发布时间:2021-04-26 21:49:48 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

2021年4月13日晚,大型灯光艺术作品 —— “光河”于伦敦泰晤士河Blackfriars Road, Waterloo, Golden Jubilee, Westminster以及Lambeth大桥上正式启动。该灯光装置作品风格统一,安装便捷,由美国艺术家Leo Villareal创作,如今横跨从伦敦桥到Lambeth桥等九座泰晤士桥,作品每天从傍晚一直展览到凌晨2点,全长3.2英里堪称世界上最长的公共艺术作品,以积极的方式促进了伦敦市中心的城市转型。

13 April 2021: The Illuminated River artwork was officially switched on this evening on Blackfriars Road, Waterloo, Golden Jubilee, Westminster and Lambeth Bridges.The lighting of this bridges extends the transformation of central London. The unified, subtly moving installation by US artist Leo Villareal now extends across nine Thames bridges, from London to Lambeth, at 3.2 miles to from the longest public art commission in the world, on display every evening from dusk until 2.00am.

夜间的泰晤士河被“光河”照亮,勾画出一副与白天的伦敦截然不同的景象。作为所有人都可以自由观赏的艺术作品,它为大众提供了独特的露天文化体验。作品可以维持至少十年,据估计,每年将有超过9000万人看到它。该作品由纽约艺术家Leo Villareal和屡获殊荣的伦敦建筑师Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands共同创作,在2016年的公开竞赛中被国际评审团选中,后由慈善家资助,并得到伦敦市长的支持,其资方包括Lisbet Rausing和Peter Baldwin的慈善基金Arcadia、Blavatnik家族基金会、Reuben基金会和Rothschild基金会。

Illuminated River reframes the Thames at night, offering a cultural experience that is open air, free to view and accessible to all. An estimated 90 million people a year will see the artwork over its minimum ten-year lifespan. The artwork by New York-based artist Leo Villareal with award-winning London architects Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands was chosen by an international jury in an open competition in 2016. Funded by philanthropists with the support of the Mayor of London, the project’s funders include Arcadia – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, the Blavatnik Family Foundation, the Reuben Foundation and the Rothschild Foundation.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Jason Hawkes


This visionary public art installation demonstrates how London continues to be a creative and imaginative capital. In spite of the challenges of the past year, Illuminated River has completed on time and on budget. The illuminations will transform perceptions of the Thames at night, with every bridge in the installation having a different, never-repeated lighting algorithm. Illuminated River offers the public the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and calm of the Thames and its bridges and observe the varied architectural and engineering heritages along London’s river.

▼由滑铁卢到朗伯斯大桥的泰晤士河夜景,night view of Waterloo to Lambeth Bridges © Jason Hawkes

在2019年疫情期间,“光河”基金会与其核心项目团队克服了重重阻碍成功地完成了作品的安装。在大流行期间,Leo Villareal无法亲自前往英国参与安装进程,因此,他利用LiveU串流媒体技术,在纽约的工作室里实时观看和调整灯光序列。这种技术传输的镜头时间延迟不到一秒,提供了几乎接近现实的精度和准确性,允许艺术家如临现场一般对作品进行微调。“光河”也是是英国首个借助LiveU串流媒体技术远程完成的艺术作品。

The Illuminated River Foundation and its core project team have overcome many obstacles to complete the project during COVID-19 restrictions. In the midst of the pandemic, Villareal was unable to travel to the UK to programme the artwork in person. Instead, the artist used LiveU streaming technology to view and adjust the light sequences in real time from his New York studio. This provided a precision and accuracy almost equal to physical proximity, transmitting footage with less than a second in time delay and allowing Villareal to fine-tune the artwork as if ‘en plein air’. Illuminated River is the first completed art project in the UK to use LiveU streaming technology from a remote location.

▼黄昏中的伦敦桥至千禧桥,London to Millennium Bridges © Jason Hawkes

The launch marks the culmination of one of the largest and most detailed planning processes London has ever seen, with 30 planning permissions and 18 listed building consents granted. Over the past five years, the Illuminated River Foundation has orchestrated the collaboration between its American artist and British architects, Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands, in conjunction with 18 specialist teams. An extensive network of more than 50 stakeholders and project partners includes seven London boroughs, five bridge owners, Transport for London, Network Rail, as well as organisations such as Historic England, the London Wildlife Trust and the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Funded almost exclusively by philanthropic donations from four major benefactors, this impressive project demonstrates an unprecedented level of collaboration across the disciplines of art, design, lighting, technology, planning and construction, informed by expertise including ecology, sustainability and civil engineering. To share learning from the project for the benefit of all, the Foundation is making its extensive and ground-breaking research and learning freely available as a public resource.

▼滑铁卢大桥,Waterloo Bridge © James Newton

To celebrate the completion, a new public engagement programme for 2021 will be launched by the Illuminated River Foundation, with innovative evening activities created for different audiences (in line with potential tier restrictions). A number of digital initiatives form part of the programme, including a second collaboration with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, where student composers have created new, free-to-download music inspired by the bridges and the artwork. Blind and partially sighted people are invited to engage with the artwork through descriptive audio guides. Created in collaboration with the charity VocalEyes, the downloadable tracks interweave descriptions of the artworks and the bridges with cultural, historical and social references while evoking the atmosphere of each piece.

▼音乐戏剧学院的学生在滑铁卢大桥前的演出,Students from the School of Music and Drama perform in front of Waterloo Bridge © Leo Villareal Studio


Villareal’s vision was to create a unified lighting concept to refocus attention on the Thames bridges, illuminating their separate identities while respecting the architecture and engineering of each structure. His approach draws on the spirit of artists from English Romantics to Impressionists, referencing for example Monet and Whistler whose paintings immortalise London’s river and its bridges in washes of colour and light.

▼俯瞰滑铁卢大桥,overlook the Waterloo Bridge © Paul Crawley

▼一条简洁的光带强调出桥梁线条,A simple light band accentuates the bridge line © James Newton

▼栏杆上的灯带细部,Lighting details on railings © James Newton

▼柔和的灯光照亮两侧桥墩中央,introducing pastel washes of colour to illuminate its central spine © James Newton

柔和的玫瑰色灯光组合贯穿了Blackfriars公路大桥的拱门,灵感来自现已拆除的旧铁路桥以及残留下来的暖色调桥墩。Waterloo大桥作为伦敦最长的桥梁,艺术家仅仅通过一条简单的光带对桥梁的线条进行了增强,并引入了柔和的色彩来照亮两侧桥墩的中央。在金禧桥(Golden Jubilee Footbridges)上,单色的灯光方案使利夫舒茨·戴维森·桑迪兰兹(Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands)在2002年设计的人行天桥更加完整,与Villareal在另一座人行天桥上的灯光艺术作品 —— Millennium(2019年7月)异曲同工。

A gentle combination of rosy colours extends across the arches of Blackfriars Road Bridge, citing the warm-hued remaining columns of the now removed old railway bridge. Waterloo Bridge, the longest bridge in central London, has been enhanced by a simple line of light, introducing pastel washes of colour to illuminate its central spine. Across the Golden Jubilee Footbridges, a monochromatic scheme complements the walkways designed by Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands in 2002, mirroring Villareal’s approach to the other pedestrian bridge in the artwork – Millennium (illuminated in July 2019).

▼Blackfriars大桥,Blackfriars Bridge © James Newton

▼Blackfriars大桥细部,detail of the Blackfriars Bridge © James Newton


As ‘bookends’ to the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Palace of Westminster, Westminster and Lambeth Bridges occupy sites of deep significance to the constitutional history of Britain. Since 1970 they have celebrated the two-chamber political system in the colour of their paintwork, reflecting their respective proximities to the upper and lower houses of parliament. Enhancing this theme, the artwork illuminates Westminster Bridge’s latticework undercrofts in soft green tones, referencing the benches of the debating chamber of the House of Commons. The red glow adorning Lambeth Bridge is a nod to the benches of the House of Lords and mirrors the red accents of the bridge’s railings and arches.

▼Westminster大桥,Westminster Bridge © James Newton

▼Westminster大桥与威斯敏斯特宫,Westminster Bridge and Westminster Palace © James Newton

▼绿色呼应了下议院辩论厅的长椅,Green referencing the benches of the debating chamber of the House of Commons © James Newton

▼Westminster大桥细部,detail of Westminster bridge © James Newton

The first four Illuminated River bridges – London, Cannon Street, Southwark and Millennium – made their debut in 2019 accompanied by a wide programme of engagement, which was granted UNESCO patronage for its contribution to culture, science, architecture and heritage. Since their launch, the four bridges have been creating an evocative experience every evening from dusk until 2.00am. To embed the artwork into the cultural fabric of London, the Illuminated River Foundation will continue to work closely with local authorities, communities and partners throughout 2021. Through its Community Fund and other partnerships, the Foundation has organised many successful initiatives with residents and stakeholders, including free walking tours of the artwork for NHS workers at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, which will restart this week.

▼Lambeth大桥,Lambeth bridge © Paul Crawley

▼红色对应了上议院长凳的色调,The red glow adorning Lambeth Bridge is a nod to the benches of the House of Lords © Paul Crawley

“泰晤士河跨越伦敦两千年,堪称我们流动的历史。河上的每一座桥都是独一无二且必不可少的,它们是连接城市东西南北的交通动脉,日复一日地将数以百万计的人和货物从此岸运到彼岸。然而很长一段时间以来,泰晤士河及其桥梁一直没有得到人们的重视。如今,Leo Villareal运用其杰出且富有想象力的设计将它们变身成世界上最长的公共艺术品。‘光河’将‘黑暗中的蛇’转变成贯穿在我们中间的充满活力的美丽光带。这种转变不仅能改变人们对桥梁的印象,同时能够促进当地的夜间经济,使这些特殊而意义重大的历史建筑结构成为梦幻的起点。”项目的最初发起人之一兼基金会的受托人Hannah Rothschil说道。

“The Thames is our liquid history, spanning London’s two millennia. Its bridges, each unique and essential, are the arteries connecting north, south, east and west; carrying many millions of people and goods from one shore to another, day after day. For too long, the Thames and its bridges have been under appreciated. Now Leo Villareal’s brilliant and imaginative design, the world’s longest public artwork, has transformed a snake of darkness into a vibrant and beautiful ribbon of light running through our midst, which will transform the bridges, boost the local night-time economy and foster a sense of wonder in these idiosyncratic and vital structures.” Hannah Rothschild, who originated the idea of lighting the bridges and is a Trustee of the Illuminated River Foundation.

▼金禧桥,Golden Jubilee Footbridges © Jason Hawkes

▼由金禧桥看Westminster大桥和Lambeth大桥,viewing the Golden Jubilee Footbridges、Westminster and Lambeth bridges © Paul Crawley

Project team Artist: Leo Villareal Studio Lead consultant: Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands Contractor: FM Conway Lighting and electrical engineering: Atelier Ten Cost consultant: Core Five Principal designer: Jackson Coles EIA consultant: Temple Group Ecology consultant: Thomson Ecology Planning consultant: Montagu Evans Structural engineering: Price & Myers Marine engineering: Beckett Rankine Lighting suppliers: Signify (formerly Philips Lighting) Community engagement: Iceni Measured survey: MSA Ltd Bats and birds survey: The Wildlife Trust Film and photography: Paul Crawley, Raw Architecture


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