-Bronfman Park Pavilion, part of a major revitalization project for the Côte-des-Neiges district, known as the Triangle sector, in Montreal. The pavilion is set in a new 8,600-square-meter park that includes an arboretum, recreation areas, a natural agora, and a public square with animated water fountains. The new park is named after Saidye Bronfman (1897-1995), a Canadian philanthropist.

▼项目外观,project appearance © Vincent Brillant Photographe

该附属建筑为居住在这里的人们提供聚会空间,促进公园与周边社区之间的身份连接。设计以公园的位置为引导,在地形和建筑之间架起一座桥梁。Cardin Julien与蒙特利尔市合作,其大胆的设计旨在帮助此类市政建筑确定新的美学、可持续性和无障碍标准。

The pavilion helps to strengthen the identity link between the park and the surrounding neighborhood by providing gathering spaces for the people who live there. The design, guided by the location of the park, also creates a bridge between the topography and the building. In collaboration with the City of Montreal, Cardin Julien’s bold design was intended to help define new aesthetic, sustainability, and accessibility standards for this type of municipal building.

▼项目俯瞰,top view of the project © Vincent Brillant Photographe

满足社区需求 A response tailored to the needs of the community


The Saidye-Bronfman Park pavilion consists of a large multi-purpose room with a kitchen for holding various events, as well as a reading room and a self-service library. The pavilion also includes administrative offices, washroom facilities, including one that is accessible from outside, and a garage for maintenance equipment. A community organization is also designated to provide recreational services to the diverse clientele of the surrounding communities.

▼建筑概览,overall view of the building © Vincent Brillant Photographe


The strong form of the building – a reference to the Triangle area moniker – acts as a landmark, while being integrated with the new distinctiveness of the site. The topographical variations of the land echo the angular and dynamic band of the pavilion’s metal façade. The architecture and the park are thus in constant dialogue.

▼棱角分明的外观,the angular form © Vincent Brillant Photographe

公共空间的可持续设计策略 Sustainable Design Strategies in Public Space


One of the objectives of the project is to provide the public with a showcase for the integration of sustainable development strategies into a municipal building. To achieve this, the building is equipped with a green roof accessible to users; in addition to its aesthetic qualities, this roof captures rainwater and helps reduce heat islands. Photovoltaic panels are installed on the south façade to supply the building with electricity. The design team also used the new slope to install a passive air conditioning system (Canadian well), which is used to temper the air seasonally and enhance the use of natural ventilation. Underground, a geothermal loop provides heating and cooling for the pavilion. Its orientation and large roof offer shaded areas around the building and, thus, maintain a cool interior during the summer season. Finally, this pavilion is equipped with triple glazing on the curtain walls and benefits from a significant amount of natural light. These elements make the building energy efficient and provide users with a comfortable and pleasant experience.

▼大屋顶为建筑周围提供荫庇,Its large roof offer shaded areas around the building © Vincent Brillant Photographe

致力于振兴社区的统一场所 A unifying place committed to the revitalization of the neighborhood


Once an entirely mineralized area, the new park is now composed of many vegetated zones. Thanks to the natural agora and the pavilion’s green roof, the island of coolness created provides a beneficial effect in this densely occupied area. The goals of the project are to offer attractive and versatile spaces, while enhancing the greenery of a sector comprised of industrial and commercial buildings.

▼大屋顶为建筑周围提供荫庇,Its large roof offer shaded areas around the building © Vincent Brillant Photographe


The building aims to preserve and strengthen the community’s sense of belonging by providing a gathering place in the heart of this key location in the Côte-des-Neiges district. The new geometry and the human scale of the landscaping give a prominent place to pedestrians, cyclists, and people with reduced mobility. By developing this inclusive park, it becomes an opportunity to create a new identity for the area. Its redevelopment will allow it to move from an industrial space to a living, breathing place.

▼多功能房间,multipurpose room © Vincent Brillant Photographe

Cardin Julien被可持续工业委员会认证为 “生态负责企业”,自豪地为振兴蒙特利尔的这一重要区域做出贡献,并通过这座市政建筑为可持续发展建筑打开新的窗口。

Certified as an Ecoresponsible Business by the Council of Sustainable Industries Council, Cardin Julien is proud to have contributed to the revitalization of this important sector of Montreal, while offering a window to sustainable architecture with this municipal building.

▼项目夜景,night view of the project © Vincent Brillant Photographe


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