发布时间:2021-09-14 12:00:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


L&A design: Looking for a scholarship house, Retreat in the misty breeze, swinging lights and shadows, Looking down at the mountains and listening to the night rain. Whether it’s a knight or us, If you can’t resist the flood of reality, We should forget each other in the jungle, To the ultimate love and freedom.


When we first arrived at the foot of Mount Sun, the site was full of the warmth of Jiangnan and came to us with the beauty of a lonely mood. The atmosphere is vivid and remote, as if we were listening to an ancient story.



▼整体鸟瞰 Overall bird’s eye view

作为展示中心,也作为未来的季子书院,我们希望设计守住自然的原始、守护地域的精神,最终在场景中意境圆融。◯ 一草一木,一墙一池,被设计定格在空间中,诉说着无边无际的烟雨朦胧。◯ 此刻,忘却江湖的烦忧,生活的繁琐,隐入这无拘无束的山水田园……

As the exhibition center, and also as the future Jizi Academy, we hope to design the spirit of keeping the primitive nature and protecting the region, and finally blend the artistic conception in the scene. One grass and one tree, one wall and one pool are designed to be fixed in the space, telling the boundless mist and rain. At this moment, forget the worries of the rivers and lakes, the cumbersome life, and hide into this unfettered landscape…


归林|Return to the forest 非无江海志,潇洒送日月。当设计有了舍弃的姿态,场地便有了浑然天成的起始。穿过河畔茂密的水杉林,浓郁的墨绿色包裹着林荫绵延向前。远处忽现天光,那便是自然环境形成的绝佳入口。

It is not without the will of the river and the sea that I gracefully send off the sun and the moon. When the design has the gesture of surrender, the site will have a natural beginning. Through the dense Metasequoia forest along the river, the rich dark green color wrapped in the shade of the forest stretches forward, and the light of the sky suddenly appears in the distance, which is the perfect entrance formed by the natural environment.

▼水杉林道 Metasequoia Forest Road


Instead of imposing or eye-catching gates, only a wall made of two pieces of rough stone is used as the entrance. The original materials and the greenery at the bottom of the wall make it fit perfectly into this wild place, understated and natural. The wind occasionally blows through the stone cracks, emitting an empty whistle.

▼ 入口空间 Entrance space


The site is enclosed by a slice of wall to guide the line of sight, which enriches the spatial level and complements the single-story exhibition center with a sloping roof, giving it a taste of a Jiangnan inn when viewed from afar.

▼艺术的景墙水景 Artistic scenery wall waterscape


The slate sidewalls of the grassy slope terrain are grooved and spit out water like miniature hanging waterfalls that fall into the gravel. Just as the torrent rushes through the most rugged and treacherous section, the prosperous life will eventually return to calm and quiet.

偶有几只飞鸟路过,是否也会驻足?Occasionally a few birds pass by, will they also stop?

天青色正等烟雨。待雾气渐渐弥漫,植物被染上浓郁的墨绿色。The sky is cyan and waiting for the mist and rain. When the fog gradually fills in, the plants are tinted with a dense dark green color.


乐居|Joyful Living 笙歌归院落,灯火下楼台,住进江南烟雨梦里,景观陪伴着我们朝夕流淌。

The songs return to the courtyard, the lights go down to the terrace, Live in the dream of rain and smog in Jiangnan, The landscape accompanies us day and night to flow.

水上森林 Forest on the Water


The lush green islands intertwine with the water surface, forming a flowing curve and guiding the sight to the distance. The spreading branches and leaves of the modeled citrons grow upward to embrace the skyline.

墨青色微微晕染开来,是自然堆叠的板岩在池底的倒影。偶有淅淅沥沥的小雨落下,伴着摇曳的灯光在水面泛起涟漪。The inky green color faintly stains the reflection of the natural stacked slate at the bottom of the pool. Occasionally, a light rain falls, accompanied by swaying lights rippling on the water surface.

树林之下,景墙掩映其中,自然的材质剔除了一切人工痕迹,浑然天成。Under the woods, the scenic wall is hidden, and the natural material eliminates all traces of artificiality.

日月流转,景致随时间一同变幻,雾气氤氲而起,一切都被镀上了悦目的天色。 The sun and moon passed, the scenery changed with time, the fog was foggy and everything was gilded with a pleasant sky color.

丰草滋生 A bounty of grasses grows。穿过曲折的水上森林,一片开敞的草地空间赫然眼前。

After passing through the winding water forest, an open grassy space comes into view.

不刻意追求精致,仅用垒石矮墙,条形圆木,加以观赏草和景观灯点缀其中。The space is decorated with ornamental grasses and landscape lights, and is decorated with short walls of stone and round trees without deliberately pursuing refinement. 空寂广阔的氛围惹人沉思,心境也自然开阔起来。The silent and vast atmosphere invites contemplation and naturally opens up the mind.


We have hidden the delicate softness in the interaction with nature. After the rain, the stone slab is wet, the light is faintly lit up from the lush green grass, the water droplets gently fall on the leaf surface, and the exquisite atmosphere begins to reveal with the rain.


In the morning, walking through the courtyard, walking through the stone paths, feeling everything in this rich grass and long forest, enjoying the comfort and coziness within your reach.

枕水|Resting on the water 轻舸迎上客,悠悠湖上来, 一泓水泽承载着岁月的悠闲, 一叶小舟去往理想的家园。

The light boat welcomes the guests, the graceful lake comes up. A vast water carries the leisure of the years, A small boat goes to the ideal home.

理水见景 Rational water to see the scenery 水是后场的灵魂。 一座拱桥,一道长堤,将自然的水面轻轻荡漾开来, 变为可观可游的多重场景。

Water is the soul of the backyard. An arch bridge and a long embankment gently ripple the natural water surface into multiple scenes that can be viewed and swum.

A bird’s eye view of the back field water view


The spring water is as blue as the sky, and the boat is listening to the rain. The direction of the boat, and the slow flow of the river, waiting for the return of a long-lost friend.

木纹理的弧形拱桥,依水而立。桥身侧面微微倾斜,凸显轻盈漂浮感,同时也巧妙地将灯带融合隐藏。The curved arch bridge with wood texture stands by the water. The side of the bridge is slightly inclined, highlighting the sense of lightness and floating, and also cleverly hidden by the integration of light bands.

临水游园 Waterfront Garden 沿着水面游赏驻足,有孩童嬉闹,如同这一池荷花待放,生气蓬勃。

Along the water surface, there are children playing, just like this pond of lotus flowers waiting to bloom, vigorous.

无边界的水面通透澄澈,苍劲挺拔的松树与亭廊相互守望,形成巧妙的视线层次。The borderless water surface is transparent and clear, and the vigorous and tall pine trees and the pavilions and corridors are looking at each other, forming a clever visual hierarchy.

傍晚时分,别致清幽的氛围吸引着形形色色的人们。地形起伏之间,绿意延绵,错落有致又开敞舒适。 In the evening, the chic and quiet atmosphere attracts people of all kinds. Between the undulations of the terrain, the greenery stretches, staggered and open.

丛生香橼打造的林荫步道,下方搭配生态花境,从林下走过时暗香袭来,四时花境变化无穷,感受季节带来的惊喜。The shade walkway created by the thicket of citron and the ecological flower border underneath, the fragrance comes when you walk through the forest, and the flower border changes endlessly in all seasons, so you can feel the surprise brought by the seasons.

流水静默不语,远处雾气弥漫,一切都是想象中的江南模样。The water is silent, the fog in the distance, everything is like the imaginary Jiangnan.

雨水冲淡了焦躁与局促,柔光点亮了无限思绪。 The rain washes away the anxiety and confusion, and the soft light lights up the infinite thoughts.

With a reckless and spontaneous beginning, with a soft and profound end. Just like the epitome of countless stories, return to peace, return to sedation.



The beautiful natural texture should not be buried. During the investigation before the design, we found that the natural water network of the site is interspersed between the fields and gardens, with an excellent ecological and natural environment. However, the structures in front of us were simple and completely covered up the original beauty. It became our goal to restore the texture of the landscape with design and reproduce the painting of Jiangnan.

▼改造前的场地 The site shown before the renovation


The long-standing culture should not be forgotten. We have repeatedly thought that the essence of cultural tourism should not be to make people passively accept a certain culture, but to use the designated scenes to arouse people’s desire to explore the local culture. We hope that everyone who comes to Shunshan Town will leave with a story of what they saw, and then they will remember the culture of the place. The story we read is that of a woman in red who returned to her home on a rainy night, and lived on the water with the descendants of Jizi from then on. So, what about you?

项目建成后,周边的居民们渐渐把这里当做了一处小公园。 感谢甲方愿意分享这片美好的场地给所有人, 感谢古老的文化让我们遇见舜山小镇。

杉林没有起点,河水没有尽头, 舜山小镇的江湖里,到处都是远方。

项目名称:常州九洲舜山小镇文化展示中心 项目地点:常州市天宁区舜山小镇 项目类型:文旅项目示范区 占地面积:41246m² 建筑面积:654m² 景观面积:27000m² 客户名称:江苏九洲集团

景观设计:奥雅设计 上海公司 项目三组 景观施工:常州蓬勃园林市政工程有限公司 甲方总负责人:陈祥彬、徐泽、于达波 设计时间:2020.11 - 2021.1 竣工时间:2021.5 采写 / 奥雅设计 上海公司 项目三组 编辑 / Jennie 摄影 / 南西空间影像 Ming 视频 / 邓泳菁 视觉 / Lean

Project name: Changzhou Jiuzhou Sunshan Town Cultural Exhibition Center Project Location: Shunshan Town, Tianning District, Changzhou City Project type: Cultural tourism project demonstration area Land area: 41,246m² Building area: 654m² Landscape area: 27000m² Client Name



侠也好,我们也罢:常州九洲舜山小镇文化展示中心 / 奥雅设计
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