发布时间:2021-03-11 03:28:15 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

ASPECT Studios: ASPECT Studios新作——成都 hyperlane 超线公园,代表了商业发展新时代的到来和一种前沿的思维模式,即一个成功的项目不是由短期的商业收益来决定的,而是来自于为社区生活所增加的价值和意义,以及对以社会和环境为导向的体验空间的关注。

ASPECT Studios: The Urban Gallery is the first phase of the entire project, and represents the new age and mindset of commercial development, one that stems from a clear understating that the success of a development isn’t defined by short term commercial gains, but with attention to socially and environmentally orientated experiences that add meaningful value, experience and delight to the lives of the community.

hyperlane 超线公园项目考虑到了所有用户的使用舒适性、安全性、可达性和空间尺度,以及能够为社区居民的日常生活带来真正的价值,致力于为城市环境做出有意义的贡献。


The hyperlane looks to provide a meaningful contribution to the urban environment and considers human comfort, safety, accessibility, scale, and programme that can bring true value to the daily lives of all the community, covering people of all ages and status.

hyperlane represents leading thinking and a new consciousness within the Chinese development industry, one that understands that a focus on people, rather than sales, and in turn can bring long sustained commercial success. Gone are the days of stark empty plazas void of trees and shade to achieve unhindered views of facades. The collaborative thinking and commitment from client, architect and landscape architect led to the creation of an engaging socially orientated urban environment, that has provided meaning, experience, and moments of delight.

hyperlane 超线公园项目位于成都市新都区核心位置,毗邻四川音乐学院新都校区。作为国内首个超线性空中立体商业公园,依托新都校园和周边社区活力人群,将构建一座长达 2.4 公里、充满活力和趣味的立体线性青年文化和生活方式目的地。展示区城市灵感空间现已对外开放。

hyperlane 超线公园由曾操盘成都太古里项目的核心团队投资、打造、运营,整体规划、设计、营造,打造高标准、高品质项目定位。商业产品规模的 60% 自持,坚持长线运营理念,提供专业保障,实现长期的商业价值。

Hyperlane is a 2.4km multi-level linear sky park, youth culture and lifestyle destination at the heart of the Sichuan Conservatory Of Music University in Chengdu. It establishes a vibrant and fun youth, music and life orientated linear space, linking the local transportation hub with the university community and campus in Chengdu. The Urban Gallery, the Initial phase of the project has recently opened.

Hyperlane is invested, built, and operated by the core team that once operated Chengdu Taikoo Li project. The overall planning and design intents to create high standards and high-quality design.60% of the commercial products is self-sustaining, adheres to the long-term business philosophy, provides professional support, and realizes long-term commercial value.

城市灵感空间 The Urban Gallery

作为整个 hyperlane 超线公园项目的一期建成展示区域,景观设计以社交为导向,打造吸引人流聚集的口袋空间。以“社区和联系”这一简单理念为驱动,运用大胆和充满活力的设计映射出超线公园前卫、充满艺术及创意活力氛围的项目特质。

The Urban Gallery was the first phase of the hyperlane project and a sociality orientated, pocket place for the community to come together. Defined by the simple notion of ‘community and connection’, the Hyperlane Urban Social Gallery is a bold, vibrant youth-oriented point of identity that reflects the artistic and creative culture of the district.


With the singular unifying expression of ”Community”, the layered circular form playfully morphs, transforms and adapts to the varying functions and experiences of the place; from the urban promenade along the street edge, tothe water carpet which acts as a threshold arrival scene to the space, to the performance gallery and the community terrace and the small social seating pods nestled intimately within the planting.

▼设计过程 Design Process


The resulting urban gallery consists of both a curatable and a permanent programme. It is a social experiential place and point of community connection that supports the youthful creative arts and music culture.

设计始于 2019 年新冠疫情发生之前,但在疫情结束后正式对外开放的展示区,碰巧响应了目前大形势下的保持适当距离的社交空间原则。

Designed pre-COVID-19, with construction completing shortly after lockdown, the socially defined space provides perfect response to social distancing with an urban space in accordance with local guidelines.

都市广场 Urban Promenade


The Promenade consists of a network of connective walkways, planters, and multidirectional social seating that combined acts as a fringe and buffer to the main road set within a layer of trees.


The “Water Carpet”, is designed to allow for visual connectivity whilst creating an interactive & mesmerizing sense of arrival. The combination of shallow water, playful edges, lighting displays, textural contrast and planting offer a visual and physical theatrical experience and journey, between the urban promenade and the performance gallery. A place for people of all ages to play at the water’s edge or relax on the seating nodes in shade of the trees.


We developed a number of bespoke lighting features that playfully bring a unique quality to the daytime and night time experience.


A submersed, double layer detail was developed that ensures visual control and clarity of line and illuminates the water’s edge.As a point of contrast to the shallow flat reflective water, our signature voids puncture the water’s surface creating a feeling of depth and a unique and interesting visual both during day and at nighttime.

演艺空间 The Performance Gallery


The Performance Gallery is designed to be a curatable urban catwalk, a vibrant exterior space that works in combination with the interior programme to encourage impromptu performances, arts exhibitions, cultural gatherings and open-air theatre.

24 小时社交台地 24 Hour Social Terrace

位于场地东侧的雕塑感露台,为观众提供了树荫下聚会交谈和观看演出的机会。露台边缘的灯光透过穿孔钢板映射在地面,营造了独特充满活力的夜晚氛围,为人群提供 24 小时全时段、安全的多维度聚集空间。

Enclosed to the east is the sculptural terrace deck which is orientated to allow onlookers to gather in the shade of the trees to watch performances or to meetup and connect. The lighting and edge display of perforated steel creates a unique and vibrant night-time atmosphere and effect, providing a safe, well light 24 hour space. For the community to gather, in and around.


To the north eastern perimeter ‘The Curtain’ creates a sinuous movement, a backdrop that holds the entire space as one, while screening to the carpark to the east.


The northern most space consists of intimate scale, individual and connective spaces allowing for outside working, small meetings, and individual retreats nestled within the planting and movements of the curtain.

传递信息的树 Trees with a message

我们试图寻找一种具有标志意义的树种来表达这个项目的特质,它必须是本土的且与场地自然环境有强烈关联的树种。最终我们找到了成都乃至整个四川特有的桢楠,同时也是一种由于栖息地破坏而被记录在册的濒危物种,给了我们一个很好的契机去展示这一濒危物种对于城市环境质量改善方面的重要作用。桢楠美丽的树冠形态令人惊叹,作为常绿大乔木落叶极少,是种植在水边的理想树种之一,最高可以长到 30 多米,浓密的树冠可以在高温的夏季为人们提供遮阳空间。

The project is defined with a signature tree, one that is native (indigenous) and held strong meaning and relation to the natural environment. Phoebe Zhennan (桢楠) is an endemic species to Chengdu and the province of Sichuan, and one that is registered on the endangered species list due to habitat loss. The hyperlane presented a wonderful opportunity to introduce this at-risk species on mass in the urban environment. It’s an amazing and unique species with a beautiful evergreen canopy, so ideal to use in close proximity to the water bodies with its limited leaf litter. With the potential to grow up to 30m in height it creates a dense shade at ground level for people to gather and rest from the strong summer temperatures.

商业地产新逻辑 New Commercial Consciousness

hyperlane 超线公园在中国地产行业引领了一种全新的商业发展思维——即商业项目的成功与否不再以短期商业收益为评估标准,而是更加注重商业实践中通过对社会和环境的体系、功能规划、体验的重视和打造,为城市社区和人群带来丰富的价值、深远的效益和积极的影响。

hyperlane 超线公园以一种提升社区价值和生活体验的商业实践新玩法,建成后将成为一个全栖、多元、开放、前沿的城市灵感空间,也是未来成都新潮文化的策源地、时尚消费的目标地。

The hyperlane leads the movement of a new consciousness within the Chinese development industry, one that stems from a clear understating that long term social, environmental and economic success of a development isn’t achieved by short term commercial gains, but with attention to socially and environmentally orientated systems, programme and experiences that add meaningful value, experience and delight to the lives of the community.

When completed the hyperlane will provide a valuable contribution to the local urban environment that considers human comfort, safety, accessibility, scale, programme equality and diversity that brings a bold injection of vibrancy to the daily lives of all the creative and arts community.

场地 The Site



The site was formally a series of derelict walled in spaces used for unplanned Parking and offered zero social or environmental value to the area or community. The perimeter walls resulted in the student accommodation area being physically and socially disconnected from the university campus, with only a small number of narrow degraded alleyways allowing access.

It was these alleyways, crammed with life, people and food sellers that offered a clue to the creative and artistic energy that laid under the surface of the community. Each alleyway was an expression of the students; the walls displayed bold and vibrant urban art and graffiti.


The student accommodation area offered more ideas to the community’s current lifestyle with an environment full of vibrant visual art. The tarmac streets were brought to life with colourful graphic painting and the shops, stores and outside dining was compacted in small scale clusters and pockets.

愿景 Connective Vision

我们的愿景是构建一座活力与绿意兼具的多层线性社交商业公园,呼应川音文化艺术高地用户特质,将这条 2.4 公里的开放式慢行系统天空花园成为打通川音校园及周边社区以及新都东站交通枢纽的连接——实现高线公园形态、城市空间、商业空间三者的有机融合,为景观都市主义实践带来新的契机。

The vision was to create a hyper connective, multiple level linear social platform that responded to the unique and characteristics of the students. The design connects in every direction, creating a barrier free sky park and pedestrian network which stretches over 2.4km, linking the new Chengdu fast train station to the university while allowing for direct north / south permeability from the student accommodation to the university campus. The hyperlane creates a critical platform for social, transportation and blue/green infrastructure!

人与自然 People and Nature


The landscape design is founded on the principle of creating a balanced system that responds to both the humanistic and environmental needs of the project.

面向潮流青年社区群体的项目长达 2.4 公里连续景观长廊提供了一系列社交、演艺活动、创意文化、互动艺术装置。

A series of youth community-oriented networks, connections, social spaces, performance, and creative arts progammes and activities interplay along the entire length.


The vision for the project was to bring nature and natural systems into the heart of the design, so planting species selected are predominantly local and look to encourage insects, birds and wildlife to the urban corridor.

hyperlane 超线公园项目响应了周边高校及多样化人群的使用需求,提供诸如休闲娱乐、社交、文化艺术展等活动需求的聚集场地。

Each layer of the design responds to the adjacent demographic, providing both recreational space, connective network, cultural and exhibition areas and place for people, to connect, gather and simply hang out.


景观设计:ASPECT Studios

景观设计主创:Stephen Buckle, ASPECT Studios 工作室总监

团队成员:罗彦,许宁吟,Alex Cunanan de Dios, 周沫,底帆


建筑设计主创:温子先博士,Aedas 全球设计董事

照明设计:BPI 照明设计






Client: Chengdu Xinding

Landscape Architecture: ASPECT Studios

Principle: Stephen Buckle, Studio Director of ASPECT Studios

Landscape Design Team: Yan Luo, Sam Xu, Alex Cunanan de Dios, Morey Zhou, Iris Di

Architecture: Aedas

Principle: Dr. Andy Wen, Global Design Principle of Aedas

Lighting: Brandston Partnership Inc.

LDI: BW Landscape Design

Construction drawing design: BW-landscape PLANNING AND DESIGN

Contractor:Chengduu First Construction Engineering of CDCEG

Photography: Lu Bing

Rendering: ASPECT Studios, Aedas


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