发布时间:2022-09-03 11:24:53 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

对于MJA Studio事务所来说,为皇家淡水湾游艇俱乐部设计新建筑是一次难得的机会,同时也是一份重大的责任。俱乐部的历史可以追溯到126年前,原俱乐部建筑坐落在天鹅河畔最美丽的地方之一,并承载了俱乐部各个时期的历史。

To design new architecture for the Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club is a rare privilege and responsibility. The club has a history stretching back 126 years, is located in one of the most beautiful spots on the Swan River and contains buildings that span the history of the club.

▼远观建筑,viewing the project at distance


The old post war junior club, dinghy shed and ablutions block had reached the end of their life. They provided inadequate storage and amenity and the low ground that they were positioned on was prone to yearly flooding. Our brief was to demolish these three buildings and consolidate and improve their function through the creation of a new facility. The building was conceived as three separate elements that slide under and through one another.

▼南立面,south elevation

▼出挑的倾斜屋顶,the free-spanning sloping roof


The first is a low-slung parapeted form facing North and relating directly to the vehicular and pedestrian entry sequence to the heritage clubhouse, it is deliberately deferential in materiality and scale to the extant clubhouse. This weatherboard and limestone clad form houses training rooms, a fitness centre, changerooms and stores. External operable screens to the North help control light and privacy to the changerooms behind.

▼北立面,north elevation


The second taller form is characterised by its free-spanning Aramax roof, significant cantilevers and shadowy materiality which reduces its visual impact from the Swan River. This facility being a high-performance training centre for junior sailors we chose a high-performance roofing material to be the hero of the project’s built form. Tipping its hat up to North to allow clerestory glazing to the centre of plan and tipping its hat down to the prevailing breeze, these first principles of site response have been successful in providing the clubroom with natural light and ventilation whilst opening itself up to a substantial covered verandah and the river foreshore beyond. Serving both the clubroom and the verandah is a small commercial kitchen whose gas strut awnings allow serving to functions inside and out.

▼出挑的Aramax金属屋檐形成了大面积的阴影,the free-spanning Aramax roof with significant cantilevers and shadowy materiality

▼模糊的室内外界限,the blurred indoor-exterior boundaries

▼绝佳的湖面景观视野,excellent view of the lake


The third form is a free venting boatshed with direct loading to the riverside via perforated sliding doors. The gauge of these perforation is varied to emblazon the club’s logo and minimize the potential for wind generated whistling. The insulated panel skillion roof slides in and under the Aramax roof of the primary form.

▼开放式设计、通风自由的小艇棚,the free venting boatshed


Across the project careful attention to detail sees a series of elevational datums unite forms inside and out. The new building is located 25m from the Swan River and to address the problem of seasonal flooding a meter of fill was brought in to raise it above the flood levels. Drainage swales on the western side of the building were introduced to deal with the large amount of fast flowing run-off during heavy rain.

▼淋浴间前走廊,hallway of the shower room


The building has now been fully embraced by the club and it’s encouraging to see young sailors relish their own opportunities in this new facility.

▼总平面图,master plan




Completion date: 2022

Building levels: 1

Architect: MJA Studio

Project team: Wes Barrett, Jimmy Thompson, Jonathan Speer, Ash Blackwell


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