发布时间:2021-09-20 13:04:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Kainua is the ancient Etruscan city that stood near the current town of Marzabotto. Ca’ is a reference to the typical toponyms of mountain farmhouses. Inua is an Inuit language word that means “the essence of all things”, it is a spiritual concept that unites all beings and that is the principle of harmony between the living. The phonetic form of the Inuit term is the farm logo.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Fabio Mantovani


The new construction is a volume in stone and wood that has its roots in the mountain with which it forms a whole; a solitary object that expresses an intense relationship with the primordial energy and the geology of the mountainous landscape. The beauty and grandeur of the landscape in which the project is inserted required a delicate and careful approach, the new building had to present itself as a timeless object, one of the elements of the natural landscape.

▼由石材和木材组成的体量,volume consists of wood and stone ©Fabio Mantovani

项目是艺术家二人组Panem et Circences的住宅兼工作室,由一栋老农舍拆建改造而成。建筑包含两层,一层的部分空间埋入地下,加强与自然的联系,将人的视线拉近地面,改变了使用者对于内外关系的认知。

The house and work space of the artistic duo Panem et Circenses, obtained from the demolition and reconstruction of the old farmer’s house, develops on two levels, the ground floor is partially embedded in the ground to strengthen this building / nature link; a graft that changes internal / external perception by bringing the gaze line closer to the ground.

▼区位分析,location analysis ©Ciclostile Architettura

▼分解轴测图,exploded axonometric ©Ciclostile Architettura


The stones obtained from the demolition have been recovered and reused for the new stone wall on the ground floor (rebuilt on the footprint of the old wall), a connecting element between the new house and the renovated barn. The new portion, with structure in X-LAM panels, overlooks the main front only on the first floor, gracefully inserting itself in a strongly connoted landscape. The covering is in burnt wood, an ancient technique that we find in our Apennines but also in very distant places all over the world, a technique inextricably linked to the territory but projected everywhere, an inclusive and welcoming common language.

▼重建的老墙体连接新建筑和谷仓,reconstructed old walls connecting the new building and the barn ©Fabio Mantovani

▼新体量设于二层,new structure on the first floor ©Fabio Mantovani

▼立面近景,采用烧焦木材 closer view to the facade composed of burned wood ©Fabio Mantovani


Internally the dialectic between “hard” surfaces (the concrete of the basement portion of the living area, the mosaics of the bathrooms) and “soft” surfaces (fir wood used as floors and coverings) recalls the essentiality and austerity of the place. Each element is optimized to respond to a need that honestly denounces itself through its material choice.

▼室内设计轴测图,软硬表面形成对比 axonometric of the interior with dialectic between hard surfaces and soft surfaces ©Ciclostile Architettura


The internal distribution, dictated by the reading of the place and its intrinsic characteristics, requires us to make the most of the existing potential. The service rooms are all located on the north front and have small windows while in the south the living area / kitchen on the ground floor and the bedrooms on the upper floor have large openings. The openings on the ground floor are simply shielded by the overhang of the first floor while those in the bedrooms are equipped with a shielding system. These openings, in addition to maximizing the energy supply in the cold seasons and preventing direct radiation in the hot ones, offer a breathtaking view of the valley.

▼不同立面采用不同的开窗策略 different openings on different surfaces ©Fabio Mantovani

▼一二层开窗采用不同的遮阳方式,openings on the ground and first floors using different shielding methods ©Fabio Mantovani

▼入口,entrance ©Fabio Mantovani

▼起居空间概览,overall view of the living area ©Fabio Mantovani

▼开放的空间和巨大的开窗,open space and large windows ©Fabio Mantovani

▼餐厅和开放厨房,dining area and open kitchen ©Fabio Mantovani

▼卧室,bedrooms ©Fabio Mantovani

▼走廊,corridor ©Fabio Mantovani

▼卫生间,bathroom ©Fabio Mantovani


The whole house is insulated with a very thick wood fiber coat that allows us to use as heating / cooling only an air system powered mostly by photovoltaic panels located on the roof of the barn to mitigate its visual impact. Rainwater is collected in tanks and reused for watering the fields while the purification plant consists of a phytodepuration that works thanks to two ponds adjacent to the house.

▼能源分析,energy analysis ©Ciclostile Architettura


The barn has been renovated with mainly structural interventions and equipped with all the basic plant equipment. Today it is used as a warehouse for agricultural activities, over time a receptive structure will be created to welcome visitors.

▼夜景,night view ©Fabio Mantovani

▼雪景,snow view ©Artistic duo Panem et Circenses

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©Ciclostile Architettura

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Ciclostile Architettura

▼细部,details ©Ciclostile Architettura

Location: Medelana, Marzabotto (BO) Client: Artistic duo Panem et Circenses Tipology: Renovation Area: 400 square meters Consulent: EN7 srl, RES srl, Per. Ind. Federico Giovannini, Stefano Mattei Construction company: Vibrobloc Srl Status: 2017 – 2019 Prize: Prize for interventions made by young designers, In / Emilia-Romagna Architecture 2020 Photo: Fabio Mantovani Winter photo: Artistic duo Panem et Circenses


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