发布时间:2019-11-06 16:50:59 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The project is located outside the North Fifth Ring Road of Beijing, 600 meters east of Lishuiqiao Metro Station, with many residents in the surrounding area, while the nearest residence to the site of the project is only one road away, which can be said to be “the park downstairs”.

▼公园鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the park ©王维琦


The project is a Linear Park, and due to low usage, the landscape contents are damaged which need to be renovated and improved. In terms of planting, because the current hierarchical collocation of the site is good, it just needs to add appropriate colored leaf vegetation to enrich the overall color, and add flower type plant groups along the road, to be close to visitors, and improve the quality.

▼公园鸟瞰局部,增加色叶植被以丰富整体色彩,partial bird-eye’s view of the park, adding appropriate colored leaf vegetation to enrich the overall color ©王维琦


The vaguest thing about the renovation project is what kind of action we are going to do, should we be innovative in every aspect, or should we focus on some areas and stop at where it should. The essential difference between renovation project and new project is that the new project starts from scratch and belongs to “founding”; while the renovation project is more like a relay race, which needs to preserve the original advantages and “continue” the memory of the site. “The park downstairs” is like a small river outside the yard when we were children, and our memories of catching fish are always there. And as designers, being able to make the site full of memories last as long as possible is a treasure for others, as well as a reward for ourselves.

▼改造后公园的功能分区,the programming of the park after renovation ©北京市园林古建设计研究院YWA严伟风景园林工作室


In the first investigation of the current situation at the beginning of the design, what impressed us most was that 95% of the people in the park were concentrated in the basketball court area, while the basketball court area occupies only 1/20 of the whole park, which is a serious functional imbalance for urban parks. Therefore, the focus of our design is to increase the use of the rest areas, complement the missing functional landscapes, enable surrounding residents to enjoy real convenience benefits, and increase people’s happiness index.

▼公园鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the park ©王维琦


What is almost necessary for a park project is a path that can be circled, allowing people to take a walk after meals, jogging, etc. The design optimizes the existing unformed loop system, adding a road connection to form the “8” ring road, and removing the original road surface 1.5 meters wide into a plastic runway, which increases the use of road system. The two areas with the largest movable space in the project are the basketball court and the concrete platform in the center, which form the three flow zones together with the plastic runway.

▼公园内的塑胶跑道,增加了人们对道路系统的使用率,the plastic runway in the park, increasing the use of road system ©王维琦

▼塑胶跑道旁设有座椅,arranging seatings along the plastic runway ©王维琦


▼篮球场中的廊架,不仅为篮球爱好者营造了一处临时避雨空间,同时也为“篮球家属”提供一处等待观看的休息区,the gallery on the basketball court, creating a temporary shelter from the rain for basketball lovers and a waiting area for the “basketball family” ©北京市园林古建设计研究院YWA严伟风景园林工作室

▼镜面廊架结构,structural diagram of the gallery ©北京市园林古建设计研究院YWA严伟风景园林工作室

There is a concrete round table on the basketball court, which used to be a waterscape design, but died because of cost problem. How should the space be used? From the perspective of function, it is necessary to create a temporary shelter from the rain for basketball lovers, and also provide a waiting area for the “basketball family”. The top of the gallery is deliberately lowered. Firstly, it is the need for proportional relationship, and secondly, it is to create a frame effect from the inside out. The mirror surface material is used for the gallery frame to eliminate its existence as much as possible, make the corridor more light and transparent, and at the same time, the mirror image can also make the limited space under the gallery more open. Except for 5 bearing columns, the combination of several thin columns with different spacing is to create “visual confusion” with the background trunk, so as to weaken the trunk to avoid being abrupt. The semi – enclosing treatment of thin columns is also to make people feel a sense of belonging to the space of the gallery.

▼廊架,使用镜面材质以尽量消隐自身的存在感,从而使其显得更加轻盈通透,the gallery, using the mirror surface material for the gallery frame to eliminate its existence as much as possible, making the corridor more light and transparent ©王维琦

▼从廊架向外看,多根不同间距的细柱组合与背景树干形成“视觉混淆”,弱化树干,viewing surroundings from the gallery, the combination of several thin columns with different spacing is to create “visual confusion” with the background trunk, weakening the trunk to avoid being abrupt ©王维琦

▼篮球场,the basketball court ©王维琦


Simple hangers are added to the edge of the site to provide convenience for people. Considering the fierce nature of basketball, the hanger’s hooks are turned towards the green land to avoid people being accidentally stabbed by the hook in the fast confrontation. The 2-meter road to the south of the basketball court is widened by 5 meters, and a row of fitness equipment is added, and at the same time, the existing crabapple is retained to divide the traffic and fitness area.

▼在场地边缘添加简易衣架,通过海棠来划分通行和健身区域,adding simple hangers to the edge of the site, and the existing crabapple is retained to divide the traffic and fitness area ©王维琦


The central concrete platform is empty, which was designed as the children’s area, but also died because of the cost problem. Considering the large number of surrounding residents and the great demand for children’s field, we decide to design this area as a children’s theme space that had not been realized before. The children’s field is divided into upper and lower space, which is fully covered with the plastic floor. We add slide and climbing facilities on the slope of the upper and lower transition spaces. In order to avoid children accidentally run through the upper space and slip, a group of long benches is set up to divide the upper and lower space, which also provides rest for parents.

▼上下两层过渡空间的斜坡增加滑梯及攀爬设施,adding slide and climbing facilities on the slope of the upper and lower transition spaces ©王维琦


▼上层空间通过一条黄色弧线将南北贯穿,the upper space is traversed north and south by a yellow arc ©王维琦

The upper space is traversed north and south by a yellow arc, the both sides of which include house jumping, swing, seesaw, climbing objects, turntable and other children’s facilities. However, due to the overpriced ideal finished facilities, the seesaw is eventually replaced by “standing long jump” ground spraying, and the swings are cheap products. The hemispherical climbing objects are displaced, and the four climbing objects of different sizes are changed into quincuncial piles type stainless steel cylinder combination in order to keep the original plane relationship the same. Considering the height difference of children of different ages, the size of four groups of cylinders is designed into four grades. The two turntable facilities also need to reduce costs, as we don’t want to change the rotation, we have developed a brand new original facility together with the construction party. In terms of the participation of children and parents, the new facility is even more popular than the original. In addition, add seats to the low wall of the upper space boundary to provide rest space for parents.

▼四种尺寸的梅花桩式不锈钢圆柱组合,the quincuncial piles type stainless steel cylinder combinations in the four grades ©王维琦 (左), ©北京市园林古建设计研究院YWA严伟风景园林工作室(右)

▼转盘设施,the turntable facility ©王维琦 (左), ©北京市园林古建设计研究院YWA严伟风景园林工作室(右)


We retain the existing cement pipes at the lower space, and cover the cement pipes with gray paint for the less-than-ideal graffiti pattern on the outside, so as to return to the original appearance of the cement pipes, and avoid distracting them from the environment. The interior of the cement pipes is painted with red, yellow and blue respectively to feel different visual impact.

▼下层儿童场地,保留现状水泥管,将水泥管外部不理想的涂鸦图案用灰色涂料覆盖,the lower space of the children’s field, retaining the existing cement pipes and covering the cement pipes with gray paint for the less-than-ideal graffiti pattern on the outside ©王维琦

▼水泥管内部,彩色造成视觉冲击,interior view of the cement pipes, different colors create different visual impacts ©王维琦


▼采用锈钢板装饰的翻面墙,the inverted wall with rust steel plate decoration ©王维琦

The existing concrete wall is badly damaged, and if it is renovated with paint, it will still crack for a long time, so we design the inverted wall to cover it. However, due to the cost problem, after tripartite negotiations, there is only 3.6 meters of inverted wall left, and the rest of the wall has been adjusted to rust steel plate to decorate. During the construction, we found that the marks left by the angle grinder on the steel plate were very interesting, then we used the angle grinder to create random “random lines” on the site, which was an attempt beyond the drawing board.

▼在林间小路两侧随机散置异形坐凳,是功能和艺术的兼容,randomly place irregular benches on both sides of the forest path, which is the compatibility of function and art ©王维琦

▼总平面图,site plan ©北京市园林古建设计研究院YWA严伟风景园林工作室

▼篮球场及儿童区平面,plan of the basketball court and children’s field ©北京市园林古建设计研究院YWA严伟风景园林工作室

项目名称:华茂绿线北园改造 设计方:北京市园林古建设计研究院YWA严伟风景园林工作室 设计时间:2018年11月 竣工时间:2019年11月 设计团队:王维琦、殷小娟、曹悦、黄通、刘一雄、王超 结构设计:王初旭 项目地址:北京城建N次方西侧 景观面积:3公顷 摄影:王维琦


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