这是英国摄影师Charlie Crane拍摄的“平壤欢迎你”系列,为大家展示神秘朝鲜的面貌。虽然平壤不是一个旅游胜地,但照片在城市的各个景点处拍摄。摄影师花了近一年时间才得到许可,在那不能有手机,两个导游陪同着他,最开始导游像机器人一样介绍朝鲜的伟大成就,混几天变熟后,谈话就轻松有趣得多。摄影师形容这里是斯大林式迪斯尼乐园,其间限制是他体会过最强大的。摄影师在2007年出版了相关的书。
Welcome to Pyongyang
How do you photograph one of the most secretive countries in the world?
For me the answer was simple, photograph what they want you to see. If there is no possibility of getting underneath the surface then the answer was to photograph the surface itself. This series is taken from a larger body of work in Pyongyang, the capital city of North Korea.
Although not commonly thought of as a holiday destination all these photographs have been taken at tourist sites throughout the city.
It took over a year to get permission to go in with my camera and nothing quite prepares you for what awaits. I was not allowed to take my mobile phone past customs and was met by two guides who were to accompany me at all times throughout my trip. At first they appeared robotic in conversation as if reading from a script, telling of their country’s great achievements. After a few days and many polaroids the guides became more relaxed and personable.
Working with such tight restrictions in a country once described as a ‘Stalinist Disneyland’ was a real challenge but the result is the strongest body of work I’ve produced to date.
My first book ‘Welcome to Pyongyang’ was produced in conjunction with Nicholas Bonner of Koryo Tours and was published in the spring of 2007 by Chris Boot.
Charlie Crane