发布时间:2024-05-04 13:00:53 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▼夜景概览,overview at night © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

The action of obtaining a new route occurs with an increase of circulations, changing the logic of perception and thus being able to have greater appropriation of the intermediate spaces and a correct visualization of the new commercial offer. This route is accompanied by tempered glass and stainless steel railings, with a reductionist resolution that allows the circulation spaces to be expanded.


▼露台空间,terrace space © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

We propose openings with terrace spaces for outdoor gastronomic and commercial activities. These are spaces with greater overhead lighting and an access linked to escalators from the upper deck.


▼细部  © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

We propose a more open, stripped-down and sincere structure, where the absence of coverings of the initial support structure dictates the proposed composition. Pointing out the traces left by the initial structure, its facilities and the changes produced over the decades are the active ingredients of our project recipe. The traces of the concrete, its cuts, demolitions, graffiti, and substitutions are preserved, leaving them exposed and visible to the visitor’s gaze.


▼顶部交通空间的阳光棚,shelter in the top end of the circulation space  © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

▼室内向外界打开,interior space is linked to the exterior © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

Design Team: Adolfo Mondejar, Rosario Mondejar, Francisco Figueroa Astrain, Marcos Alonso, Rocío Monje, Paula Aimar Clients: Nuevocentro Shopping Construction: DELTA Company Engineering: Fragueiro – Novillo Consultants: Lighting: Master Lighting

▼剖面图,  section ©️ A+R MONDEJAR ARQUITECTOS

▼屋顶层局部平面图,  roof floor partial plan © A+R MONDEJAR ARQUITECTOS

▼二层局部平面图,  first floor partial plan © A+R MONDEJAR ARQUITECTOS

▼一层局部平面图,  ground floor partial plan © A+R MONDEJAR ARQUITECTOS

▼屋顶被揭开,the roof is uncovered © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

▼完整平面图,  complete plan © A+R MONDEJAR ARQUITECTOS



▼俯瞰,top view at night © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

▼中部交通空间,central circulation space © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

The proposal is based on understanding contemporaneity, its new ways of shopping, the new stimuli to stay, feel good, and enjoy these commercial spaces. The demystification of typical contents, the interaction with exterior spaces that overlook the city, the coexistence with artistic manifestations are the matrices of our work.


▼室内,interior © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

The pandemic situation has caused that one of its main anchor stores, Falabella, has left the shopping center. This action causes a large spatial void, therefore the necessity to reverse the commercial proposal, going from a multi-category space to a new space made of multi-stores. The shopping center typology are characterized by introvert buildings, which had to be modified to face the pandemic situation. The image presented in its interiors through the use of plasterboard ceilings, with uniform lighting in all its routes, causes little differentiation between its shops and a generalization of the walkways throughout its entire extension. The challenge of the project becomes greater because it is proposed the need for a change of image, a change of paradigm, which refers to the way of perceiving, staying, feeling comfortable and shopping, reuniting the habitants of Córdoba with new spaces, new ways of perceiving it and inhabiting it, with spaces of different dimensions and with different perceptions.

由于疫情的影响,购物中心的主要承租方Falabella离开了商场,这造成了巨大的空间空白,因此有必要扭转商业形态,从一个综合类大型商场转变为由多家商店组成的新空间。 购物中心的类型特点是内向型建筑,面对疫情的形势,必须对其进行改造。购物中心内部的石膏板天花板、所有通道统一的照明,这使得购物中心的样貌在各店铺之间几乎没有区别,整个扩建部分的步行道都很普通。因为需要改变形象,改变范式,即感知、驻留、休憩和购物的方式,让科尔多瓦的居民重聚在新的空间、新的感知和使用方式中,提供不同维度和视角的空间,项目的挑战变得更大了。


▼夜景,night view © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

The shopping was built in the 1980s by GGMPU architects, with a brick appearance, with unusual values for these building typologies, its volumetric conformation, the quality of its exterior and interior spaces, the construction details and its finishes give importance to the complex. Due to its size, the commercial offer generates spaces for citizen appropriation, which extends to provincial and national levels.


▼屋顶俯瞰,roof top view © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

▼项目与城市环境,project and urban context © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

The ‘Nuevocentro Shopping’ is one of the most important shopping malls in Córdoba. Its strategic geographical location, its commercial diversity and its architectural imprint make it an architectural complex of national relevance.

The change in textures causes the departure of the traditional spaces of the mall to enter to another large one, where the central circulation space is dominant and ends in a new glazed roof that looks, ventilates and illuminates to the exterior. This roof is uncovered, exposing the scars of the original construction and the subsequent renovations that the building underwent. The canceled accesses are opened, and these are linked to the exterior where the building faces the urban context of Córdoba. A black reflective ceiling is proposed, modifying and magnifying the relationships between visitors and the commercial offer through reflection.


▼恢复最初建筑材料的质地,recovering the textures of the initial construction materials © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

▼二层购物空间概览,shopping space overview © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

The proposal leans towards total respect for the original project, recovering exterior situations without affecting the facade, thus recovering canceled accesses and exterior relations previously proposed, and today denied by different commercial actions over time. A change of state is proposed for the interior space, a reading of new spaces never visualized by their general coverings. Initially, a subtraction work is carried out on existing elements, ceiling linings, and partitions, leaving the original structures exposed, and expanding circulations and visual relationships that were previously obstructed. The approach proposes to discover its original structure, its anomalies, the textures of the initial construction materials. It produces a new stimulus by discovering its nobility, its breadth, allowing a distant perception of the commercial proposal.


▼改造部分轴测示意,renovation axon © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

▼改造部分剖面图,renovation section drawing © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte



▼扶梯,escalator © Architect Gonzalo Viramonte


Nuevocentro购物中心翻新,阿根廷 / A+R MONDEJAR ARQUITECTOS
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