发布时间:2022-06-29 23:54:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT建筑工作室为意大利知名陶瓷品牌Ceramiche Ragno设计了其在米兰的首个旗舰展厅。设计团队将该空间诠释为一个包含丰富色彩、纹理与图案的“万花筒”,在讲述品牌历史的同时,亦将其精湛的技术与工艺,以及陶瓷所蕴含的惊人潜力展露无遗。400平方米的展示空间被巨大的拱窗环绕,享有朝向马可波罗大道的绝佳视野。

The Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT architectural studio has designed its first flagship showroom in Milan for Ceramiche Ragno, a historic brand in the Italian ceramics industry.

Benedetta Tagliabue has interpreted the space as a kaleidoscope of colours, textures and patterns that tell a surprising story of the brand’s history, its technical and craftsmanship skills and all the expressive potential of ceramics. The 400-m2 space, it is placed with its large arched windows overlooking Via Marco Polo in the iconic Porta Nuova district.



The Ragno space presents the different ceramic and stoneware collections through a completely new exhibition method that traps the visitor with three different types of spider webs.

▼平面渲染图,Plan render


First of all, an organic form catches the visitor’s eye right from the street, through the display windows, a succession of arches that define the rooms by large lateral spaces in which large windows overlooking the inner courtyard allow natural light to enter.

▼从外部看展厅拱窗,Exterior view on the street level


Upon entering the space, one sees an artistic installation made up of different structures of complex geometry that welcome the visitor by surrounding them with colours and textures, finally arriving at the more rational “spider’s web” type that displays the collection of products as in a museum, where the ceramics are the works of art.


The inner courtyard allow natural light to enter

▼结构复杂的艺术装置,Artistic installation

▼从装置望向拱窗,View to the windows from the installation


The continuous mosaic on the floor dialogues with the collections hanging from the wooden structures, suggesting further combinations and readings of the materials in the different rooms and accompanying the visitor on a creative and evocative journey to the meeting rooms.


The continuous mosaic guiding to different rooms


The polychrome mosaic theme also characterises the walls of the rooms overlooking the internal courtyard and the bathrooms which, like the spacious kitchen, use the large slabs of the marble- effect stoneware collection in a play of cuts, chiaroscuro and different textures.

质感丰富的室内空间,Interior withrich textures


table designed by Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue

除了陶瓷和石器产品外,Ragno陈列室还为观众带来欣赏大量艺术作品的机会。例如在会议室内,可以看到一幅致敬Giorgio De Chirico和Alberto Savinio兄弟以及马拉齐工厂的原创艺术作品。Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT建筑工作室还专门为该项目设计了多色马赛克艺术装置,它以鲜艳的小块瓷砖重新诠释了“意大利广场”系列画作之一。

A visit to the new Ragno showroom is a true aesthetic experience, culminating in the meeting room where visitors will find a beautiful original artistic tribute to Giorgio De Chirico, his brother Alberto Savinio and the Marazzi factory, represented in its original architecture in a drawing from 1966. The polychrome mosaic designed by Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT is made of small, brightly coloured tiles, reinterprets one of the metaphysical paintings from the anthology ‘Le piazza d’Italia’.

会议室,Meeting room

▼多色马赛克艺术装置,The polychrome mosaic


There are three main elements in this project: the space, as neutral and clean as possible with warm colours and lights to enhance the ceramic as if it were a work of art; the ceramic, which is the protagonist and, last but not least, the wood. The latter is the material chosen for the installations, furniture and doors to design a showroom where customers feel at home, in a warm and welcoming space.

▼展览装置,Installation for exhibiting

陶瓷看上去宛如画廊中的艺术品,The ceramic are like a work of art.

▼装置内部视角,Detailed view of the installation


The lightness and extra-ordinary dimensions of the large, thin stoneware slabs stand out in their entirety next to the small ceramics of the ceramics collection, which decorate the large display cases, hooked to a system of tie rods typical of sailing boats that once again simulates the geometry of a spider’s web.

▼石质板材展厅,Stoneware exhibition area

▼回看入口展厅,Looking back to the welcome hall

装置和地面细节,Installation and paving details


▼平面铺地材料示意,Plan – paving material


▼1号展览装置图解,Drawings – WH1

▼3号展览装置图解,Drawings – WH3

▼4号展览装置图解,Drawings – WH4

▼1号装置展开立面(内侧),WH1 Unfolded (internal)

▼3号装置展开立面(外侧),WH3 Unfolded(external)

▼4号装置展开立面(内侧),WH4 Unfolded(internal)

Ceramiche Ragno Showroom Milan, Italy, 2022

Location: Via Marco Polo 9, Milan, Italy

Client: Marazzi Group

Architects: Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT Architects

EMBT Project Managers: Benedetta Tagliabue, Beatriz Minguez de Molina

Design Team EMBT: Marzia Faranda, Federica Colombi, Sara Manfredini, Gabriele Rotelli, Francesca Paganoni, Yidan Huang, Maria Antonia Franco, Andrea Stevanato, Luca Manca

EMBT Management Coordinator: Daniel Rosselló

EMBT Communication Team: Arturo Mc Clean, Lluc Miralles, Ana Gallego

Lighting design: Maurici Ginés – Artec Studio

Design and Completion: June 2021 – April 2022

Area: 400m2Cost: 900 000€.

Type: Interior Design

Programme: Retail

Photographs Tiziano Sartorio, courtesy of Ceramiche Ragno

General contractor: Nimar Industry

Lighting: Bover, Firmamento Milano, Floss, Nemo

Furniture: An-Trax, Binova, Ideal Standard, Midj in Italy

Surface, Floor and Wall Coverings: Ragno Ceramiche

Note – The Marazzi team was in charge of the construction plans, the executive site management and the contracting and supervision of all the suppliers.


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