发布时间:2020-10-30 21:12:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

将思想与线条组装为一个系统——或者完全相反:被内部的推力“击碎”,然后凭借自身的引力凝聚在一起?无论选择哪一种方案,它们都已经通过由Marcel Ferencz和György Détári设计的这座建筑展现在我们眼前,就像是从一个过程中捕捉到的瞬间。

Thoughts and lines assembled into a system – or quite the opposite: disintegrated structure bursted by inner impulses, that is held together by its own gravity? Either solution we choose, the new Hatvan Handball Hall designed by Architects Marcel Ferencz and György Détári is standing in front of us as a moment captured during a course of a process.

▼建筑外观,exterior view


The concept of the building becomes clear if we read and interpret it in the space and timescale of the city. Thinking about development of a new sport venue and its role in the industrial brownfield between Óhatvan and Újhatvan – between the old and new district of the city – began in 2012.

▼坐落在工业棕地上的体育场馆,a new sport venue located on an industrial brownfield

该项目是该区域首席建筑师Frigyes Philipp提出的设计任务之一。作为建筑设计方,Napur Architect事务所还被委托为整个棕地区域制定整体规划方案。他们提出建立一个棋盘式的矩阵,并使其容纳文化、商业、绿地、休闲和运动场馆等一系列多功能的区块。这是一项长期且复杂的策略,涉及到基础设施、城市化和城市设计等问题,并且要在两个城区之间创造一个新的区域,将城市的新旧两个部分连接起来。

手球馆是设计团队最先设计的项目,作为构建大型城市系统的一个出发点。经过理论性的空间构思之后,建筑团队转向了一个新的目标,即营造一种“动态的静止”(dynamic still)。场馆的设计方案必须合理且可行,其附近坐落着几座具有百年历史的工业建筑,因此新的场馆将带着某种与当代工业建筑类似的特质,为既有建筑赋予一个新的历史层级。

As an assignment by Frigyes Philipp – the Principal Architect in Charge of the Region – the designers of Napur Architect were commissioned to create a Masterplan for the whole brownfield area, in they framed the area into a chessboard-like matrix of cultural-, commercial-, green-, leisure and sport functional blocks. This was a long-term and complex strategy dealing with infrastructural, urbanistic, and civic design problems, outlining a new zone between the two districts, that is not anymore dividing, but connecting the two – old and new – parts of the city.

Part of this large new urban system as an element the Architects designed the Handball Hall first. After its concept in the theoretical space the view of the Architects turned to a vision of a building what manifested itself as a „dynamic still”. In Hatvan solutions had to be rational and feasible. In its neighbourhood standing hundred-year-old industrial buildings, next to those the new sport venue planted as a new layer with features of contemporary industrial architecture.

▼建筑立面,building facade


▼立面局部,facade detailed view

The double layer of the façade meant to ease the tension between the urban situation and the industrial character of the building. The thermal shell and the primary structural frame of the building is presented as a simple hall. Its openings are following the functions, its construction and operation is simple and efficient. Its bright red colour is representing the fire of movement, energy of competitions and sport events. The secondary layer is serving as contrast, the network of hollow section frames. It is holding the corrugated sheet panels in front of itself as off-the-plane displaced shields, those rarefy and densify like pixels, pushing the limits and boundaries of the simple cube. In between the same elements are serving as shades and to emphasise entrances.


the thermal shell and the primary structural frame of the building is presented as a simple hall


the secondary layer is the network of hollow section frames, holding the corrugated sheet panels in front of itself as off-the-plane displaced shields

▼立面细节,detailed view

▼户外休息空间,outdoor seating area



when lit at night, the building is glowing through the slits of its armour

Their colour is white: the colour of perfection and possibilities, but it can be a reminder to pure, clean, and fair game. Their spatial dislocation can become particularly exciting when lit at night, the building is glowing through the slits of its armour, as the lava is glowing through the cracks of tectonic plates. To those who can see the building from the window, travelling on the train flying through the bridge laying on the east-west axis of the city, this means the warm light of home: a reference point, a landmark what is built into the identity of the city.

▼夜间立面,facade night view

▼细节,detailed view



▼中庭空间,the atrium

During the design process of the plan the Architects followed a simple and functional formula. The visitor is welcomed by a wide atrium, with the essential infrastructure of hospitality and vertical movement. The service functions of the building are placed on the upper levels in three large blocks. On the other side of their masses they are gathering the attached stands of the venue hall as well, leaving two aisleways for movement between sectors.

While the layout of the building is strictly organised, the playfulness of the external envelope is continued in the interior easing up the simple character of the hall. On the suspended ceiling of the atrium the rectangular structure is repeated with white, red, blue, and glowing fields – as a Mondrian-quote. Just as the externals, the internal panels are not assembled into one opaque surface, even the secondary steel structure of suspension is marking the plane of the ceiling, between the coloured panels the mechanical fittings are appearing naked: the internal structure is just as transparent as the armature of the external envelope.



The blue colour in the atrium is reappearing on the field of play. The white-orange pair of colours what is outside in the green surroundings quite noticeable, inside is returning reorganized, as the neutrality of the concrete is revitalized by the contrast of red and blue.

▼赛场,the play field



The question is still open about whether the masterplan will be realised, or the sport venue will remain the only manifestation of the grandiose vision and the rearrangement of the environment will follow an alternative path? Either way the theory and its solutions applied through the design of the building will remain actual anyway.

In conclusion the chessboard-like matrix arrangement moving through from the urban scale concept down to interior design details, the ever-new layers of ideas in historical setup could give a unique experience for the visitors what is rarely re-constructable.

One thing we can be sure of: if it is up to the designers of the Hatvan Handball Hall, the ball will never remain still in the centre circle.



text by Anett Mizsei

General Design: Animative Kft.

Architectural Design: Napur Architect Kft. –

Chief Architects: Marcel Ferencz DLA, György Détári DLA (Napur Architect Kft.)

Architectural Assistants: Béla Marsal, Ákos Takács (ABMT Kft.)

Dávid Nyul, Pál Holyba (Napur Architect Kft.)

Designed: 2012-2016

Completed: 2020

Gross area: 2800m2


Hatvan 多功能体育馆 | 动态静止的室内设计魅力
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