Mexico San Josemaría Church and Community Centre
这是由SordoMadalenoArquitectos设计的San Josemaría Escrivá教堂与社区中心,位于一片再利用的城市用地里。该项目围绕着建筑与光线之间的关系而建造。设计概念起于七个金色矩形的重复应用,并在其上方创建了两道具有基督教象征意义的鱼形符号的弧形墙体。弧形墙体沿直线上升扭转成为构成十字天光顶。建筑师利用这一变化让阳光从顶部进入内部,从而在墙壁上产生有趣的光影效果,并定义了强调了教堂内部的十字轴线,北侧主入口中庭作为教堂中轴线的起始,圣坛部分作为轴线的结束,光线也到此结束。
Located on a reclaimed urban site in Santa Fe; the JosemaríaEscrivá Church and Community Center is built around the relationship between architecture and light. The design concept began with the repetition of seven golden rectangles, over which are traced two curved lines that refer to the traditional Ichthus or fish symbol. These rise up in straight lines set on a diagonal to form a Cross of Light. On the outside, this geometric union forms two curved mantles clad with zinc panels. These generate interesting textures as the sun moves during the day. On the inside, the walls are clad with strips of wood that adapt to the curved walls that rise up without touching and allow light to enter .
For the external surfaces, zinc panels in the form of scales create an insulating and flexible skin that defines the structure erected over the stone plinth, a base formed from terraces where olive trees and other plants grow. The main building defines the overall form of the complex, with a narthex that stands out with its height and spatial organization, while the automatic doors opening onto the side atrium indicate the connection to the exterior. On the opposite side are located the confessionals, sacristy and choir, with skylights and openings that generate an interesting play of light and shadow and grant this area the required independence and privacy. This distribution permits interaction between the atrium and the entrance plaza, where the bell tower stands, providing a reference point for the church. The grand staircase of the patio leads down to the spaces that complete the program, including a library, the parish offices, the training center, and a small chapel beneath the presbytery, and the rosary crypts, made from granite with illuminated onyx niches. These spaces are incorporated into the formal concept of the church, which is generated by the intersection of curved elements. It is a vertical volume that forms a unique profile within the urban landscape of Santa Fe and Mexico City.
墨西哥San Josemaría教堂与社区中心外部实景图
墨西哥San Josemaría教堂与社区中心外部局部实景图
墨西哥San Josemaría教堂与社区中心外部夜景实景图
墨西哥San Josemaría教堂与社区中心内部实景图
墨西哥San Josemaría教堂与社区中心平面图
墨西哥San Josemaría教堂与社区中心立面图