发布时间:2015-12-05 06:35:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

随着如火如荼的秋季学期的开始,瑞尔森大学的学生可以使用他们最新的教学楼:由Snøhetta和Zeidler Partnership Architects合作设计的学习中心大楼-Student Learning Centre (SLC)。从古希腊的拱廊(Stoas)和露天集市(Agoras)——在那里文人们通过社交来获取知识——中获得灵感,热热闹闹的SLC通过8层设计独特的楼层,给予学生无比宽敞的聚会、学习和交流的空间。基于“没有书的图书馆”这一理念,建筑师设计出一系列空间,既适合自习,也适合团体互动交流。最重要的是,它鼓励学生创造属于他们自己的空间。作为一个信息时代的图书馆,SLC也鼓励学生与周围的现实环境发生互动。自开放使用至今,每天早上7点到凌晨1点,这座新的颇受欢迎的校园地标都成为各种学生活动的发生地。

With the fall semester in full swin, Ryerson University students are making good use of the newest building on campus: the Student Learning Centre (SLC), designed by Snøhetta and Zeidler Partnership Architects. Inspired by the historical gathering spaces of the Stoas and Agoras in ancient Greece where learning was inherently social, the lively SLC gives students eight uniquely-designed floors of generous space to meet, study, and exchange ideas. Conceived as a library without books, the design develops natural conditions for groups of people to interact while also offering areas for controlled and introspective study. Most importantly, it encourages students to make the space their own. The SLC is a library built for the digital age that encourages students to interact with their physical environment. Since its opening, the new campus landmark has become a popular hub filled with student activity from 7 AM to 1 AM each day.


Ryerson University is an urban commuter campus with 38,000 students, well- known for its engineering and business programs. Previously, the campus did not have a recognizable presence within the city, with most of the academic buildings housed within the existing building fabric or set back from major streets. The new Student Learning Centre now provides a much-needed space for students to study and remain on campus between classes, creates a distinguishable identity for the University, and better connects the campus to the vibrant cityscape surrounding it.

▼街景,view from street to SLC

建筑师在南立面设计了一个抬升的平台,平台向街角开放,为过往行人提供了从独处到多人聚会等各种活动的空间。一部分是广场,一部分是门廊,这一抬升的空间营造出欢迎的姿态,同时又保护了学生和公众所共有的城市边角,既向公众展示大学的多姿多彩,又为学生提供了观赏城市景观的场所。位于加拿大最著名的商业街Yonge Street,新建筑更加凸显了沿街店铺的存在感。与此同时,入口台阶能引导学生顺畅地进出大楼,不被周边的商业活动所中断。


The design begins with a south-facing raised platform that opens the street corner for a broad range of pedestrian activity, from larger gatherings to smaller individual seating areas. Part plaza, part porch, this elevated space creates a welcoming yet protected urban edge shared by students and the general public that both exhibits University life while giving students a place to view the city. Situated on the Yonge Street retail corridor, one of Canada’s best-known commercial avenues, the new building prominently displays shops along Yonge Street, maintaining the retail presence locals expect in the district. Yet by directing the flow of students over and up the entry stairs it ensures the flow of students in and out of the building remains uninterrupted by commercial activity.

A new campus gateway is shaped by a large canopy clad in iridescent, hand-folded metal panels stretching from the exterior façade into the lobby. Its striking color and unusual form makes passerby stop and look up. These small and unexpected physical movements added to our daily routine shift one’s relationship to and awareness of place, intensifying the connection between body and design.

▼入口,the entrance

▼雨篷及其细部,the canopy covered by metal panels

门厅空间是一个宽敞的设有安保检查站的中庭,中庭内有休息区,咖啡厅和访客接待台。这里同样是一个装备有表演设备和座椅的多功能场所,可以举办动员会、时装秀和音乐表演等各种各样的活动。宽阔的楼梯将人流引向连接SLC与老图书馆的连廊。中庭上方是瑞尔森大学的发布启动区(Launch Zone)——数字媒体实验室和初创科技公司孵化器。

The lobby is defined by a spacious atrium unimpeded by security checkpoints, and houses informal seating areas, café, and the University’s welcome desk for visitors and prospective students. It also acts as a multi-purpose forum with integrated seating and performance technology for events ranging from pep rallies to fashion shows and music performances. A broad stair leads from the lobby to a new bridge connecting the SLC to the existing University Library. Hovering above the lobby’s atrium is Ryerson’s Launch Zone, a digital media lab and business incubator for emerging tech start-ups.


▼多功能门厅空间,lobby of multi-purpose space

▼发布启动区,the Launch Zone

SLC每一层都提供了独具一格的空间氛围,其主题都是来源大自然。 “海滩”主题的六层是一个开放的、非正式的学习区,通过坡道和平台构成阶梯的形态,鼓励学生自由移动空间内沙滩躺椅式的休闲家具,或者直接席地而坐。顶层是名为“天空”的主题空间,天花板高高吊起,给室内带来充沛的自然光线,为学生提供远眺城市的宽阔视野。“森林”和“花园”楼层配备传统的自习区、教室和设备,服务于不同的学习项目。色彩独特的电梯和楼梯间强化了引导作用,给人惊喜又不至于为让初访者感到迷惑。

Each floor of the building offers a different kind of space with a unique atmosphere, inspired by themes found in nature. The sixth floor, known as ‘The Beach,’ is an open and informal study area that slopes down through a series of ramps and terraces, encouraging students to sit on the floor and move the casual furniture. ‘The Sky’ occupies the top floor of the building with an up-lifting ceiling that offers broad overlooks and access to natural light. ‘The Forest’ and ‘the Garden’ also provide differing learning programs with student services, traditional quiet study areas, and classrooms. Uniquely colored elevators and stair landings punctuate navigation throughout the building with surprises, without disorienting the visitor.

▼海滩,the beach

▼天空,the sky




The facades of the building are composed of a digitally-printed fritted glass that envelops the rugged armature and pared-down aesthetic of the exposed concrete structure. While the glass is understood to be transparent and light, it also evokes a juxtaposing sense of solidity and mass. The varying façade pattern controls heat gain into the building and frames views of the city grid and nearby buildings from the interior, acting as a traditional framed window without actual frame constructions. Functioning like cloud cover, the frit modulates the light quality to range from ‘overcast’ to ‘partly cloudy’ to ‘sunny’ to further diversify the interior conditions and allow students to have a different experience every time they visit the building.

▼立面玻璃,glass façade

▼从室内看到的立面玻璃,the view of glass from interior


The Student Learning Centre is a building that demands to be engaged with. It breaks the routine rhythms and movements of daily student life, empowering its visitors to take full measure of their bearings and ownership of their space. From autumn to spring, midterms through final exams, students will continue to create their own experiences and memories out of this library of the future.






Design Architect & Landscape Architect: Snøhetta Executive Architect: Zeidler Partnership Architects Client: Ryerson University Location: Toronto, Canada Status: Completed 2015 Size: 14,200 m2 Awards: Canadian Architecture Award for Design Excellence


瑞尔斯大学学习中心大楼,加拿大 / Snøhetta
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