La grande facciata puntuale di queasto intervento crea uno sfondo ideale per l’effetto di sospensione della meeting room, rivestita in lamiera forata a laser su disegno e aggettante di quattro metri. La facciata è lunga circa 55 metri e alta 9 e consta di lastre vetrate larghe 2.50 metri, agganciate ad una sottostruttura in acciaio, che svelano un corridoio lungo tutto il fronte animato dalle finestre sfalsate e di dimensioni variabili.
Compositivamente, al movimento dei fori geometrici del rivestimento della meeting room corrisponde il dinamismo delle aperture del prospetto retrostante.
L’originale scala elicoidale interna è stata progettata dall’arch. Ferruccio Laviani e realizzata da Nicolli in lamiera calandrata e sagomata su disegno, con un rivestimento in marmo Lasa.
The large point-fixed façade is the ideal backdrop for the suspended meeting room, cladded with metal sheet and made even more striking by the custom designed laser pattern, protruding four metres from the building. The façade is 55 metres long and 9 metres high. It consists of 2.50 metres glass panels secured to a steel substructure. The panels reveal a corridor running along the front of the building, which the staggered variable size windows bring to life.
On a composition point of view, the geometric shapes of the pattern of the meeting room cladding complement the dynamism of the openings of the prospect behind.
The original spiral staircase was designed by architect Ferruccio Laviani and built by Nicolli using metal sheet, curved and shaped to drawing, with Lasa marble covering.
Year 2013
Work finished in 2013
Client Citco srl
Status Completed works
Type Office Buildings / Corporate Headquarters / Factories / Industrial facilities