发布时间:2014-11-19 17:11:54 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Landart Design:阿泽利亚住宅是马来西亚吉隆坡白沙罗大道基于城市森林环境理念的新总体规划的一部分,其住宅基地位于班斯白沙罗的丘陵斜坡上,鉴于这里曾是一片高大林木和野生灌木,景观设计决定保留建筑周围的原有环境,因此,该住宅项目的设计通过在每个细节中反映自然元素,展现出最佳的环境效果,最终与周围自然背景相得益彰。这里的树木、瀑布、溪流、岩石、柔和月光和自然山坡形成的自然奇观,也是阿泽利亚独特景观空间的设计灵感来源。

Landart Design:Azelia residence is part of a new development in Damansara Avenue, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with the master planning concept for the entire development based on the urban forest environment concept. Due to being located on a hilly slope of Bandar Sri Damansara, once covered by tall trees and wild bushes, the landscape design intends to preserve the original value with the surrounding architecture. As result, the design compliments the natural backdrop and brings out the best of the surroundings by showcasing the reflection of nature’s elements in every single detail. The natural hillside and the wonder of nature, replete with trees, a waterfall, streams, rocks and soft moonlight has become the inspiration for the creation of the unique landscape space called Azelia.

▼项目平面图 master plan


DESIGN CONCEPT: Reflection of Forest – Tall trees, waterfall, streams, rocks, moonlight

▼设计理念 Concept

地下一层 -入口 Basement 1 – Entrance


Upon arriving to the development, visitor/resident is greeted with rows of large evergreen trees on both left & right of the road. The guardhouse is built in black colour giving way for the trees to greet visitor/resident in a more humble manner. Behind the guardhouse, visitor/resident will see water overflowing from the infinity pool which symbolizes a waterfall. The character of waterfall is further enhanced with vertical arch structure at the drop off area & reflected by the driveway pavement. Those elevated car parks’s facades were cladded with ventilation blocks reflecting the character of rocks surrounding the waterfall.

地下一层 – 落客区 Basement 1 – Drop Off Area


At the drop off area, visitor/resident is then greeted with a linear reflective water feature which symbolizes the streams found inside a forest. This water feature directs visitor/resident to further experience the forest through a walk in a tunnel-like path where natural lighting is minimal shining through the architecture creating a mysterious space. The water feature is then terminated by a small waterfall with a giant black metal spiral staircase, allowing visitor/resident to transition from Basement 1 up to the ground level.

地面层 – 游泳池 GL – Swimming Pool


The metal spiral staircase will then lead the visitor/resident to facilities floor via a corridor. Towards the end of the corridor, visitor/resident will be greeted by a group of all trees with ferns covering the ground emphasizing more on the forest mood. Beyond the group of trees, visitor/resident will find large water bodies comprising childrens’ wading pool, adult swimming pool & jacuzzi. Several water jets were introduced at the childrens’ wading pool to create sounds of splashing water. The beautiful natural landscape in front of the development act as a borrowed landscape into the infinity swimming pool. Quartz stone mosaic tiles were introduced in both the pools simply to reflect the natural character of the waterfall.

地面层 – 开放空间 GL – Open Space


The swimming pool is terminated with a round open space during the day but symbolizes the reflection of moon on water surface at night by using stone lights.

▼施工过程 Progress

▼标准剖面段 Typical Section

▼种植施工图 Planting design

地点:马来西亚 吉隆坡 班斯白沙罗 开发面积:3.13英亩 景观造价:3882134.16马来西亚林吉特 竣工日期:2014年5月23日

Location: Bandar Sri Damansara, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA Development area: 3.13acre Landscape cost: MYR3,882,134.16 Date of completion: 23rd May 2014


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