发布时间:2019-07-05 22:55:29 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
木质平台、3000 多种花卉和芳香植物,提供自然与城市景观相融合的休闲空间。


Visitors and tourists can now walk along all of the green spaces on the site and contemplate wonderful views of the city. Thanks to this new, privileged access to the river, Montrealers have reconnected with these grounds.

▼港口项目概览,overview of the port

Photography by Stephane Brugger

公共步行道|Public promenades

Grand Quay位于蒙特利尔 Old Port的Saint Lawrence河流沿岸,是游轮旅客行程的第一站:是他们最先与城市相接触的地方。项目于2018年向公众开放后,行人们便可以沿着d’Iberville步行道自由漫步,这条滨海景观步行道位于游轮码头的屋顶上,拥有巨大的木质平台和3000多种花卉和芳香植物。宽阔的台阶和楼梯使用木材,方便行人走上防火红雪松木材料的上部通道。花园屋顶一端的宽阔木质楼梯将人们引向Commencement广场,这是一片缓缓倾斜向河流的绿色草地。这片广阔的场地位于Grand Quay的一端,是一个让人在此沉思、聚会和沐浴阳光的地方,可以用来举办多种活动。

▼游轮码头建筑,a new cruise terminal

Photography by Stephane Brugger

▼宽阔的木质台阶及楼梯引导人们走上建筑屋顶的步行道,wide steps and a staircase, all in wood, have been built to grant pedestrians access to the upper pathway on the roof

Photography by Stephane Brugger

▼滨海景观步行道位于游轮码头的屋顶上,拥有巨大的木质平台和3000多种花卉和芳香植物,a landscaped esplanade located on the roof of the cruise terminal and featuring a vast wooden terrace and over 30,000 flowering and aromatic plants

Photography by Stephane Brugger

▼防火红色雪松木的上部通道,upper pathway made of fire-resistant red cedar

Photography by Stephane Brugger

步行道完善了Old Port公共空间的连接路网,以令人惊叹的方式重构了城市、港口和河流之间的联系。无论是步行、骑自行车或者乘坐公共交通工具或电车的人们都能够比以往更加方便的抵达这里。Provencher_Roy合伙人及建筑师Sonia Gagné解释说:“在项目开始,我们就打算将Old Port的线性公园延伸至码头。我们希望突显场地丰富性的同时提供一个公园、一个令人放松的场地和让人们保持自我的空间。”

This pedestrian path completes the Old Port’s network of public spaces and rebuilds, in admirable fashion, the ties between the city, the port and the river. Access to the site is more than ever facilitated, whether for pedestrians, cyclists, or users of public transit or electric cars. “From the project’s inception, it was our intent to extend the Old Port’s linear park onto the pier. We wanted to create a space that emphasizes the richness of the site while also providing a park, a place to relax, and a space that people could make their own,” explains Sonia Gagné, partner and architect at Provencher_Roy.

▼步行道完善了Old Port公共空间的连接路网,重构了城市、港口和河流之间的联系,this pedestrian path completes the Old Port’s network of public spaces and rebuilds, in admirable fashion, the ties between the city, the port and the river


Five light wells dot the elevated promenade and bathe the cruise terminal below in natural light. Green zones and numerous trees have been integrated into the site design. The landscaping also enables more fluid circulation, significantly simplifying vehicular access to the port facilities and to the parking spaces still available in the former hangars.

▼五个采光井点缀于抬高的步行道上,five light wells dot the elevated promenade

Photography by Stephane Brugger

▼下部的游轮码头沐浴在自然阳光中,light wells bathe the cruise terminal below in natural light

Photography by Stephane Brugger

当代视野|A modern vision

建筑事务所修复了这座码头,并将其改造为一处具有卓越建筑景观品质的游轮码头,连接沿着Saint Lawrence河流的现有步行路网。在2007年到2018年间,乘客和码头工作人员的数量从35,000增加到近127,000人。在过去,除非搭乘游轮,很少有人专门来参观这个地方。蒙特利尔港口希望跳出思维局限,与Provencher_Roy建筑师一起,打造一个更加现代化、目光深远的港口基础设施,满足现有需求。换一个角度来看,这片新建造的河流开放空间也让周边地区重新恢复了活力。

The firm restored this pier and transformed it into a cruise terminal of great architectural and landscape quality, connected to the existing pedestrian network along the Saint Lawrence River. Since 2007, passenger and crew member volume has risen from 35,000 to nearly 127,000 in 2018. Previously, few people visited this site, and did so for the sole purpose of boarding a cruise ship. The Port of Montreal was willing to think outside the box and to offer, with the architects from Provencher_Roy, a modern, integrated vision of the port infrastructures that better meets its needs. In turn, this newfound openness to the river has revitalized the neighbourhood.

▼现代化港口建筑内部,modern interior of the new terminal

Photography by Stephane Brugger

▼无与伦比的景观视野,incredible landscape view

Photography by Stephane Brugger


Photography by Stephane Brugger

历史概述和即将呈现的项目|A brief history and upcoming works

Alexandra码头是在20世纪初建造的一座重要船只码头,在那时,蒙特利尔是世界上最繁忙的谷物出口港口之一。占地380米长100米宽,码头最初包括四座巨大的两层机库。在1967年,伊比利亚国际客运站(Iberville International Passenger Terminal)保留作为专门供游轮乘客和车辆交通使用的设施,因此这里并不适宜于步行的交通方式,而机库改造为停车场则加剧了这一状况。虽然近年来在维护上投入巨大,但基础设施还是出现了老化和运营疲乏的先兆,制约了码头继续提供所期望服务的能力。

The Alexandra Pier was one of the major docks built in the early 1900s, a time when Montreal ranked among the world’s busiest ports for the export of cereals. Covering an area 380 metres long by 100 metres wide, it originally housed four immense, two-storey hangars. In 1967, the Iberville International Passenger Terminal, not especially suited to pedestrian circulation, was reserved for cruise passengers and automobile traffic, a situation exacerbated by the hangars’ conversion into parking lots. Despite substantial investment in maintenance work in recent years, the infrastructures showed advanced signs of aging and operational obsolescence that compromised their ability to keep providing the services expected of them.

▼宽阔的楼梯及步行道夜景,night view of the wide steps and promenade

Photography by Stephane Brugger


This was the backdrop against which the Port of Montreal undertook major renovation work for the cruise terminal in order to welcome cruise passengers arriving in Montreal with modern facilities and a first impression worthy of the city. Work will resume imminently with Phase II, which calls for the erection of an observation tower whose inauguration is slated for 2021. Finally, a sculpture roughly 16 metres tall in honour of three pioneering Montreal women will be installed at Commencement Square. This work of art’s structure and architectural vocabulary will evoke the Port of Montreal’s rich industrial heritage.

▼夜景效果图,night view rendering

▼步行道及建筑效果图,rendering of the promenade and building

▼一层平面图,first floor plan


The Port of Montreal’s Grand Quay: a new cruise terminal and a promenade on the green esplanade

Location: Montréal, Québec, Canada

Client: Port de Montréal

Surface Area: 38 000 m2

Year: 2018 – Cruise Terminal; 2021 – Observation Tower


Electromechanics: Pageau Morel et associés

Structure: NCK

Civil Engineering: WSP Group

Maritime Infrastructure: WSP Group

Landscaping: NIP Paysage

Interior Design: Provencher_Roy Design intérieur


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