发布时间:2014-10-14 23:37:41 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Xsite Design Studio :  The Key Sathorn – Ratchapreuk位于曼谷吞武里区,是一个拥有超过800个公寓的居住小区,由三座公寓楼和一个停车场组成。这里闹中取静,交通便利,离曼谷的Wutthakart BTS火车站不远。小区的居住密度偏高,这种高密度住宅的户外活动区域通常被放置到小区最显眼的位置,以促进公寓销量。但这次景观设计并非从经济角度出发,而是意图为在此居住的居民打造一个舒适怡人的户外环境,并保证他们的私人生活不受外界干扰。

Xsite Design Studio :  The key satellite – ratchaprekuk is located in tunwuli district of Bangkok. it is a residential area with over 800 apartments and consists of three apartment buildings and a parking lot. It is very quiet and convenient in traffic, not far from Bangkok’s wutthakart BTS railway station. The residential density of the residential area is relatively high, and the outdoor activity area of this kind of high-density residential area is usually placed in the most conspicuous position of the residential area to promote the sale of apartments. However, this landscape design is not from an economic point of view, but is intended to create a comfortable and pleasant outdoor environment for the residents living here and to ensure that their private life is not interfered with by the outside world.

设计着重于空间氛围的营造。方案采取了小组团的形式,将不同的功能区拆散安置在场地的不同角落。花园式布局让空间节奏疏密有致,同时也限定了每一个区域的边界,保证在其中活动的居民的隐私。 So the design concept is to play with the order of approaching to each space. By an intention to create an enjoyable various experiences while walking through each area space by space with a garden design principle instead of park. So each area is placed in different spots of the site that serves the functional requirements and the limitation of spaces on ground. In the meanwhile it has to create the pleasant privacy among residents.


Start from the site main entrance, there is a pedestrian walkway surrounded with clean mass of shrubs to escort people to the main lobby that is the focal point from main entrance. Low wall and topiary are placed to complement with relax horizontal line in architectural elements to create the sense of serenity, modern and yet welcome.


Because the area limitation so the swimming pool has to be located next to main lobby that very near the main drop off. That’s why the water feature and the landscape decoration wall are introduced in this in-between area to create the curiosity, connectivity and the privacy of these 2 areas at the same time.


From the pool across a little canal is where the main garden located as a multi purpose space for the second building. The garden pavilion with the clean simple form and a touch of welcome is placed to create the privacy for the garden from the internal road. After walked through the pavilion then it’s revealed the big open lawn. That is used to create a sense of luxury for city people that lacks of green open space surround by trees and shrubs to create privacy for residential units. While the rustic surfaces of gravel steps and wild grass plants are used to create a contrast from neat big lawn to make space more lively interesting.

项目名称:The Key Sathorn – Ratchapreuk

景观设计师:XSiTE Design Studio

项目团队:主任- Thotthanet Luekijna

客户:Land and House PLC.






Name of Project: The Key Sathorn – Ratchapreuk

Landscape Architect: XSiTE Design Studio

Project Team: Director – Thotthanet Luekijna

Client: Land and House PLC.

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Use: High-rise residence

Site Area: 12,230 sq.m

Design Year: 2012

Completion year: 2014


曼谷高层住宅的绿色秘境——XSiTE Design Studio 的 The Key Sathorn – Ratchapreuk 景观设计
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